Qiu Xing returned to the hospital and came to the door of Tao Yang ward.

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Feng Qinglin has negotiated with the police in advance. Seeing Qiu Xing coming, the police did not stop him. He only gently told him, "Mr. Qiu, you can't make it too difficult for us to do it."

"I have a sense of propriety." Qiu Xing thanks the police, steps into the ward, and then backhand to the door.

Leaning against Tao Yang's head on the hospital bed, seeing Qiu Xing, his expressionless face immediately revived. He looked up and down at Qiu Xing and said with a smile, "you look really bad now --"

Qiu Xing comes forward and punches Tao Yang in the abdomen.

Tao Yang bent down to hook his body and tried to cover his abdomen with his hands, but his hands were not controlled. He retched twice, took a big breath, lifted his eyes to see Qiu Xing, still smiling: "yes, just keep this expression, and be more angry, you --"

Qiu Xing hit him again, then stood up and backed up, drew out the paper on the bedside table and wiped his hands: "Tao Yang, I will ask the best lawyer to arrange the best prison for you, so that you can stay in it for a lifetime

The two fists all hit the stomach. Tao Yang kept retching, shaking with pain, and a cold sweat on his forehead. But he still kept looking up at Qiu Xing and nodded: "yes, thank you for your attention."

"Attention? Just you? " Qiu Xing sneered, "you this kind of rubbish does not deserve the attention and memory of anyone."

After that, he took out his mobile phone and dialled out a phone call. After connecting, he turned on the hands-free and asked, "Mr. Lauren, have all Tao Yang's works been taken off the shelves?"

Tao Yang looks stiff and looks at Qiu Xing's mobile phone.

Lauren is Tao Yang's design teacher.

A hoarse old man's voice came out from the mobile phone: "it's down. Do you really want to do this? "

"Yes, Lauren, Tao Yang is going to kill my lover. He is a murderer."

“…… Well, I'll take all of his work off the shelves. "

"Thank you for your consideration."

Qiu hang up the phone, coldly looking at Tao Yang, whose expression finally changed, he made a phone call: "Professor Yatu, has Tao Yang's alumni been removed?"

One phone call after another, Qiu Xing contacted Tao Yang's design teacher, school professor, school principal, studio partner Finally, Qiu Xing called Tao Huazhang.

"Tao Dong, how are the procedures for changing the name of Tao Yang?"

"It's a bit of trouble, but it's not hard to solve. It's going to be done soon."

Tao Yang finally understood the intention of Qiu Xing, and his breath became heavy: "you can't do this."

"Of course I can." Qiu hang up the phone, "Tao Yang, immediately you will not be Tao Yang again. All traces of your past will be erased, and the world will gradually forget you. As long as I live one day, you will not want to pollute the eyes of the world with your dirty design as Tao Yang

Forgotten by the whole world, even he is no longer himself. Tao Yang bit his teeth without a trace, and his expression is calm: "do you think this will make me feel bad? Qiu Xing, you are so naive. "

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"You are too naive." Qiu Xing made a phone call outside again, and after the other party got through, he ordered, "buy a hot search on domestic and foreign media. The topic is Tao Yang's plagiarism --"

Tao Yang's expression finally changed, and he said excitedly, "no! Qiu Xing, you are slandering me

"What about slander." Qiu hang up the phone, the tone is cold and full of malice, "compared with what you did to Yang Yang, what are these? Tao Yang, this hot search will be your last impression on the design industry and the world. "

Tao Yang actually slowly calmed down and shook his head: "no one will believe that I copied, Qiu Xing, you don't want to defeat me."

Qiu Xing's mobile phone suddenly rings. He takes a look and sneers. He turns to the door of the ward, opens the door and reaches for the fengqinglin outside.

Feng Qinglin looked at the door through the crack of the door, handed the bag in his hand to Qiu Xing, and asked anxiously, "uncle, you didn't..."

"I have a sense of propriety."

Qiu Xing closed the door, carried things back to the ward, raised his hand and poured all the things in the bag on the ground.

Several design books and dozens of papers fell to the ground and scattered.

Tao Yang's attention immediately moved to the past, looking at the things familiar to the bones, and forced to calm down: "some abandoned manuscripts, how about you get these? My design is all in my head. It's nothing. "

"Tao Yang, your hand can never be restored."

Tao Yang suddenly raised his eyes to Qiu Xing: "what do you say?"

"The police and doctors told you that they were making detoxification vaccine for you. They were just to let you find out the real hiding place and let me find them."

Tao Yang looked at Qiu Xing in disbelief as if he had been beaten by someone. Then he suddenly realized something and looked at the manuscripts and pamphlets on the ground.

Seeing this, Qiu Xing turned to the bathroom, took a large bucket of water from it, put it in front of the accumulated manuscripts, took out a small bottle of dye from his pocket in front of Tao Yang's face, unscrewed it and poured it into the water.The clear water slowly turned to a muddy black gray.

"Tao Yang, these will be the last design works of your life."

Tao Yang immediately went mad and got out of bed to stop him. However, he was restrained by handcuffs and yelled: "hatred, crime is not as good as art. This is the principle!"

"That's your principle, my principle, only Xie Yang." Qiu Xing threw away the bottle of dye and stepped on one of the designs. He dropped his eyes and saw on a piece of paper a suit full of red feathers and shaped like a broken wing. His expression became very terrible. He looked up at Tao Yang and lifted the bucket.

"Stop, Qiu Xing, stop! You can't destroy them! " Tao Yang pulled the handcuffs loud and tried to reach for the latest work, "you can't! Stop -- "

crash, black and gray water drenched the manuscripts, and the red suit with feathers disappeared in a flash.

Tao Yang's struggle stopped abruptly.

A bucket of water, all the design books and manuscripts are drenched, the ward floor is a disgusting black gray water mark.

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Qiu Xing put aside the bucket, went to Tao Yang a step away, and bent down: "Tao Yang, your expression is really good now."

Tao Yang breathes heavily, and suddenly gets up and pours at Qiu Xing. However, when he is about to approach, he is blocked by handcuffs and can not move forward any more. "Qiu Xing, I will kill you," he said

"But I don't want to kill you." Qiu Xing straightened up and looked down at the twisted Tao Yang. "From today on, the designer Tao Yang has disappeared, leaving only the murderer anonymous Enjoy the rest of your hopeless life. "

After that, he turned around and stepped on the manuscripts that floated far away. He came to the door of the ward, opened the door and strode out without looking back.


Xie Yang wakes up from a deep sleep and unconsciousness, but he can't feel the existence of his body. He can only feel the movement and stillness in the core of his power.

How What's going on?

[the system has been split and formatted Energy system changes Restructuring is on. 】

countless data are flying in front of your eyes. All templates in the power core suddenly work together and fuse independently. At the same time, the core of the power also began to spin, faster and faster, and faintly hot.

Xie Yang suddenly wakes up.

Oops, the core of the power is going to be upgraded again, and the system remains

All the energy templates in the power core are fused. At the same time, the power core runs to the extreme, explodes suddenly, and merges rapidly.

Xie Yang only felt that the brain exploded, the heat overflowed, and the consciousness fell into darkness again.

I don't know how long it took.

[restructuring completed. This is freshman system 1314, opening the return channel. 】

Xie Yang opened his eyes and found himself standing in the high air with a bright white energy ball floating in front of him. The energy ball has the same color as the power core, but it looks like a system.

Instinctively, he reached out to touch it, but the energy ball suddenly scattered and turned into countless light spots.

[passage open, leaving the world. 】

the next second, a wind came from somewhere, entangled those light spots and carried them to the end of the sky. Xie Yang looks up to see the light spot break through the clouds and disappear in the vast night sky. His consciousness suddenly faints and is dragged into a long dream.


Xie Yang saw the life of a planet life.

It was born, developed, strong, and then ushered in inevitable decline.

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After its decline, what is waiting for it is disintegration and disappearance. It doesn't want to live forever. So it plundered the power of all living things on the planet, used the high intelligent system made by intelligent life on the planet, took the initiative to disintegrate and concentrate, and turned itself into a huge energy body.

It has created numerous subsystems that can plunder the energy of intelligent life, and put them on each new planet to plunder the power of intelligent creatures on it, so as to accumulate enough strength, turn into entities and usher in a new round of strong and new life.

The consciousness suddenly sank and suddenly became clear.

Xie Yang found that he had returned to the original world, but he was no longer him. Instead, he boarded in the body of a person who could not see clearly, and lived a short life from the perspective of the other party. At that time, the world was not in the end of the world, "he" was born and grew up And then, you don't normally bind a system.

"He" was ecstatic and began to collect people's likes according to the system's prompts, and then used those preferences to exchange for what they wanted in the system, and then used the exchanged things to get more people's love "He" gradually had everything he wanted, money, wealth, status And then die at the peak.

Countless people who love "he" are crazy about his death, and the system begins to harvest. Those who actively offer "love value" to "he" become the object of systematic harvest. Without their own knowledge, they deliver energy at the cost of life to the system.

If some people "love" deeply, they will harvest more energy, while others will "love" shallowly, they will harvest less energy. So some people die suddenly, some commit suicide, some become stupid, some are ill, some are weak for no reason But the world is too big for anyone to notice anything wrong with this group of people.After harvest, the system leaves "he" and "his" followers with a lot of energy, and lodges in the next person's body, starting another journey of collecting love value.

Xie Yang was forced to follow.


After the system does not know how many hosts have been replaced, the newborn planet that has been robbed of too much wisdom and life force has entered into the decline period ahead of time. Human variation, world order imbalance The end comes without warning. Then the system leaves the last host with satisfaction and sets off for the return journey with the harvest.

Xie Yang went back to the main system that he had seen in the memory of system 1314. The main system says welcome back words and brings the system into the body.

With the change of perspective, Xie Yang is hanging above the main system. He sees countless new systems separated from the main system and throw themselves into the unknown world. He also sees that countless systems return with great power, and they don't know whose home they destroyed.

Xie Yang can clearly feel his heart rolling cold and anger.

To destroy this thing.

A white dot of light suddenly appeared at the end of the line of sight. Xie Yang looked at the past and found that it was actually the system that flew out of his body after being eroded by the power and then reorganized.

It flies moths into the body of the main system, the main system of gray black body twist for a moment, and quickly restore calm.

What does Xie Yang realize.

It can hurt the main system, but not enough. It's too weak.

As if hearing Xie Yang's voice, countless colorful energy groups came from the end of the field of vision, and they bumped into the main system one after another. The main system gradually began to fluctuate and unstable, dancing and struggling.

Brain suddenly a faint, Jieyang found himself back to his original world. Suspended above an abandoned factory, he saw a Book appear on the floor of an office, and then a strange psionic dodged in and picked it up.

The picture suddenly jumps, and soon after the psionic dies, the book that was once turned over by the psionic appears again out of thin air, carrying the psychic's soul into the new, full of the future, but the system is staring at the world.

A new story opens.

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The picture began to beat disorderly, various books appeared in front of all kinds of capable people, and then countless souls were carried into a new world. Finally, countless reorganized systems flew toward the main system with the power that can hurt the main system.


Buzzing in the brain, Jieyang suddenly opened his eyes, everything clear in the dream quickly became blurred. He blinked, sat up in the sunlight, raised his hand and pressed his forehead.

The power core, which has been upgraded to level 10, is still running without the shadow of system debris and energy templates.

The system is gone.

Xie Yang was in a daze for a long time, and then suddenly thought of something. He ran the ability to locate Tao Yang. A clear sense of traction came, and he even "saw" the mark he had hit in Tao Yang's body from a distance.

The mark is still there.

The heart falls back to where it was.

He put down his hands, got out of bed, went to the bedside, opened the curtain to see the bright sunshine outside the window.

It's sure to be sunny after the heavy snow.

So are those in the dream the truth of systems and traversal? He made a pawn for the self-help of the planet and was rewarded with a rebirth?

He looked at the snow covered yard.

Is the land under your feet conscious?

The familiar black car drove into the yard, interrupting Xie Yang's thoughts. Xie Yang returns to his mind and moves his eyes to see Qiu Xing walking towards the house after getting off the bus. The confused thoughts brought by the "weird" dream in his brain quickly dissipate.

No matter what kind of planet, no planet, no consciousness, that's not what he should think about. What he wants to do is to cherish this life again and hold his sugar jar tightly.

The sugar jar has already entered the room. Xie Yang turns away from the window and walks out of the room. Then he accurately hugs Qiu Xing, who is striding upstairs at the corner of the stairs.

"Good morning, my fiance," he said with a smile

The author has something to say: This is the content of the text, and then it is fanwai! Love everyone!


Thanks to the cherubs who cast the overlord vote or irrigate the nutrient solution for me during the period from 19:08:11 to 19:05:34 on November 25, 2019 to those who threw grenades: orange soda and liuyinyan;

thank the angels who threw mines: to the distance Three; one of yanchangjing's plum blossoms, five tone incomplete birds, speechless and selfless, Gu Yunfei, passerby fairy, random five six seven eight bad, Demeter, * * lover, Fance, Yier, Lingzi, Yaoyao, sy, Qianmo, pigpig pig, yanche, steel tooth big white rabbit;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Qianmo, lavender 60 bottles; Lingqi 57 bottles; Lingzi 55 bottles; 30 bottles of pumpkin; 21 bottles of Mo Yan; 20 bottles of ah Qin, a Tu, Mo Yu, yizhidai, yam0309; 11 bottles of Qingya; 10 bottles of tanmei, fenglanfeng, Jianbing, Tianxing underground moon, K Qingshu, Qingjiu Buqing, dongyilan, yaoniang and Luan 5678 grains; lifelike Six bottles; a he, give a code bar, 55 routes, forgetting the opportunity without envy, holy, zero, also to refuse to leave 5 bottles; 5 bottles of birds with five tone defect; 3 bottles of my husband, xinruosu, tifa39011995, clip; 2 bottles of not real person, good weather, wussas student autonomous group; Chang'e fat rabbit, heaven burial_ Three days of silence, Ximang, the future can be expected, read Changsheng, xiaodangqiu, Qianqian is a rabbit, er, Xiaoxiao, Qixian, inkstone, Huoyan Yan, Xiuxian and murphyst, who are afraid to eat soil every month;Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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