Jieyang looks at Qiu Xing approaching, and smiles on his face.

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Qiu Xing steps a meal, and then simply stopped at the distance of Jieyang two steps away from the position, frown and ask: "what do you do in the door?"

"Open the door for you." Xie Yang was in a good mood and didn't care about Qiu Xing's attitude. He leaned over to let him in, "welcome home."

Qiu Xing didn't speak, but went straight to Jieyang's room.

After Xie Yang followed Qiu Xing, he said: "today, I have trouble with Jiexiu. I promise that he will come to you to help him speed up the project progress."

Qiu Xing still did not speak.

"You really don't watch my first performance on stage?"

Qiu Xing looks back and looks at Xie Yang for two seconds. He takes back his sight again. He still doesn't speak. He unbuttons his coat and takes off his coat. He is about to throw it to the sofa. Suddenly, a hand comes from his side.

Qiu Xing's arm is stiff.

Xie Yang took Qiu Xing's coat and handed it to Liu Sha, who came later. He asked again, "do you want to see the performance? I'll give you VIP tickets in the front row. "

Qiu Xing finally opened his mouth and scoffed: "what are you thinking?"

Xie Yang secretly said, it's a pity, but also calm, honest way: "it's really a little help, I want to ask you for help."

"You will come to me when you are in trouble." Qiu Xing took back his hand, took off his tie and threw it on the sofa to avoid Jieyang. He untied the cuff buttons and walked to the restaurant, "eat first."

People who have resources are the biggest. They should keep up with them.

Because he had just had a bowl of noodles not long ago, Xie Yang was not very hungry, so he only had a bowl of rice for dinner and put his chopsticks on it. Instead, he picked up a melon with a fork and began to nibble at it.

Qiu Xing glanced at the dishes on the table and asked coldly, "tired?"

Xie Yang shook his head: "how can it be? I have confidence in master Liao's craftsmanship, and I won't be tired of it all my life. It's just that I didn't get up until the afternoon. After I got up, I had a big bowl of noodles and I was full of stomach. Now I can't eat too much rice

Qiu Xing blackened his face: "what a mess of work and rest."

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Xie Yang was in a good mood and didn't answer.

Qiu Xing suddenly put down his chopsticks. After drinking water, he asked, "what can I do for you?"

Finally, let go.

Xie Yang ate the melon and said, "I noticed that your suits are custom-made. I want to ask if you can lend me your garment making team. I want to make some clothes for performances."

Qiu Xing raised one eyebrow: "is that it? You won't buy it? "

"What I'm going to do is dress for performance. It's hard to buy it outside. What's more, it's not only for me to do it alone, but also for my team members. How can there be so many beautiful, uniform style, but also different styles of high-quality clothing to sell, so it's better to do it. All good clothing stores have to make an appointment and line up. I need clothes in a hurry, so I can only find acquaintances. "

"You are very generous."

"If you are not generous, you can't do it. The company hasn't been built, and the money tree's contract has not been signed. I have to provide them now."

Qiu Xing didn't answer, picked up chopsticks and continued to eat. Wait until finish eating to wipe the mouth just loosen mouth to say: "let Liusha help you contact."

Is that so straightforward?

Xie Yang takes a look at Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing on his line of sight, expression again heavy, skin smile flesh does not smile: "how, don't want again?"

"Of course not." Xie Yang quickly raised a smile, got up and filled a bowl of soup and pushed it over, "thank you for your soup."

Qiu Xing looked at him, pushed the soup away, got up and went upstairs.

After finishing another thing, Xie Yang was in a better mood. After eating the fruit, he didn't want to go to the room and eat around the lake. After eating, he leaned on the deck chair on the lakeside viewing platform and took out his mobile phone to continue eating melons.

After Xie Xiu's interview came out, IUD fans no longer paid attention to his selling, but picked up Mo Bin's process of abandoning IUD according to the burst recording.

As the old saying goes, offend no one. Don't offend the people who once really loved you. When fans want to pick up their idols, they can tear off the leather belt.

It's just a meal. All kinds of signs that Mo Bin's heart is no longer in IUD are listed by fans. For example, Mo bin has stopped interacting with his team members since the beginning of the year. Instead, he often refers to his resident guest of reality TV as brother. For example, Mo bin no longer mentioned writing songs in the past six months, but more and more concerned about the creation of people.

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Some people even picked out a photo of Mobin taken by fans at the beginning of the year. The person walking with Mo bin is a high-level person in charge of Emperor Entertainment.

That is to say, the next home of Mo bin is likely to be emperor Tian entertainment. And this family may have been in touch as early as March.

In March, Xie Yang had not entered IUD at that time.

Fans who pick up this point can't stand it any longer. Some of the rational fans who have been restraining themselves can't help flooding into Mo Bin's microblog, asking why he should tell other members of the IUD like this, and why they should contact their families well, but still allow Xie yang to join the League!

Just when the fans were excited, the "silent and loveliest family" sent another micro blog, and the painting style was still ironic.My home is the most lovely silent: why, of course, is to let the new couple carry the pot. I'd like to tell you a little bit more. In fact, a lot of rumors that are unfavorable to the young newcomers are all made up by this big brother. This big brother also instigated the relationship between the new players and other players, and once successfully instigated success. Fortunately, the young newcomer is smart and has some money in his hand, otherwise he would have left the entertainment circle with a pot on his back.

Xie Yang sees here pick eyebrow, open wechat to poke Hu Biao.

Xie Yang: you asked your old colleague again?

Hu Biao: I just can't see. Fans have been scolding you. If you don't let everyone come out to help you explain, I can only turn around like this.

Xie Yang smiles, typing: Thank you.

After chatting with Hu Biao, Xie Yang cuts back to his microblog and opens up the fan's photo of meeting Mo bin by chance. He enlarges the picture and looks at it carefully.

Heaven entertainment.

He chewed the name,

, which is also a coincidence. In the original book, the first company signed by the female owner Mu Zhouyi is Emperor Entertainment. Calculate the time line. The female owner should not have changed her job.

Imperial entertainment is an old entertainment company, the scale is OK, but there are a few scum in the high-level, always like to make the hidden rules. The female master Mu Zhouyi was watched. Of course, as a female owner, Mu Zhouyi will not be taken advantage of cannon fodder. After being suppressed for a while, she is successfully recommended to another better brokerage company by a man who appreciates her noble and indomitable character, so that her career can be further promoted.

But emperor Tian was made a wave behind the Revenge of the male owners, the scandal black material exploded, the stock plummeted, the status was not as good as before. At that time, Qiu Xing had a good impression on the female Lord, but he didn't recognize his feelings, so he just secretly maintained the female Lord.

Calculate the time, now the man should have the initiative to the woman, ready to pursue. In the plot of the original book, Qiu Xing will have a good impression on the female Lord soon. But the first meeting between Qiu Xing and the female leader has been destroyed. They don't know each other so far, and they don't know whether this small change will affect the development of Qiu Xing and the female leader later

All the lights on the observation platform suddenly went dark.

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Xie Yang regained his mind, sat up and looked around. He found that not only the viewing platform, but also the path lights around the lake and the headlights on the other side of the wall were all turned off, and the villa side became a dark one.

Is there a power failure?

He turned on his cell phone, flashlights and walked towards the villa. When he entered the house, he found that the central air conditioning was still on. He was puzzled.

No power cut? Then why are all the lights out.

This is my father. He wants to sell me to an old man. 】

the familiar voice came from the direction of the second floor. Xie Yang looked up at the source of the sound, and saw Qiu Xing standing on the stairs on the second floor, with his mobile phone in his hand. The voice should have come from his mobile phone just now.

Contact Jieyang's line of sight, Qiu Xing's mouth a hook, smile is set off by the mobile phone light, more terrible than the devil. "Old man?" he said slowly

“……” I almost forgot this.

Xie Yang explained: "it's just a slip of tongue when I'm short of breath. I don't think you're old."

"Yes." Qiu Xing turned off his mobile phone and laughed with a smile of hypocrisy and malice. "The elderly need to go to bed early and get up early. From today on, the family will implement the power-off policy of six to ten in the morning. Have a good rest, young man." Then he pulled down the corner of his mouth and walked away.

A few seconds later, there was a heavy sound of closing the door.

Xie Yang: "what's more..."

She said with a smile that she would not break the power supply system. You can use these little lights. If you have them at night, you won't fall down. In addition, the hot water in the bathroom also uses another set of power system, you can rest assured to wash and gargle. "

Xie Yang had no expression: "you are so thoughtful."

"It should be." Liusha still laughed.

Xie Yang took the box containing the emergency light.

Liu Sha laughed down and looked at the direction of the second floor. Suddenly she lowered her voice and said, "ah hang went to the hospital today."

Xie Yang looks at her.

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"He stayed in the hospital for a day and didn't have time to pay attention to things online, so I don't know you praised him. He won't be like this tomorrow. Xie Yang, thank you. Ah Xing seems to be much happier this time

Xie Yang took back his sight, lifted his hand and pulled the small lamp in the box and asked, "is he OK?"

Liu Sha avoided answering and said, "you should have a rest early and good night." Then he nodded and turned away.

It seems that the situation is not good.

Xie Yang stepped upstairs. After passing the second floor, he stopped to look in the direction of the master bedroom. He remembered the appearance of Qiu Xing's illness aggravating mentioned in the book. He took back his sight and went to the third floor.

Those who struggle to survive suffer the most.

When the power is cut off, Jieyang can do nothing but go to bed early.

When he got up and went downstairs the next morning, Xie Yang found that Qiu Xing was not in the dining room, but sitting in the living room. His aura was shining with the naked eye."Awake?" Qiu Xingqiao with two legs, looked up and down Xie Yang, suddenly asked, "how tall are you now?"


"Tut, it's short." Qiu Xing suddenly stood up and came over.

Xie Yang stood still.

Qiu Xing stops at a position only half a step away from Xie Yang, looks down at Xie Yang's head, then raises his hand to compare with Xie Yang's head, slowly moves, and finally stops at the tip of his nose.

"Ha." He laughs in a loud, exaggerated voice, "dwarfs."


Xie Yang has no expression: "I'm still developing, old man."


Qiu Xing took a step back and looked at Xie Yang in a gloomy way for a long time. He suddenly sneered, picked up his suit jacket on the sofa, took out a piece of bean curd from his pocket and put it into Xie Yang's hand. He turned and strode out of the door.

Xie Yang grabs the hair that was pressed, lowers his head to open the bean curd in his hand, and finds that this is actually an office building rental contract.

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