Xie Yang didn't speak again after getting on the bus, his expression was very heavy. It's rare for him to look so ugly.

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Wu Shui looked at him through the rearview mirror and said, "boss, are you ok?"

"It's OK." Xie Yang adjusted his expression and took out his mobile phone to make a call to Hu Biao, saying that people were surrounded by paparazzi.

Hu Biao Zhengmei Zizi discussed the decoration plan with the decoration company. After receiving the phone call, he said: "Mo bin really learned the style of Huang Tianai's trouble making, and he actually brought long Shuyou in. He knows that the dragon family and long Shuyou are not easy to be provoked. He is making enemies for you

"He is making enemies for himself. When you look back, you remember that the two tickets in the center of the VIP seat are sent to Mo bin and long Shuyou respectively. Remember, the tickets must be next to each other. "

Hu Biao was silly: "ah? To long Shuyou? "

"Yes, since Mo bin brings me the rhythm of long Shuyou, I'll ask long Shuyou to listen to me. Is the music I composed his own. When you send tickets to long Shuyou, you can attach the first edition of our new music. After listening to that, long Shuyou will probably come. I'd like to see what Mo bin will do when they sit together after the paparazzi and I break through the rhythm of long Shuyou that is mo Bin's belt! "

Hearing the chill in Xie Yang's tone, Hu Biao Nao made up for the scene when Mo bin and the lonely genius long Shuyou were sitting together. It was a little cool and a little tangled, and he said, "what if Mo bin doesn't come?"

"Then make public opinion and let him come. How could he, the former captain, not attend the fifth anniversary performance of IUD. And if you have his black material in your hand, threaten him

Hu Biao: "is..." That's tough.

After the phone call with Hu Biao, Xie Yang opens the small group and finds that everyone is discussing whether there is a ghost around. Today, there were so many paparazzi sneaking into the parking lot of the recording room, and they knew exactly which elevator they were going to get off. It was very abnormal.

Jieyang typed: don't doubt it, there must be. It's not long before the performance. There's no time for a new studio. After I went back today, I had a good screening of the staff around me. If there was any problem, I would chill out first, and then I would drive off after the performance. Chen Hao, you can contact the Security Department of the recording room and ask them to hurry up. Don't let such things happen again today.

As soon as the discussion in the group stopped, everyone could see his anger from Xie Yang's words, and quickly answered.

Xie Yang continued typing: from today on, you don't have to respond to everything on the Internet. Put all your mind on the performance, and other me and brother Biao will handle it.

After telling everyone in the group, Xie Yang points out the wechat of Qiu Xing.

Xie Yang: I want to talk to you about a small business.

Qiu xingsec Hui: what?

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Xie Yang: is there a live broadcasting platform under Rongding?

Qiu Xing: what do you want to do?

Xie Yang: I want to broadcast my first performance on stage, and provide some material for my future fans.

On the other side, the hospital.

Qiu Xing looks at Xie Yang's confident to arrogant words, hum and smile, the discomfort when treating seems to be a little shallow, type: He Jun will help you contact.

Jieyang did not expect that Qiu Xing agreed to his request so simply. Since being trampled on by the paparazzi, he became a little bit in a bad mood. Typing: Thank you.


On that night, Xie Yang's words in the parking lot were posted on Weibo by paparazzi. His words of inviting "someone" to come to the show were highlighted by the marketing number, labeled as "arrogant" and "disrespectful to senior members of the group".

Most of them are people who don't think it's too big to watch the excitement. The public opinion on the Internet is dancing in disorder.

All kinds of Xie Yang's classmates, children and neighbors came out anonymously, saying that he would never compose music. He said that although he had studied music as a child, he did not learn very well.

Even some of Xie Yang's University classmates directly satirized Xie Yang's big face on microblog, saying that all he showed on the Internet was in fact fictional human settings. The real Xie Yang was stupid and lonely, and he could not understand his major courses. He could not write music across majors. He said that Xie Yang's music must be bought.

There are a lot of comments about bad performances. Some people say that without Mo Bin's IUD, there will be no soul, and there is no need to go to see the performance of "three wastes plus a shit stick". Some people satirize that Xie Yangzhen is willing to pay for it, but he has to pay for it. In order to promote himself, he has spared no effort.

In such an atmosphere of public opinion, the IUD fans who were no longer so resistant to Xie Yang's money for the performance were silent and did not see the previous revelry.

On the night of the night when the tickets for the show were being robbed, Hu Biao suddenly sent out a string of "ha ha ha ha ha ha" in the group.

Tong Jian is scared: what's wrong with you, brother Biao? Are you mad because of the online nonsense?

Hu Biao directly sent a voice message into the group and said, "no, just now someone sent me a message saying that Mo bintie wanted to screw up our performance. He secretly contacted cattle to steal the tickets for the show, so that our performance was full of empty seats! He's trying to save money. "

After a brief silence in the group, everyone laughed. Among them, Tong Jian laughs most exaggeratedly, and his expression is one after another.Xie Yang also smiles after hearing Hu Biao's news, locks off his mobile phone and picks up his violin to continue practicing.

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At 0:00 in the evening, the fifth anniversary performance of IUD was officially opened to buy tickets. Countless fans and scalpers immediately selected the tickets they wanted and click to buy them.

Then a registration screen pops up.

Fans and scalpers are stupid.

Yeah? Why not the payment interface?

If you don't want to buy tickets, you should fill in the ticket selection form of "YUD" in the background. You must fill in the information carefully. Those who have bought albums should provide purchase records or drying records. Those who have supported concerts can fill in which shows they have participated in. Those who have bought photos can also be screened.

As soon as the microblog came out, IUD's fan circle was shocked again, and then the fans were excited and mad, and the cattle were dead.

#The topic of "free tickets for IUD performances" has quickly become a hot topic.

After a while, a new rhythm suddenly came out, saying that although free tickets are a good thing, it's totally unfair. Does Xinfen not have the qualification to see the performance?

Hu Biao slowly sent a micro blog: "don't worry, the fifth anniversary performance is to give back to the fans. Naturally, we should let all fans see the performance as much as possible. We have already discussed the cooperation with Zexing live broadcasting platform. We will broadcast the fifth anniversary performance in Zexing exclusively. Welcome to watch.

A studio address is attached.

Live show?

All the people who are concerned about the ticket grabbing tonight are all stunned, and then the public opinion explodes.


Forced to go to bed early and get up early, Xie Yang didn't see Hu Biao flirting with IUD fans and yellow cattle in the middle of the night. When he got up and took out his mobile phone to brush his microblog, there was already a joyful New Year's atmosphere on the microblog.

On the hot search, the topic of "IUD live performance" is hanging high, and there is a word "pop" behind it.

Xie Yang flipped through his microblog and found that there were fewer people who scolded him. Several fans secretly wrote to him and apologized to him for his painstaking efforts to give IUD a free ticket for the fifth anniversary performance.

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Xie Yang smiles, puts his mobile phone in his pocket and sets off for the recording studio.

Time is tight, there are too many things to learn and practice. After the ticket grabbing, all the IUD staff officially entered the closed door practice mode.

Xie Yang had to go out early and go home late. In a day, he could eat breakfast with Qiu Xing.

After enduring for three days, Qiu Xing lost his temper: "so busy?"

"Artists are like this." Xie Yang turned around and took out a delicate small envelope from the backpack and pushed it to Qiu Xing, "here you are."

Qiu Xing didn't answer. He asked coldly, "what is it?"

"VIP ticket, the best place. Brother Biao is very stingy. He gave ten private VIP tickets to one person, and all my ten tickets are here. "

"Yes." Qiu Xing responded coldly, slowly finished the porridge, got up and left without taking the ticket.

Xie Yang picks eyebrow, also did not take ticket, finished breakfast to go out the door.

When busy, time always passes quickly. Xie Yang didn't go to the pipe network any more, so he gave Hu Biao full authority. He practiced song, piano and dance with Ke LAN and others every day. When he opened his eyes and closed his eyes, he was tired but full.

Finally, ten days before the performance, all the exercises stopped. It seems that Xie Yang and others, who had been locked up for a short time and arduous confinement, came out of the dance room and took the car to the modeling room to try out the performance clothes just delivered the day before.

Xie Yang closed his eyes as soon as he got on the bus. He hated the feeling of tired, this month is to seize all the time to rest.

Hu Biao knew that Xie Yang was actually listening, and said directly, "a total of 50000 tickets have been sent out. From today on, except for the two rehearsals, all your other time is used to rest and raise your voice. I've made an appointment for you to take care of your body. You're not allowed to be lazy. Don't eat heavy food these days, OK? The show is live. How many people are looking forward to your failure. When the high-definition camera comes to your face, it will reveal your haggard and acne face. Is that right? "

Tong Jian is amused by Hu Biao's statement.

"Be serious!" Hu Biao glared at the child sword, and then repeatedly charged a lot of things. Finally, he suddenly said, "Mo bin apologized."

Xie Yang opened his eyes. Tongjian and others are all quiet and look at Hu Biao.

Hu Biao frowned: "it's not a sincere apology, or it's just a rhythm. He found himself a ladder to show up Don't look at me like that

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Tongjian and others take back their sight and silence permeates the car.

"Five years..." Kelan opened his mouth, and then he laughed with disappointment. "He really doesn't care about IUD." If you care, you won't be treated like this at this time.

Xu Chenhao said: "he thought that IUD had a future. He was afraid that he would be left alone and become a joke, so he tried his best to make trouble."But no, this is the last performance of IUD.

The atmosphere in the car is getting worse.

Xie Yang sat up, stretched out his hand, and said, "a good ending."

Everyone looked at Xie Yang, then sat up one after another, put their hands on his hands, and then clenched them with one voice: "a good ending!"

It was a fine day on October 20th.

Xie Yang came down from the third floor with his violin. When he passed the living room, he found that Qiu Xing had not yet gone to the company. He went to Qiu Xing and said, "I'm going to do modeling and prepare for the performance in the evening."

"Well, come on." Qiu Xing does not raise the head to row to pull the mobile phone, the manner is very perfunctory, a pair of lazy to take care of the appearance.

Xie Yang suddenly squatted down.

Qiu Xing's finger moves a meal, look to Xie Yang, the face is expressionless way: "how?"

"Go to the show. They all have family and friends to support, but I don't. In B city, apart from my teammates and agents, I only know and know you well, so go and see my show

Qiu Xing did not move or speak. Maybe it's the relationship of looking down on people. His eyes are looking deeper than usual.

"What if I say no?"

"Then I can only ask you." Xie Yang smiles, "Qiu Xing, I beg you to see my performance."

The gate opens and closes, and Xie Yang leaves.

Qiu Xing put down his mobile phone for a long time, frowned and said, "there is no attitude of asking for help at all. What bad expression Liusha

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