The song "raging waves" has high requirements for sound stability, breath and singing skills. However, if one of them is not in place, it will not be able to match the mood of accompaniment, and it will appear to be drifting and disobeying.

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Although Ji Zehui has an excellent baritone, it is still difficult for Ji Zehui to control the "raging waves" steadily from Xie Yang's understanding of Ji Zehui's live singing level in the past two days.

Ji Zehui didn't expect to hear such an answer. He was cautious and looked at Xie Yang's expression suspiciously. He asked, "do you really think so?"

Xie Yang nodded and said positively, "teacher Ji, how do you want to adapt this piece of music? Do you have any direction?"

"This one is not busy at first." Ji Zehui assuredly said, "I watched your performance video with my mobile phone before. At that time, after various compression, your voice was distorted. So I wonder if I have the honor to listen to you sing" IUD "on the spot

"IUD" has a lot of high pitched parts and steep, especially low bass. If you sing alone, you must have a strong control over the voice, otherwise it is easy to sing deformation. Moreover, there is a big difference between singing combination and solo singing. It is easy to change the singing method at first, and it is easy to be bald and flat. Ji Zehui's request is still Qingchang. As we all know, Qingchang tests a singer's sense of rhythm and emotional appeal. In short, Ji Zehui is digging a hole for Xie Yang. If Xie Yang breaks the loose group songs of IUD now, it will be a big blow to IUD.

Xie Yang stopped for a moment and said, "it's my pleasure to sing to miss Ji. I don't know if Mr. Ji wants to listen to the original version of IUD or the lyrical version of IUD? "

Ji Zehui pretended to think and replied, "it's still the original version. The singing method of that one is closer to the angry waves."

It seems that Ji Zehui is not too brainless. He knows that he has to find out the truth before he does it.

Xie Yang nodded to show that he understood. He said, wait a moment. He went to one side and drank his saliva to moisten his throat. Then he simply opened his voice and went back to Ji Zehui and said, "teacher Ji, I started?"

Ji Zehui applauded encouragingly on his face and praised two sentences of "IUD" to the camera.

Xie Yang knew that Ji Zehui wanted to remind him that there was still a camera in the room and wanted to make him nervous. He deliberately gave a shy smile to the camera. After that, he closed his eyes and took a shallow breath. When he opened his eyes, he was already in a state. He opened his mouth and uttered a happy chant.

The studio arranged by the program group for the guests is very spacious and open. As soon as Xie Yang's voice comes out, it is immediately amplified by the space, and then rebounds to produce resonance, which seems to explode directly in people's minds.

Ji Zehui's expression froze instantly.

The photographer who aimed the lens at Xie Yang was so excited that the lens all shook.

Jieyang's tenor is different from Tongjian, which is not as violent and tense as Tongjian. It is more cold and sharp. It is like an ancient sword that has been suppressed for thousands of years and is eager to drink blood. It is elegant and killing, with a trace of natural massiness. It is totally different from the pure and sweet bass, but it is also amazing.

After a long and happy chant, Xie Yang's voice fell back quickly. With the lyrics sinking, he fell into despair. When he crossed the range, the timbre was too perfect, there was no sense of rupture, and the emotional appeal was very strong.

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There is only Xie Yang's singing in the room, and there is an invisible atmosphere of despair and death.

Ji Zehui recovered from the rigidity, avoided the camera, adjusted his expression, and stiffly squeezed out a stunning fake smile. He cursed Mo bin 10000 times in his heart.

This is called treble dry and weak? This is called unskillful singing skills?

He looked at Xie Yang, who was singing with his eyes closed, and almost bit his back teeth.

No wonder Jieyang dares to accept his invitation. No wonder Jieyang had such an attitude before. This new man is really amazing! Subjectively, this version of "IUD" is better than the other two! The first half of this version of IUD is more despairing and desolate, while the part pursuing new life is more gentle and moving, which can be said to be natural!

He could almost foresee what kind of praise and pursuit Xie Yang would receive if this segment was broadcast in the program! "IUD" that mini special sales will usher in a terrible surge.

Xie Yang has already sung the most amazing and hearty ending of "IUD". Ji Zehui's brain explodes and he can't help interrupting: "OK, that's enough. That's it."

The thick male voice suddenly cuts into the song and then stops abruptly. All the staff in the room felt only that a rough hand had pulled his soul out of the fairy's arms. The whole person was as uncomfortable as being polluted. He could not help looking at Ji Zehui with a slight reproach.

Xie Yang was still polite after he was called off, and asked, "Mr. Ji, what do you think of my timbre? Is it suitable for you to cooperate with the angry waves?"

Ji Zehui, aware of the staff's sight, felt more and more unhappy, but he had to pretend to be a professional. He said, "your treble voice is too floating. It's a bit out of step with angry waves. I have to think about it again. So, as you continue to familiarize yourself with the raging waves, I'll try to figure out how to integrate our voices

"Well, it's very hard for you."

Ji Zehui runs away again. Xie Yang smiles at the staff who are looking at Qi Qi. He goes to the corner again, plugs in his headphones and continues to listen to the raging waves. He turns over the music while listening.The mobile phone suddenly shakes, and a wechat message comes in.

Jieyang avoids the camera and turns on the phone.

Long Shuyou: it's settled. I will be the guest of comment in the next issue of who is the king of songs. Which song did Ji Zehui choose?

Xie Yang: the raging waves.

Long Shuyou? He'll probably change songs.

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Xie Yang picks eyebrow, type: how to say?

Long Shuyou: this kind of song is very skillful. If you are better than him in singing skills and expressive power, he will be eclipsed. He will not allow this to happen.

Xie Yang laughed, typing: let him change, I will accompany.


Before lunch, Ji Zehui came back and invited Xie yang to have lunch together.

During the meal, Ji Zehui talked about a lot of professional words, and said in secret that "although I like the song" Nu Tao "very much, but because your timbre really does not match with" Nu Tao ", I decided to accommodate you and change a song.

"Oh, I'm glad to hear the voice of the staff. It seems that we still don't have teacher Ji's major. What music would you like to change


Ji Zehui suppressed his anger and gave an ugly smile. He said, "I'm still thinking about it. Maybe it won't change in the end. In this way, Xiaojie, you can continue to be familiar with Nu Tao, and you can also change it if you have the idea of adaptation. I'm going to look for new songs. Time is tight. We'll work together. "

Solution Yang a mouth should: "no problem, or season teacher think thoughtful."

Ji Zehui left as soon as the recording time in the afternoon arrived. Xie Yang deliberately lagged behind, tidied up the things in the practice room and said goodbye to the staff one by one before leaving the place arranged by the program group.

Wu Shui has already parked the car downstairs, waiting for the car.

When Xie Yang went there, Yu Guang noticed that there were two more people coming out of the building where the exercise room was. They were both women, a long, straight, wine red hair, a brown wavy curl, both in hats and masks, talking in a low voice.

Xie Yang stopped for a moment.

"Boss?" Wu Shui followed Xie Yang's gaze and asked cautiously, "what's wrong with those two people?"

The problem is very big. After wearing it, Xie Yang saw numerous images of the book of changes, and immediately recognized that the woman with brown wavy volume was the female owner.

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It's just why the mistress is here? In the original plot, shouldn't the female host establish a "pure" friendship with another important male partner?

Perhaps aware of Xie Yang's sight, the female master Mu Zhouyi suddenly looks this way. Her beautiful eyes like autumn water are exposed under the brim of her hat. Even if she doesn't make up, she is intoxicating.

It seems that the woman has further beautified her appearance with her golden finger.

Xie Yang took back his sight and patted Wu Shui on the shoulder: "get in the car and go home."

Wu Shui immediately took back his sight and helped Xie Yang open the door. After Xie Yang got on the bus, he went around to the driver's seat and started the car to leave the original place.

Xie Yang sitting in the car, found that the female owner looked this way several times, touched the valuable new car under his body, and pulled the corners of his mouth.

Tenacious, rational, good-natured and not motivated by money?

Anyway, he didn't believe that there was such a noble person who was clearly fighting in the entertainment industry, but didn't care about money and power. The author of the original book absolutely beautifies the protagonist. For example, in the eyes of the female owner, the man who is decisive, resourceful, affectionate, and omnipotent is just a big bag with empty ambition and can't understand the situation.


The next day when Xie Yang got up early and opened the door, he was directly covered with a bag.

"Change it and go downstairs."

Xie Yang catches the soft clothes bag that begins to slide down. Looking at the back of Qiu Xing disappearing at the stairway, Xie Yang lowers his head and opens the bag. At the top of the bag, there is a thin gray sweater.


He laughed and turned into the room.

Five minutes later, he changed his clothes from head to toe and stepped downstairs to the dining room and sat down.

Qiu Xing was sitting at the table, reading his email with his mobile phone. Seeing Xie Yang down, he glanced up and down and laughed and hummed: "this is just about the same. They all started companies and made their debut, but they didn't even have a stylist in charge of image. What does it look like

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Xie Yang was in a good mood and explained, "the company has stylists, but I asked them to manage Tongjian and Kelan. Thank you for the clothes

"Send? It's a beautiful idea. " Qiu Xing put down the mobile phone, "all these have to be deducted from the money you earn from repairing."

“…… So you're buying me clothes with my money? "

"Do you want to use my money?"

Xie Yang really wanted to, and asked, "can I use it?"

Qiu Xing probably didn't expect Xie yang to be so cheeky. After watching Xie Yang for several seconds, he said darkly, "if you change your surname, I'll give it to you."

Xie Yang regretfully sighed: "if you said this sentence before I set up the company, I would certainly change it immediately. Now that I have a company, it will be very troublesome to change the name. It seems that I can only say goodbye to your noble surname with regret."“……”

Qiu Xing knocked down the table with his fingers: "so much in the morning, eat!"


Xie Yang arrived at the practice room 40 minutes ahead of schedule. The staff are still making preparations. They are surprised to see Xie Yang coming so early, so they gather to greet each other.

Xie Yang told them not to be busy, but also asked Wu Shui to give them the hot drinks he had bought. He said that he could just sit anywhere and didn't need any extra greetings.

Seeing that he was such a good talker, everyone relaxed one after another. Thanks for his drinks, they continued to be busy.

Xie Yang found a corner to sit. Before he plugged in the earphone to listen to the song, he heard a little girl boasting that he was particularly handsome today. He looked down at his clothes and plugged in his earphone to send wechat to Qiu Xing.

Xie Yang: some people praise that I'm well dressed today.

Qiu Xing answered after a while: don't believe it. They are cheating you.

“……” that 's ok.

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