Ji Zehui ran away again.

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Xie Yang timely performed a stay in place, then put away the music and sat back in the corner again.

The cameraman couldn't help comforting him and said, "Mr. Xie, your adaptation is great! Miss Ji Teacher Ji should be too excited, so go out slowly. "

"I understand, thank you," he said with a smile

About half an hour later, long Shuyou suddenly sent a wechat message.

Long Shuyou: Ji Zehui asked for a change of guest singers. I asked the person in charge of the program team to refuse. Ji Zehui is now fighting with his agent.

Xie Yang became interested and asked: what are they arguing about?

It took more than ten minutes for long Shuyou to return the news.

Long Shuyou: Ji Zehui's agent wants Ji Zehui to use your adaptation directly and cooperate with you to record this program successfully. Ji Zehui doesn't want to.

Long Shuyou: now Ji Zehui has compromised and is willing to cooperate with you. But the two again quarreled over the issue of music selection. Ji Zehui wants to sing "Nu Tao". He feels that it's humiliating to be suppressed by you again when he sings "one sword calms spring and Autumn" with you. The agent thinks "one sword Ping Chun Qiu" can help Ji Zehui earn emotional points, and he thinks Ji Zehui can't control your adaptation of "raging waves".

Long Shuyou: the agent also advised Ji Zehui not to be serious. If you want to clean up, you can do something in the editing. Two disgusting guys.

Xie Yang typing: how do you know so much about eavesdropping?

Long Shuyou: my assistant is eavesdropping.

Xie Yang laughed and asked: who do you think will win the fight?

Long Shuyou came over with a pig's head expression.

More than ten minutes later, Ji Zehui came back. His attitude suddenly became extremely warm and gentle, and as long Shuyou guessed, "endure pain" decided to sing "angry waves".

Xie Yang confirmed: "do you really want to sing the raging waves? We don't practice this song very much. We'll see the band teacher in the afternoon and rehearse in the evening. We don't have much time to run in. "

Ji Zehui said: "it doesn't matter. We can run in with the band teacher. I'll pack the high part of the angry wave. You can sing the bass and sing the part that you are good at. The running in is very fast."

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There are a lot of high pitched parts in the adapted "angry waves". When singing, it requires high stability of voice. Although it sounds better than the original, it is not easy to sing well and express feelings.

Xie Yang said meaningfully: "Miss Ji, do you want to sing all the high parts?"

Ji Zehui put on a good voice and replied, "of course not. We can sing the last part of the chorus, so we can only run in this part. What do you think?"

Xie Yang was very satisfied, and said, "teacher Ji, you think very carefully. Then you can do as you say."

Then Xie Yang focused on the adaptation of the "raging waves", while Ji Zehui acted as a director and stood by Xie Yang's side to give advice.

Soon after the morning, after lunch, they went to meet the band teacher with their music scores.

In the afternoon, the running in was quite smooth. The band teachers were all professional, and they were very familiar with the music score very quickly. Ji Zehui himself has a certain strength. Although he didn't sing very well in the first one or two times, he played well after entering the state.

After practicing all afternoon, Xie Yang still looks relaxed, but Ji Zehui's shirt back is all wet with sweat, and his throat shows fatigue.

The person in charge of the band advised: "teacher Ji, you have a rest, this has almost run in."

Ji Zehui takes a look at Xie Yang, who drinks water and moistens his throat. Although he is holding his breath, he does not try to be strong again. He nods and stops.

At 7:30 p.m., the rehearsal officially began.

Xie Yang met with the production team of who is the king of songs, including the program director, director, host, other guests and other guests In addition to commenting guests, basically all the people who need to be present during the official recording have arrived, which is very lively.

Ji Zehui's meeting was like a change of person. He talked to this one with a smile and exchanged greetings with that one. He was very well fed and very influential. Compared with Ji Zehui, Xie Yang's side is very cold and quiet. Basically, few people take the initiative to speak with Xie Yang.

After going out for a circle, Ji Zehui ran back to Xie Yang, who was sitting alone in the corner, flipping through the rehearsal flow chart. He sighed with hypocrisy: "being able doesn't mean you will succeed. Xiaojie, there are many places you need to learn."

Xie Yang agreed: "teacher Ji is right. Fortunately, I am not only capable."

“……” Ji Zehui held his breath and went on to the waves.

It takes about three and a half hours to record. Rehearsal is simpler than formal recording, but it also takes more than two hours.

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After reading the flow chart, Xie Yang walked out of the guest room to help sing when he was struggling with a lighting problem. He found a quiet corner and took out his mobile phone to call Qiu Xing.Qiu Xing takes a second, but doesn't speak.

Xie Yang said: "I'm in the rehearsal. It should be 10 o'clock after the end of the rehearsal, and it's about 12 o'clock when I get home."

"Tell me what this is for."

"I'm afraid you think I've run away. I'll give you a shot."

The two were relatively quiet.

Xie Yang thought for a while and said, "today, someone praised me for my handsome dress."

"Xie Yang."


"Don't tell me about these non nutritious topics."

"Then I'll hang up and you'll have an early rest." Xie Yang is ready to put down the phone.

"After the rehearsal, go to Rongding."

Xie Yang put the mobile phone that he had moved away a bit and stuck it back to his ear and asked, "what do you do there?"

Qiu Xing didn't answer and hung up the phone directly.


Ji Zehui's lucky draw was good, drawing the second singing. The two quickly came to the stage and formally auditioned "raging waves" with the lighting on the stage. Maybe it was the running in of the afternoon that had an effect. The audition had a very good effect. Ji Zehui played a stable and even made a breakthrough.

For the first time, the directors and hosts of the adapted version of "raging waves" showed their amazing appearance, praising Ji Zehui and Xie Yang one after another. A guest who ran to the front desk to see the excitement also followed the fake howl: "no more playing, no more playing. The first one in the next issue must be Zehui. Let's go."

Ji Zehui was very happy to respond to their praises one by one, without mentioning that the tune was actually adapted by Xie Yang. Xie Yang doesn't steal the limelight, leaving Ji Zehui to be happy.

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At the end of rehearsal to leave the recording scene, the program director suddenly found Xie Yang, gave him a business card, and said, "good performance, have a chance to come to the program group to play."

Xie Yang took the business card and laughed at the director. He said, "sure."

When Xie Yang arrived at Rongding, it was nearly 10:30 p.m. He looked at the location of the ninth floor of the Rongding building and took out his mobile phone to call Qiu Xing.

"Here I am."

"Into the parking lot, let Wu Shui take you to the special elevator, I open the elevator authority, you come up by yourself."

Jieyang put down his mobile phone and asked Wu Shui to drive the car into the parking lot according to Qiu Xing's instructions.

Five minutes later, Xie Yang took a special elevator to the ninth floor of Rongding headquarters building. When the ladder door opened, an office similar to the layout of the president's office of Rongding branch of s city was exposed.

Qiu Xing, who was wearing a nightgown, leaned back on the sofa with his eyes closed. He heard the voice and said, "go to take a bath."

At more than 10 o'clock in the night, young male college students were suddenly summoned to the office of the villain boss. The light was dim. The boss was wearing a nightgown and asked the male college students to take a bath.

Xie Yang walked out of the elevator and said, "I thought you knew I was not a showman."

Qiu Xing didn't understand at first. After understanding it, he immediately opened his eyes and couldn't believe to see Xie Yang: "you're full of what's in your head - go take a bath! There is a folding bed in the rest room, which has been made up. Go to sleep by yourself Then he got up and went into the office and slammed the door.


Xie Yang grinned, went to the door of the office and knocked on the door gently. He asked, "Qiu Xing, are you waiting for me here?"

There was no response in the room. It was as quiet as no one was there.

Xie Yang stood for two seconds and turned away.

In the early morning, Xie Yang is awakened by the sound of walking outside. He followed the sound to the reception hall and found Qiu Xing standing in front of the water dispenser in the dim moonlight.

He turned on the light.

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He was pressing his brow with his hand, and was blinded by the sudden light. He frowned and looked at him with a vacant look.


The bewilderment on Qiu Xing's face quickly faded. He put down his hands and bent over to pour water into a cup. He did not answer the question: "did you wake up?"

Xie Yang walked over and answered the wrong question: "do you have a headache and can't sleep?"

Qiu Xing didn't speak and drank the water.

"Do you need a doctor?"

Qiu Xing still did not speak. His face is expressionless to squeeze the water cup, his face is not the usual ridicule or cold expression to cover up, more and more serious appearance. A few seconds later, he suddenly raised his hand and pressed his forehead, calling: "Jieyang."


"Don't talk to my mother."

Jieyang suspects that Qiu Xing will have a headache and become confused. When he was thinking about whether to go back to his room and call 120 with his mobile phone, Qiu Xing put down his hand again and said, "don't think about calling the doctor. I'm not crazy."

Xie Yang retorted: "I didn't say you were crazy."

Qiu Xing smiles and suddenly changes the topic, "you said you would stand by my side, but I'm thinking about it these two days." He turned the glass. "Are you lying to me?"

He put down his glass and looked at Xie Yang: "are you lying to me?"

Xie Yang replied, "I didn't cheat you."

"Then you have no one else to rely on except me?"

"No, I can rely on myself."

Qiu Xing's expression actually looked good, said: "go to sleep, won't wake you up again." With that, he raised his hand and gently covered the head of Xie Yang and turned away.Xie Yang watched Qiu Xing disappear behind the door. He raised his head and felt his head. Somehow, he suddenly remembered the way Qiu Xing held his mother in his arms.

It's hard to see how soft this man looks.

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