Xie Yang and Qiu Xing don't talk to each other anymore. It's obviously in the cold war.

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Liu Sha looked at the two people who went straight into the door but didn't pay attention to each other when she got home. She found Zhou Miao and asked, "what's wrong with them? It's OK when you go out. "

Zhou Miao wiped the cold sweat on his neck and briefly summarized the discussion between Xie Yang and Qiu Xing on the two topics of "whether Qiu Xing is used to nephew" and "whether nephew should be used to it or not".

"In the end, the boss was so angry that he stopped talking. The little boss was in a better mood and took the initiative to talk to the boss, but the boss didn't pay attention to it, and the little boss just ignored the boss. "

Liusha forbeared. She did not. She laughed.

Zhou Miao was too anxious: "Why are you laughing? They quarreled!"

"It's OK." Liu Sha waved her hand. "Fighting is also a way to communicate and increase understanding. It's reassuring."

Zhou miaoyue was anxious and full of bitterness.

The bosses are communicating, but when the boss is in a bad mood, it's their subordinates!

After returning to his room, Xie Yang sat down at his desk and carefully recalled today's two dialogues with Feng Qinglin and Qiu Xing.

The plot needs to change a little bit. I don't know whether the things instilled into the uncle and nephew today will affect the development of the plot. And He sat up straight, found his notebook, opened it, and clicked into Yang Xing's official website.

The sales of the mini digital album have been successful. During his time out of the house, he broke three million yuan. The sales of the digital version of the exquisite album "cocoon breaking" made by Emperor heaven to Ji Zehui was officially suppressed to the bottom of his buttocks.

Xie Yang turned off his official website and opened his microblog again. Over the past few days, the topic popularity of the IUD group has not decreased, but has increased. The microblog hot list has been brushed by various performance clips of new IUD. Among them, the two versions of different styles of "IUD" sung by IUD are the most popular, which has attracted numerous music critics to forward praise, and even has been affirmed by several state-owned official media.

The state-owned official media boast that xiniud is a "ideal, bottom line, strong and character" idol. It is hoped that there will be more high-quality new talents like Xie Yang and more artists with positive energy such as new IUD in the entertainment industry.

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The image of the new IUD was completely promoted, and IUD fans were flattered. They went to the official media to thank them for their affirmation and said that they would learn from the positive energy of idols and strive to become better.

Xie Yang looked at the fans' carefully patting rainbow farts. He laughed and went to the major music related video websites.

It seems that the whole network and music have become the world of IUD. Half a month ago, the super hot "breaking cocoon" is under pressure. The discussion and heat are not as good as before.

It's something I didn't have in my last life. Ji Zehui's status in the emperor is not low, and I don't know whether he will stir up the wind and rain at the emperor's high level, and this will affect the female leader.

Butterflies flutter their wings, and sooner or later, even a few peripheral changes can affect the center.

Before dinner, Xie Yang suddenly received a call from Hu Biao.

"Kelan's role was robbed. It was the emperor's work. There were some acquaintances of Emperor Huang in the investor of Bi's new play. They persuaded him to quit and replaced him with a new one of the emperor's because he was not in line with the role orientation."

Xie Yang steps downstairs for a meal, then continues to go down, way: "still have?"

"How do you know there's more?"


Hu Biao lost his temper because of Xie Yang's calmness. He said, "there is no news of a singing variety show that contacted Tong Jian before, and the cover shooting of a magazine contacted yesterday has also disappeared. And... "

Hu Biao listed a lot of them in one breath, and then held his breath under the long outlet pressure. He concluded: "that is to say, most of the work we received during this period of time with relatively high quality and specification has been lost. The emperor knows that we need a new job with high quality to stabilize the popularity of everyone after flying alone, so he hit the snake and hit seven inches. Xie Yang, no job, no exposure, or has been consuming popularity in low-quality work, popular artists will soon be forgotten by the public. "

Xie Yang did not speak.

Hu Biao was a little anxious: "it doesn't matter for the time being. Anyway, he has to be busy with the recording of his new album. It's OK not to take on the new work for the time being, but Kelan can't afford to delay. Although he is popular now, the TV circle does not lack the popularity of a singer. He is cross-border like a mountain. There are not many good cast groups. Without the opportunity of director Bi, I don't know when the next good role will be. I also blame me, because I have always been a singer's agent, so I didn't want to develop some contacts in the TV circle. "

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Xie Yang finally opened his mouth and said, "I remember that Bi Dao seems to have brought an apprentice?"

Hu Biao was stunned and said, "yes, but the apprentice used to make micro films, and he didn't follow director Bi for a long time. What do you do with this? "

"You can contact director Bi and ask him if his apprentice has plans to make a TV series recently. If so, I will make full investment and ask him to let colan play the leading role."

Hu Biao took a cool breath and said, "investment? Are you not afraid of losing money

"Director Bi has excellent skills, and all of his collaborators are gold medal writers. I believe that he can select the level of his apprentices, and I believe that if his apprentice wants to make films, he will certainly help to check the script. Now bidiao is forced by the emperor's pressure to dissuade Kelan. If you go to talk with him about cooperation or the cooperation that can help his apprentice, he will be relaxed. In addition, find a performance teacher for colan, and polish his acting skills before contacting him in his new job. Don't be disgraced if he goes out later. "Hu Biao hesitated: "but we haven't met director Bi's Apprentice. We don't know his shooting style. Moreover, in case emperor Tian is not a company in the entertainment industry, he can spend money to find relationships and seize our opportunities. Of course, we can also make our own opportunities with money. Famous directors are temperamental, and the emperor dare not always use capital to suppress the director. What's more, the Emperor may not be optimistic about the apprentices of Bi director. If we invest, they will laugh at us secretly. "

“……” Hu Biao did not dare to say, in fact, he also felt that Jieyang's investment behavior was a bit silly. He stopped talking for a while, but still didn't persuade Xie yang to hang up.

"Wait a minute." Xie Yang suddenly stopped Hu Biao again. "If it's settled, I'd like to meet with Bi's Apprentice as soon as possible."

Xie Yang is not ready to be a philanthropist. Since he has decided to invest, he must make money. Besides, he has other plans. The period of making TV series is too long, and colan can't keep his works exposed. If the cooperation is settled, he wants to use reincarnation as the background, and ask the apprentice of director Bi to shoot a music micro film for colan, which can also be regarded as a way for the two to get familiar with each other in advance. If not, stop loss and terminate cooperation in time.

After communicating all the details with Hu Biao, Xie Yang asked again, "did Mo bin sign the emperor?"

"I don't know. Mo bin has recently been suspended from many activities and lost two endorsements. His personal image and commercial value are not as good as before. I wonder if the emperor will sign him. Why did you ask him all of a sudden? "

"You find a way to find another company for Mo bin, don't let him into the emperor."

Hu Biao was surprised: "you want me to help Mo bin?"

"No, to help ourselves. If Mo bin enters the emperor's heaven, then the emperor will certainly let Mo bin keep pulling and trampling on us, and we will not want to be clean again in the future. "

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Hu Biao immediately calmed down, gritted his teeth and said, "OK! I'll get in touch! "

After finishing the call with Hu Biao, Xie Yang enters the restaurant and finds Qiu Xing absent. He asks the nanny who is serving dishes: "where is Qiu Xing?"

"Ah Xing has gone to the sanatorium, and she should not come back tonight."

Xie Yang looks back at Liusha, nods to show understanding, and sits down at the table.

"Ah hang began to learn how to manage the company when he was very young. Everything in his life was taken over by Rongding. His parents told him to support the enemy family and rescue the nephew left by his sister. He was under great pressure."

Xie Yang takes chopsticks and looks at Liusha again.

Liusha put a resume on the table and said, "your deputy director." Then he turned and left.

Xie Yang watched her leave. After a while, he picked up his resume and took a look. He was stunned. He looked at the empty opposite, pointed to the table top and left the restaurant with his resume.


Two hours later, Xie Yang sneaks into the sanatorium with the help of Zhou Miao.

Zhou Miao was very nervous: "little boss, you have to make sure that the boss will not lose his temper because of this. What I don't want is that you have been calling me all the time, and --"

"and threatening you to come over from the side of Qiu Xing and abuse you every day. Only then did you promise to help." Jieyang interrupts Zhou Miao's words. His sight has been locked on the balcony of the small building, and he heads slightly, "don't be afraid, I won't really abuse you." With that, he said goodbye to Zhou Miao's pass and entered the small building.

On the terrace, mother Qiu is looking at the stars again. She crazily raised her head and kept saying something low in her mouth. Her mind was obviously in a state of unconsciousness.

Qiu Xing sat next to his mother. He bent his head to grind his nails. His straight back was bent slightly. His hair fell off a few strands and softened his eyebrows.

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"Mom, I saw Qinglin today. He was bullied by the Feng family again."

When Qiu Mu heard the name of Feng Qinglin, she was reluctant to move her sight. She grabbed Qiu Xing's hand and asked, "is Qinglin home?"

"Back." Qiu Xing pinched her mother's hand, and when she moved back to her sight, she lowered her head and continued to grind her nails.

"I was going to clean up the wind, and the company was angry with Qinglin, but a bad guy scolded me." Qiu Xing said of this frown and complained, "you also said that you found me an honest child. That bad thing is not honest! He scolded me

Qiu's mother suddenly glared at Qiu Xing: "don't be fierce!"

Qiu Xing choked, his frown loosened, and he lowered his head and continued to polish his nails Mom, how can you be partial to him

After quiet for a while, Qiu Xing suddenly took his mother's hand again and said, "Mom, I'm hesitant. Qinglin is already 24 years old. What should I do?"

Qiu's mother repeated some messy words, such as "find your sister back", "take Qinglin home" and so on. Qiu Xing looked at his mother for a long time and stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms.

Xie Yang takes back his hand and closes the door again.

He goes back to the car and throws his pass to Zhou Miao.

Zhou Miao caught him in a hurry and looked at Xie Yang's back, wondering, "Why are you back alone, boss?"

"Play coquettish with mother."

Zhou Miao looks frightened.

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