The police soon arrived and took the crazy muzhouyi with the champagne tower.

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Because Mu Zhouyi was suspected of having lost something in the food, the police told Xie yang to end the meeting ahead of time for the sake of safety, and said that the banquet hall should also be closed for a while, and then opened after the police had checked the situation.

Xie Yang is very cooperative. After explaining the reason to the fans and sending them a consolation gift, Xie Yang and Qincheng arrange for the fans to leave.

After seeing off the fans, Xie Yang comes to the hotel's presidential suite, takes out the room card and opens the door.

Obediently sit in wait for the result of the enemy line immediately toward Xie yang to see.

Jieyang smile, toward the enemy line than a "OK" gesture: "done."

Qiu Xing's clenched fist relaxed. He got up and strode to hold Xie Yang in his arms. He touched the back of Jieyang's head. There was a trace of relief and coldness in his voice: "there is another one."

"Well, there's another one." Xie Yang held Qiu Xing in his arms, "so you have to refuel."


On the way to the police station to make a record again, Qiu Xing made a lot of calls to He Jun, Feng Qinglin, Ke Keman, Tao Huazhang, as well as some people who Jie Yang was not familiar with. The contents of the call were also various and varied.

When he got to the police station, Qiu Xing finally put down his mobile phone. Jieyang asked, "do you have regulations?"

"Well, cut off Fengdian's claws first, so that he can't help Tao Yang. There are other arrangements. " Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang from the side of his head, raised his hand and touched Jieyang's face, "hold on for a while, and soon no one will hurt you again."

Xie Yang smiles and kisses the palm of Pro Qiu Xing.

After finishing the record, the police told Xie Yang that Mu Zhouyi refused to explain and asked to see him.

Qiu Xing's expression is more heavy when he hears the speech. Xie Yang pats Qiu Xing's hand and agrees to meet Mu Zhouyi.

The three people walk to the door of the interrogation room where the wooden Zhouyi is located. The police help Xie Yang open the door of the interrogation room. Xie Yang turns around and says to Qiu Xing, "I will come out soon." Then he stepped into the door and sat opposite the book of changes under the eye of the book of changes.

With the door closed, Mu Zhouyi immediately approached Xie Yang, but did not speak. Instead, he watched the door of the interrogation room and the monitor in the corner.

"Don't worry. The monitor is off. No one is eavesdropping on us."

Mu Zhouyi immediately looked at Xie Yang and said in a slightly anxious way, "Xie Yang, give it back to me, and I can tell you where Tao Yang is. I swear, as long as you give it back to me, I promise I won't hurt you again. I can even help you. I can do a lot of things for you. Tao Yang is so terrible that you can't fight him. You need my help. "

Xie Yang looked at Mu Zhouyi's present appearance and affirmed: "no, you don't know Tao Yang's whereabouts. You should have fallen out."

Wood Zhou Yi's eyes stare, and then quickly shake his head: "no, I know, I know."

"And where is he?"

Mu Zhouyi choked, bowed his head, glanced at both sides, and then looked up at Xie Yang: "anyway, I know, you don't want to trap me. You give it back to me before I can tell you. "

Xie Yang looks at Mu Zhouyi and doesn't speak.

Mu Zhouyi got worried and sped up: "Xie Yang, you certainly don't know how Tao Yang came to me and bewitched me. He's a madman. As long as he doesn't show up, you'll never find him. I swear, you'll never find him. He will always hide in the dark and stare at you like a poisonous snake

Wood Zhouyi said and said, actually laughed, the tone also became strange: "he created a series for you, called Adam and his birds, your ending he has written, one died of disease, another broken wings, fall dust pain for a lifetime, your ending has been doomed."

So Tao Yang didn't want his life?

Xie Yang leaned close to the book of changes and looked at the eye of the book of changes: "but I have it. What poisonous snakes are I afraid of? Don't you know its omnipotence? "

Mu Zhouyi's expression stopped suddenly, and then he began to struggle like crazy. He pulled the handcuffs fixed on the chair clattered and said in a shrill voice: "no! You can't use it, it's mine! It's mine! It's me -- "

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she suddenly looks at the door of the interrogation room, then stops abruptly, sits back in her chair, and says to Xie Yang, without expression," no, you can't use it, you destroy it. "

Jieyang laughed: "so it has been destroyed by me, how should I return it to you?"

Mu Zhouyi's expression twisted for a moment, his breath became heavy and heavy, his eyes obstinate, and he faintly collapsed: "is it really destroyed?"

Xie Yang nods.

"No Mu Zhouyi lowered his head and tore his hair painfully, "no, you are lying to me, you are lying to me! Xie Yang, why do you want to aim at me, why do you want to rob me, why do you... "

"It was you who first put your hand on Qiu Xing and me. It's going to hurt everyone you touch, you know? "

Wood Zhou Yi stopped, raised his eyes to see Xie Yang, then quickly dropped his eyes and shook his head: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"You know." Xie Yang leaned back to his chair with a cold look, "for your own selfish desire, you wantonly intervene in destroying other people's lives. Your biological father, your stepmother, your stepsister have been taking care of your huangtao, even Hong Zhijie, Feng Qingbai, and Qinglin, who later split up with you. Have they ever done something that I'm sorry for you? ""No, don't tell me. I'm right. I just want to have a better life. It's voluntary. They like me. They are all from themselves -"

"that's not like, it's mind control." Xie Yang said while exploring the power, toward the wood Zhouyi entangled and went, called, "wood Zhouyi."

Under the influence of power, Mu Zhouyi calms down a little and looks at Xie Yang foolishly.

"Have you ever thought that you are also a victim controlled by it?"

The ability penetrates into the brain of the book of changes, washes it over and over again, and at the same time, Jieyang starts to operate an energy template in the core of the power.

[locating the former host, locating 】

with the appearance of the system prompt tone, a dark energy mass about the size of sesame appears in Mu Zhouyi's brain, and the power is immediately wrapped in it, tightly blocked, and then pulled out by the roots, and brought out strongly.

Mu Zhou Yi hums and raises his hand to press his brain.

Sure enough, there are system tags.

Xie Yang put the dark energy group into his body, locked into the core of the power, and said to Mu Zhouyi, who began to yawn, "I urge you to confess your guilt and confess Tao Yang. When you are mentally unstable, you are instigated to do something wrong. There is a big difference between the punishment and the crime of conspiracy to murder. If you don't want to go to prison, you should confess some."

"No..." Mu Zhouyi shakes his head to get rid of sleepiness and tries to talk.

Xie Yang planted a small power group in Mu Zhouyi's brain to help Mu Zhouyi continue to detoxify. Then he stood up and walked to the door of the interrogation room and reached for the door.

"No Xie Yang

Xie Yang looks back.

Mu Zhouyi leaned over the table and obstinately looked at Xie Yang. His eyes were wide open. He asked in confusion, "what's wrong with him? Qinglin..."


Xie Yang didn't answer what he asked: "the reason why you were able to keep comfortable in foreign sanatoriums was because of the care of Qinglin. Wooden Zhouyi, if you don't use it indiscriminately, you can actually live a happy life. " Then he opened the door and strode away.

The door of the interrogation room was automatically closed to shut off the sudden burst of crying.

Qiu Xing immediately went forward to observe Jieyang's expression and frowned: "are you in a bad mood? What did she say? "

Qiu Yang shook his head: "No. Come on, I want to go home. "

Qiu Xing immediately took Xie Yang back and took a look at the door of the interrogation room. Without asking, he took Xie Yang out of the police station.

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On the way home, Xie Yang brushed his microblog. What happened to Mu Zhouyi at the meeting has been posted to the Internet by fans. There are several related topics hanging on the hot search, and some videos taken by fans are also on the top.

The topic is full of qualms and sighs of melon eaters.

How did the book of changes become like this?

Is she crazy?

Actually, I put something into the drink secretly, in case some fans eat it I can't imagine how she can be so bad.

I don't know why she hates Jieyang so much. Who is fengqinglin?


I've powdered her before. She's so beautiful to smile.

-- Mu Zhouyi will die!

Xie Yang turned off Weibo and looked at Qiu Xing beside him: "press the heat."

Qiu Xinggang finished a phone call, Wen Yan looked back at Xie Yang and held Jieyang's hand on his leg: "good."

Xie Yang went to bed early that night. Qiu Xing goes to bed early with Xie Yang. He holds Xie Yang in his arms and gently follows Xie Yang's back. Xie Yang lies in the arms of Qiu Xinghuai, closes his eyes, and starts to drive the power to nibble at the energy group recovered from muzhouyi's brain today.


A night of messy dreams.

The next morning, Xie Yang wakes up from his sleep and carefully recollects and distinguishes the information obtained from the energy group in Mu Zhouyi's brain last night. He opens the quilt and goes to the bathroom to look for him. He doesn't find Qiu Xing. He goes downstairs. Finally, he finds Qiu Xing who is frying eggs under the guidance of master Liao in the kitchen and says, "I know where Adam and his birds are 。”

Qiu Xing is frightened by Xie Yang's sudden appearance. His shovel slips and pokes a perfect soft boiled egg in two. The sugar heart flows in a pot.

"Oh, it's a pity. It's the best one." Master Liao was so distressed that he quickly turned off the stove. Then he looked at Xie Yang and said with a smile, "Yang Yang is up. Ah Xing is making fried eggs for you. He says you are in a bad mood and wants to coax you."


Xie Yang picks eyebrows and looks at Qiu Xing, who seems to have been frozen in front of the pot. He steps forward and looks at the egg in the pot which is dismembered.

"Don't listen to master Liao's nonsense." Qiu Xing loosened the shovel and blocked Xie Yang. He pushed Xie yang to go out. He didn't let Xie Yang look at the pot behind him. "I just got up too early and studied blindly."

"I love you."

Qiu Xing stops suddenly and looks down at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang flexibly turned around Qiu and walked to the pot. He first looked at the four eggs that failed to be fried in the plate next to him. Then he looked at the dead eggs in the pan. Finally, he looked at Qiu Xing, who was chasing after him, and asked, "how long have you learned?"Qiu Xing did not reply, suddenly reached out to Jieyang, slightly tough to Jieyang out of the kitchen, stuffy head upstairs.

Xie Yang is funny, follow Qiu Xing's strength to move forward, deliberately asked: "fried eggs to coax me, learn from me?"

“…… Nonsense Qiu Xing finally opened his mouth and quickened his pace more and more. He pushed Xie Yang into the room and pressed Xie Yang on the door. His eyes were burning and he asked, "what did you just say in the kitchen?"

"I know where Adam and his birds are," he repeated slowly

Qiu Xing was stunned and frowned: "what are Adam and his birds?"

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"It was the information about Tao Yang that I got out of the wooden Zhouyi yesterday."

Qiu Xing was thoughtful, and then he suddenly reacted and pressed the solution. Yang glared at him: "don't change the topic. I didn't mean this sentence."

Xie Yang pretended to think: "but I just said this sentence in the kitchen."

"Don't pretend to be stupid."

"I didn't pretend to be stupid."

Qiu Xing was very anxious and continued to stare at Xie Yang: "you said it clearly."

"What did I say?"

"You say I love --"

Xie Yang smiles.

Qiu Xing responds. Shut up.

"What did you say?" Xie Yang asked


They look at each other.

Qiu Xing's eyebrows and eyes were loose. He laughed and held back. He raised his hand and knocked Xie Yang's head. Then he held Jieyang in a low voice: "you say I love you. "

Jieyang was satisfied and hugged Qiu Xing: "wrong, this is clearly what you said."


After breakfast, Xie Yang drives to a warehouse in the suburb of B city with Qiu Xing.

"Adam had to work hard to survive after he was driven out of Eden, which was God's punishment. "Xie Yang takes Qiu Xing to the door of the warehouse where there are withered grass and points to the number on the warehouse." in Tao Yang's eyes, you must work very hard to survive. He takes you as an art work to observe. When such a madman is crazy, his behavior mode will certainly bring out some of his ideas. "

Qiu Xing looked at the number on the warehouse: "number B12 YD."

"Your month of birth - 12, your code name - YD." Jieyang also pointed to the warehouse door next to a look is not long spray painted blood red broken wing bird pattern, "my code name - bird."

Qiu Xing frowned fiercely, turned aside to block Xie Yang from seeing the pattern and asked, "how can you guess here?"

Because he saw the memory of this period of time through the systematic markers in his brain. In contact with Tao Yang, Mu Zhouyi heard words like warehouse and unloading from Tao Yang's background voice. Mu Zhouyi did not notice these details, but he did.

Xie Yang thought about it for a while and then replied, "because Mu Zhouyi mentioned the word" warehouse "when he was in a state of emotional collapse yesterday. Then I thought about it

Qiu Xing just casually asked, smell speech and turn to look at this apparently abandoned warehouse.

Xie Yang also looked at the past: "Tao Yang should no longer be here."

"But with clues, it will be much easier to find his other hideouts." Qiu Xing took back his sight, "inform the police first."

Xie Yang nods.

They go back downtown to the police station. When I got to the police station, the policeman I met yesterday was walking out with his partner. Xie Yang stopped and asked about the situation.

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"The book of changes." The police spoke quickly, "she fell asleep after seeing you yesterday. She didn't get up until more than nine o'clock today. She explained everything together. I'm going to take someone to some of the hiding places she told me

"Is there a warehouse in the place she told me?"

The police were embarrassed: "these details are not convenient to tell you."

Xie Yang expressed his understanding and asked, "can I see Mu Zhouyi again?"

"Yes, I'll ask my colleagues to arrange for you. Mu Zhouyi also said he wanted to see you. "

Ten minutes later, Mu Zhouyi and Xie Yang sat opposite each other in the interrogation room.

Mu Zhouyi's expression was much calmer than yesterday. She tightened her fingers and asked, "my father Is he OK? "

Xie Yang was surprised by the opening remarks. He looked at the expression of Mu Zhouyi and replied, "if you mean the body, your father is still very tough."

Mu Zhouyi bowed his head and said again for a long time: "the police contacted him. He is on his way I did that to him, but he was willing to take care of me. "

"Pity the world's parents."

Mu Zhouyi looked up at Xie Yang. His eyes were red, but his eyes were clear and calm: "Xie Yang, I know what you must have done to me. I can detect the changes in myself But thank you. I feel better now than yesterday. "

Xie Yang didn't see any trace of fake performance on Mu Zhouyi's face. He gently touched the table and said, "do me a favor. I can cover all the board and lodging expenses of your father in B city."Wood week Yi a Leng, and then quickly nodded: "what busy, you say."

"Give the police another address. I'll check it out."


The next day, Xie Yang got the police investigation results of several hiding places.

According to Mu Zhouyi and Xie Yang's own analysis, there are four hiding places, none of which can be found in Taoyang. Among them, the warehouse where found the most information about Tao Yang, the police are carefully searching there.

Qiu Xing took away the investigation report in Jieyang's hand: "I'll take the rest."

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing.

"It's starting to close."

Jieyang looked at Qiu Xing's cold and evil expression on his face and the cuntou on his head recently. He nodded with a smile: "OK, I'll listen to you, black boss."

Qiu Xing's face converged and pressed Jieyang's head.

At this time, the publicity task of "I see that is Xuanyuan" has become heavier and the rehearsals for the Spring Festival Gala have gradually become more and more. Xie Yang is busy at both ends, and sometimes he gets a bad result. Finally, he looks like a popular artist.

Just when Jieyang was busy, many things in B city began to change, either vigorously or quietly.

On the fourth day after Mu Zhouyi was arrested, Feng Dian, the new chairman of Fenghua Group, was suddenly summoned by the police for suspected injury crime. Numerous evidences of Fengdian's collusion with Tao Yang were presented, and his vicious plan to harm his parents and children was also exposed.

There was a great uproar of public opinion.

The people who eat melons know that there are still Tao Yang's shadow behind the calamities of Xie Yang and Qiu Xing in the past, and the repeated injuries done to Xie Yang by he Mu Zhouyi recently. Now Fengdian is preparing to join hands with Tao Yang to hurt Xie Yang, Qiu Xing and Feng Qinglin.

Small melon into big melon, or involved in the rich family resentment of the golden gourd, eat melon people all choked.

With the help of Qiu Xing, Feng Qinglin reshuffled Fenghua's shares and completely stripped the shadow of Fenghua's family.

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