Things got interesting.

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Xie Yang gathers his thoughts and refuses long Shuyou's invitation. He doesn't give long Shuyou a chance to entangle himself. He pushes Xu Chenhao to deal with long Shuyou, and then leaves the backstage with the method of urinating to meet Wu Shui who comes to meet him.

"What about Qiu Xing?"

"Qiu is always in the car."

"Let's go."

They avoided the crowd and left the stadium and got into a car parked at the corner of the street.

Qiu Xing sat in the car without expression and asked, "in a good mood?"

"Pretty good." Xie Yang put the violin, no longer restrain the smile on his face, "there is a fat sheep delivered to the door."

Qiu Xing sneered and said, "are you talking about yourself? You have the guts to pay for a show and then apologize to the audience for taking advantage of it. "

Xie Yang still smiles and replies, "I'm not apologizing to the audience."


"I'm apologizing for the money. Fifty thousand people in the audience today are all my target customers. It's no pain to say that I'm sorry, but they are willing to give money to me and my company. It's a good deal."

"Do you want money from those who scold you

"It's their money that makes me the best." Xie Yang takes out his mobile phone and hooks his finger toward Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing's tone was cold: "what do you do?"

"Magic for you. Come here."

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Qiu Xing turned his head and looked out of the window coldly and showed disdain with his actions.

Xie Yang simply sat down next to Qiu Xing's body, stubbornly connected his mobile phone to Qiu Xing's eyelids, opened his microblog in front of him, ignored the huge amount of news pouring in instantly, and pulled out a microblog that had been edited in the draft box and sent it out.

[Xie Yang: set sail in the world. Our first and last group mini digital album "IUD" and Tongjian's first personal album "Tongyu" were officially opened for pre purchase, and the dream took off from here. 】

a link is attached below, and the page will jump. A very tall official website of the company will pop up. At the top of the official website, two pre order options are hanging high.

"The pre order was opened at the end of the show. There are not many people who know about it. This is the number of purchases." Xie Yang said with a smile of money in the corner of his mouth. "Just now I publicized it on Weibo. OK, the countdown starts. Five, four, three, two, one Boom, the God of wealth is here

As his voice dropped, the number of pre orders, which had been hard to increase, suddenly soared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon broke through a thousand, then ten thousand, fifty thousand, and one hundred thousand

Jieyang low smile: "my song can not be white to others to listen to, even if it is five yuan and two broadcast price, add up to make up, also enough for me to return to this."

Two people close together, Xie Yang's attention is all in the soaring number of pre orders, did not find around Qiu Xing after looking at the mobile phone screen, suddenly slightly side head, eyes fell on him.

This night, Xie Yang fell asleep with the fragrance of money.

Downstairs, Qiu Xing looked at the pre order interface on the computer screen. He remembered Xie Yang's smile when he saw the number of advance orders rising on the car. He disliked a Tut, registered an anonymous account number, and then click on the pre order of mini digital albums and fill in the quantity He paused, closed his eyes, hit a lot of zeros at random, and chose to submit.

After paying, he looked at the company name on the official website.

Yang Xing.

Although reason told him that it should be just a coincidence. After all, Yang can be composed of only a few words. Among them, Yang Xing is a little more pleasant in the world. Xie Yang doesn't seem to have the character of flattering the company's name, but

The corner of Qiu Xing's mouth was drawn up, and he quickly pulled it down, reaching out to cover the computer.

"I'm so happy to make such a small amount of money. It's unproductive."


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Jieyang, who disturbed a pool of spring water, fell asleep, while countless IUD fans who had scolded Xie Yang and had black lights couldn't sleep. After the performance, they cried enough and did the same thing. They opened the microblog, went to Jie Yang's home page, found Xie Yangfa's first microblog, and apologized.

One sentence after another "Jieyang sorry" brush into the comment area, quickly suppressed those who once scolded. I don't know which fans started from. After a round of apology, everyone suddenly began to consciously find the comments they left when they scolded Xie Yang, and apologize again in the following.

#Xie Yang is sorry ා this topic soon made the hot search list, and the next picture of the topic was Xie Yang's apology in front of the full field of black lights, and the micro blog was quickly top hot.

IUD mascot: sorry, sorry, sorry! I have a black light! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I am a idiot. I am a idiot. You are so good, I'm sorry! Thank you for giving IUD a complete success! Mo bin, you wait for me! I'll black you all my life! I understand why you have already found a good family, but you still let Xie Yang join the league. You are trying to make Xie Yang's back loose! Before that silent disclosure said are true! Fortunately, LAN LAN and Tong Tong have conscience and bottom line. They don't harm Xie Yang like you do! You're the former leader of IUD, you don't deserve it!!Numerous fans respond below, everyone apologizes to Jieyang and scolds Mobin. Although Xu Chenhao did not say it clearly in the performance, as long as fans who had been fighting with the public opinion for these two months understood what Xu Chenhao meant in his words, they were almost mad, and they were used by public opinion, and even more angry with Mobin!

Soon, a topic you don't deserve is also hit by the hot topic, just as it happens to be next to the bottom.

And that is, at this moment, Jieyang has sent a micro blog selling albums.

Fans are a daze, then full of guilt quickly into compensation psychology, want to do not want to click into the pre purchase link.

Buy! One is not enough, two pass! Ten is not too many, 100 are worth it! What is the amount of apology on your mouth, it is hard to pay!

Jieyang personally took out his waist to make such a good performance. In the future, he would also give the album to Tongjian and contact Keran for auditions. It is not known how much it will cost. And Jieyang has already been in order to join IUD and have trouble at home. Maybe all the family members have used to run the show, and can't afford to eat in private The more hard the fans get, the more heartache they get, the more aggressive they pay.

Isn't it an album? Buy! Buy a blast! So good songs, such a memorable album, pre order links say that the album will be accompanied by the official recording version of tonight's performance and the preparation of the show, so they buy only the album? no They buy youth! It's a feeling!

Five two, conscience price! buy whatever you want!

The number of Weibo fans and album pre purchase data on the official website of Yangxing have increased simultaneously, and the increase quickly broke through millions.

In a hot pot shop, Tongjian moved his eyes away from microblog and looked at the Hu Biao opposite him. He asked in a trance: "brother Biao, do you invite Shuijun to go to the fan group to bring rhythm? You buy crazy. "

Hu Biao drank saliva pressure and was a little dazed: "I said I didn't ask, do you believe it?"

"So it's pure heat." Colan put down his cell phone and silently estimated the final sales volume of the album. "Jieyang should be able to return to the original."

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Xu Chenhao said: "why not return to the original. Fame is a hidden wealth, think about how much fame and road relationships you have earned in this wave. "

Everyone was silent, looked at each other, and then they all laughed.

Hu Biao hit the table heavily and said, "get the wine! Don't get drunk tonight! "

"Not drunk, no return!"

Everyone was about to go and call the wine. Hu Biao's cell phone suddenly rang. He looked at it, saw an old friend of his colleagues called over and then he said, "what's wrong? Come and give me congratulations. "

"I really wanted to congratulate you, but I just heard a message, so it would just like to persuade you to be ready."

Hu Biao was stunned and asked, "what did you hear?"

"You know, you know, the emperor's Ji Zehui."

"I know what's wrong with him?"

"The new album he made this year was three years ready. The super luxury production team changed the main song three times. The album was first positioned by Emperor "to kill all the lists and sweep all awards of super-level boutique albums". The album has been on the full momentum so far, and it has not failed to live up to the investment of emperor. But now, the digital sales of his album are going to be overtaken by your mini. You have a very good little new man in your hand. The IUD song is first-class, and has a lot of feelings. It is estimated that you will get many awards. "

The smile on the face of Hu Biao is slowly gone.

"You are also coincident, just hit Ji Zehui. Others are all fine, lose, not how, but emperor Jia jizehui Before Mobin found a good family is emperor? You stepped on the emperor twice. If you sign up for another company, it's good that someone is protecting you, but you have built a company yourself, which is afraid Anyway, you're ready. "

Hu Biao expression becomes dignified, thanks to old friends and hang up.

"What's wrong with brother Biao?"

Hu Biao returns to the gods, looks at the child sword that asks the words, hesitates for a moment, presses down the mood and says: "nothing, is the house that was looked at before was cut off by people. Stop it. When our company makes money, I'll buy a bigger one! "

The boy sword is stupid, listened to the letter, busy following the words of Hu Biao comfort way: "yes, buy a bigger one! I will try my best to make money for you! "

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Ke LAN and xuchenhao are not good at making fun of each other. They look at each other and press their thoughts to say nothing.


The next day, Jieyang got a phone call from Hu Biao. He went downstairs to the table and sat down.

Hu Biao finally finished the situation.

Jieyang picked up chopsticks and said, "nothing, it doesn't matter if it is targeted by Emperor. It doesn't matter if we pull it down."

Hu Biao is to be relieved, choking and dead, and angry and sad, saying, "I said seriously, you don't joke. What size and energy is that of emperor Tian, they are really targeted at. How can we carry the small company that we just built up

"I'm not kidding. I'm sure I can do it. Don't worry. It doesn't work right now. You will hire people first, and let the company run as soon as possible, and other soldiers will come and cover the water. "After dismissing Hu Biao, Jieyang picks up a piece of glutinous rice cake and sends it to his mouth.

"In trouble?"

Jieyang raised his eyes and looked at the opposite enemy line and shook his head: "no, someone has come to deliver the head."

"It's not a small tone." Qiu Xing put down his chopsticks, drank water and said, "go out with me on the weekend."

"For what?"

"See my nephew."

Xie Yang reacted for a while and then remembered that the nephew was referring to the male Lord Feng Qinglin, and asked, "how suddenly should I see him? What's wrong with him?"

"Like you, the company is in a bit of trouble. He came for help. " Qiu Xing frowned, and his voice was cold and swish, "I thought he became bloody, but I didn't expect it was still like this. When we meet, you can teach him how to teach him. One who studies finance is not as good as you, and one who studies acting can do business. What does it look like? " With that, he got up and left with a big step, obviously pressing his anger.

Xie Yang saw off Qiu Xing and recalled the plot. He picked up a piece of glutinous rice cake and fed it into his mouth. His expression was indifferent.

What to teach, the man is not really in trouble, and he does not want this kind of rubbish nephew to cheat uncle money.

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