For Qiu Xing's telephone inquiry, Kirkman's answer is: at least one month after the operation, avoid sex. If you can't help it, it's better to be light, not too fierce.

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Xie Yang listened to the first sentence, and Qiu Xing listened to the second.

After two people have washed up and lie down on the bed, Jieyang closes his eyes and Qiu Xing presses Jieyang.

Xie Yang opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows: "don't you sleep?"

"Sleep." Qiu Xing was provoked for a day. At this time, he was covered in his eyes by * * and leaned toward Jieyang pressure, "sleep with you."

Qiu Xing is rare to be so explicit. Jieyang is stunned. Then he smiles and puts his hand on Qiu Xing's shoulder: "then you should remember to be lighter."



The next day Jieyang wakes up and uses the power to investigate the situation of Qiu Xing. Qiu Xingshu fell asleep, breathing slowly, relaxed, and even looked ruddy than yesterday.

There seems to be no effect.

Xie Yang takes back the power he has explored, leans over to kiss Qiu Xing's face, and gets up with light movements.

Master Liao is making breakfast downstairs. Xie Yang and master Liao say hello, and then turn around the room to enjoy the various decorations in the room that were not available for a close look yesterday. Then he turns to the back door and goes to the backyard.

The fountain is spraying tirelessly, and the Christmas tree is still standing in the pavilion.

Xie Yang went over, plucked all kinds of decorations on the tree, looked at the surrounding dolls at the top of the tree, reached out and touched it with a smile, and then turned back to the room.

He went to the piano room on the second floor to find the guitar, then he went to the study to remove his laptop, and then he went downstairs to put his things by the dining-room window where he could see the backyard most clearly. He dragged a chair and sat down comfortably and picked up his guitar.

The light and warm tone sounds intermittently, and then it becomes a piece slowly.

Liao Shifu heard the sound probe out to see, Han Han smile, draw back to the kitchen to make a cup of hot milk tea, sent to Jieyang's windowsill.

When Qiu Xing went downstairs, he saw this warm picture.

The lover wears pajamas and nests in the sofa by the window of the dining room, playing his guitar, humming a tune without lyrics, hot food on the table, and the sweet smell of milk tea fills the air.

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He stopped and stood at the door of the restaurant to see Xie Yang for a long time. When master Liao came out with another breakfast, he regained his mind and pointed his mobile phone at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang has entered the state of selflessness, did not find that Qiu Xing had already got up and went downstairs, and secretly photographed him. He hummed the tune that came out of his heart as he recalled his appointment yesterday.

Time flows quietly, and the air seems to be soft.

The sudden ringing of the doorbell broke the warmth of the room. Xie Yang just finished the last paragraph. Hearing the sound, he instinctively looked at the door and then faced the mobile phone standing up by Qiu Xing.


Qiu Xing was stiff. He quickly put away his mobile phone and said, "it should be Qinglin I'll go and have a look Then he turned and strode away.

Xie Yang squints.

The rat is taking a picture?

He put down his guitar and got up to follow.

The one who rang the doorbell was indeed fengqinglin. Qiu Xingfang let him in.

Feng Qinglin is still wearing yesterday's clothes. His face is very tired and his dark eyes are thick. He should have had a good rest for a while.

Qiu Xing frowned: "how did you toss yourself into this look?"

"I'm too busy. After Feng Zhen was investigated, Fenghua's business in foreign countries was completely disordered. I took the opportunity to rectify it. Now I have completely grasped it." Feng Qinglin replied. After changing the slippers, he saw the star lamp above the porch. After a while, he continued, "the wind code has begun to guard against me."

"Fengjia characteristics." Qiu Xing cold evaluation, side way, "first come, while eating breakfast said."

Feng Qinglin nodded, and walked in with Qiu Xing.

After turning out of the porch, the living room filled with Christmas decorations was revealed.

The wind is clear and the rain is dull again.

Xie Yang just came to see the expression of the wind and Qinglin. He laughed, half greeting and half explaining: "these decorations are specially prepared by your uncle for Christmas. Are they good-looking?"

Qiu Xing remembered that there were still these decorations at home. He froze for a moment, glanced at the wind and clear rain, and said, "it's just for Christmas Well, go to breakfast. " With that, he took Xie Yang's hand and took Xie Yang into the restaurant.

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Feng Qinglin was left behind So that's why he was blocked out last night?

Three people sat down on the dining table one after another, and the wind and clear rain noticed the scenery in the courtyard.

Qiu Xing took over the tableware that master Liao gave Feng Qinglin, and put it in front of Feng Qinglin. His tone was hard: "don't look at it casually. Have a good meal."

Yang yang to the wind, the solution to the wind.


After filling his stomach half full, Feng Qinglin began to talk about business.

"I was in Zha Fengdian. After he came to power, he suddenly became a little smarter and tried to support and imprison me. This is not his style. I suspect someone is instructing him."Qiu Xing asked, "are there any suspects?"

"I haven't got a clue yet. I had guessed that Fengdian had something to do with Qiu Jingwei, Qiu De, or some other Rongding person. After all, he had always been very ambitious about Rongding, but after the shareholders' meeting of Rongding, I found that it was not. Fengdian was shocked and displeased when he heard the news of your recovery. When he mentioned Qiu Jingwei and others, he only sneered and despised, and there was no panic. Therefore, I guess he has no interest relationship with Qiu Jingwei and others. "

"No, it's Feng Chuang who has something to do with Qiu De. As for Qiu Jingwei, he is very cautious, and his attention has been focused on the right to close down Rongding

Feng Qinglin nodded: "so I'm still checking."

"Can it be Tao Yang?"

Feng Qinglin and Qiu Xing stop talking and look at Xie Yang together.

Jieyang ate the last fried egg and wiped his mouth: "I think it's Tao Yang. Feng family is in a mess now, and Fengdian is a duel that can't be supported. Smart people either choose to leave or go to Qinglin. There are only two types of people who will choose Fengdian: those who have bad brains and those who have private complaints with us. I prefer the latter. The only person who has a personal complaint with us, who has the ability to point out Fengdian, and who is not on your excluded list, is Tao Yang, whose whereabouts are still unknown. "

The wind is clear and the rain is thoughtful.

Qiu Xing frowned.

Xie Yang asked again: "Qinglin, I asked you to check the Xianghe district. How are you doing?"

Feng Qinglin regained his consciousness and looked serious: "this is what I want to say this time. The community has been found. It is in a remote county of T City, but it has been demolished. It was demolished last year. "

So the clue is broken.

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"And Adam, the casual worker, I got a section of the sanatorium surveillance and his employment information at the time." Feng Qinglin took out his mobile phone, turned out a document and handed it to Jieyang, "have a look."

Xie Yang took over, and first opened the entry information to read it.

"Adam" in the employment information is 35 years old, with black hair and black eyes. He is slightly fat and dark. His eyebrows and eyes are indeed similar to Tao Yang, but not Tao Yang.

Xie Yang opened the video again.

A figure with brown and half long hair appeared in the surveillance screen. He kept his head down and his back was slightly collapsed. He looked very listless. In the second half of the video, Adam's face is captured. Jieyang pauses the video.

The man on the screen has dark yellow skin and messy hair on his forehead, covering his eyebrows and eyes. At first glance, he is totally different from Tao Yang, but if you look closely, you can see that this is Tao Yang himself.

"The person on the employment information is not Tao Yang, but in the monitoring."

Qiu Xing reached out to Jieyang: "let me have a look."

Xie Yang hands the mobile phone to Qiu Xing. Qiu Xing quickly looked at Xie Yang and Feng Qinglin and asked in a deep voice, "it seems that you didn't tell me something. What's the matter with Xianghe district and this?"

Xie Yang remembered that he had not told Qiu Xing that he and Feng Qinglin were in the chamu Zhouyi. He motioned for the breakfast in front of Qiu Xing: "eat first, and I'll explain to you after eating."


After breakfast, the three people sat down in the living room and exchanged and summarized information. The final conclusion is that the last attack on Xie Yang and the subsequent traffic accident should be the joint efforts of Mu Zhouyi, Tao Yang and Fengdian.

After thinking for a long time, Xie Yang shook his head and said, "no, I think there should be no wind code."

Qiu Xing pondered and did not speak.

Feng Qinglin was stunned and asked, "why?"

"Because Fengdian was too stupid and inflexible, he didn't have a position in Feng family at that time. He was a normal person and would not choose to cooperate with him."


Qiu Xing suddenly took out his mobile phone and dialed out a phone call. After connecting, he turned on the hands-free and asked, "whose idea was it to ask Xie yang to attend the conference of the North chamber of Commerce?"

Long Deputy Dong's voice came out: "it was arranged by Qiu Jingwei."

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"No, I asked, who first came up with the idea."

"First of all It should be Qiu de. " Vice Dong Long tried to recall, "when Chou Jingwei arranged these things, he talked to me. He said that Qiu de was honest and honest, but he had a lot of crooked ideas in his mind. He also boasted that Qiu de had come up with a very good way to get rid of his power."

Qiu hang up the phone and look at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang laughs: "it's not Fengdian, it's Fengchuang. Qiu De is related to Fengchuang. Maybe there's a Liu Jiang?"

Feng Qinglin didn't respond for a moment: "how is it Fengchuang? He --"

Xie Yang reminded him: "what crime did Feng Chuang commit? Don't you remember?"

What crime? Bribery, infringement of trade secrets Feng Qinglin finally responded.

What Feng Chuang committed was the crime of infringing on trade secrets, and what he violated was the trade secrets of taojia. After grasping Fengchuang, he instinctively thought that Fengchuang had taken advantage of the marriage between Fengjia and taojia to obtain the trade secrets of taojia. But what if it was not? If these are actually the cooperation chips given by someone to Fengchuang Feng Qinglin immediately stood up: "I'm going to see feng Chuang."Xie Yang and Qiu Xing didn't stop him.

"You remember to tell Feng Chuang that Tao Yang transferred to Fengdian."

"Tell Feng Chuang that as long as he is willing to give up Tao Yang, I can help his family arrange a way out."

They open their mouths together and look at each other side.

Wind Qinglin today do not know how many times stay, the line of sight is still looking at Qiu Xing and Xie Yang body swept, should be a good silence, turned away.

After Feng Qinglin left, Qiu Xing contacted the lawyers who had been sent to follow up Wang Weiguo's case and Zheng Dajin's case. He learned that neither the interrogation nor the investigation had made any progress on the part of the police. Several cases were set up in the accounts transferred to Wang Weiguo and Zheng Daqian. It was suspected that the source account had been cancelled and was abroad, which was very difficult to investigate.

Qiu Xing's expression was ugly, and he couldn't help grasping Jieyang's hand.

Xie Yang approached Qiu Xing: "worried about Tao Yang and Mu Zhouyi hurting me?"

Qiu Xing's tone was very low: "I don't understand their madness."

Normal people don't understand. Xie Yang thought for a moment and said, "it's very easy to force them out."

"How to force it?"

"Mu Zhouyi doesn't mention it for a moment. The more Tao Yang sees us, the worse he feels. We just need to cut off their back and show them how good we are, and they will gradually lose their sense and finally jump in front of us. But this method has risks, attacks and car accidents. It can be done more than once. "

"No Qiu Xing held Jieyang in his arms and felt the back of Jieyang's head. "That kind of dangerous thing can't happen again."

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