If it is in normal times, Ji Zehui will immediately find a way to pull the host out of the audience after being criticized so sharply. Then he will find other topics to lead the commenting guests to say a few words that can be heard. He will mix the scene for the time being, and then try to find a way to put pressure on the program group in the later editing, so that the program group will not broadcast the bad words but only the good ones.

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However, Ji Zehui could not calm down. He had just heard several commentators praise the adaptation of "angry waves", which made him especially intolerable. At this time, long Shuyou criticized him.

What's more, if long Shu you is really invited by Xie Yang

Ji Zehui began to make excuses and said, "I always reflect on myself. I'm sorry I didn't play well this time. I feel very sorry that Xie Yang came to help my singing guest Xie Yang. He was busy with the adaptation of "angry waves" until yesterday noon. We ran in a hurry in the afternoon and rehearsed in the evening. Under the rotation of the axes, he and I were tired

Long Shuyou was more and more disappointed and said, "no, you and Xie Yang's voices are not tired in the singing just now. You just have problems with cooperation. Xie Yang's performance is commendable. The mood of the song is perfectly rendered by him before you open your mouth, but as soon as you open your mouth, all emotions wither down immediately. Especially after you started to show off your skills later, I seemed to hear another song. There is also the last chorus. Xie Yang tries to get you back on track again and again, but you try to suppress his voice again and again, leading to the emotional collapse of the whole song. Here, I think Xie Yang has also failed. Xie Yang, you clearly have the spare power to seize the control of the song in the last part of the chorus. Why don't you grab it? "

Everyone looks at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang had to raise the microphone.

What's the answer to that? Tell the truth?

Then --

"forget it, I'll help you, because you're afraid that Ji Zehui can't grab you and break the tone at last."

Xie Yang immediately put down the microphone.

There was an awkward silence at the front and back.

Ji Zehui's face sank.

The host is busy standing out to round the field, but Ji Zehui has not answered the question for a long time. There was a commotion in the audience and the director had to stop recording.

Ji Zehui's agent rushed forward to apologize to the director, and then called Ji Zehui to talk with the director.

More than ten minutes later, Ji Zehui left, and the director frowned and called Xie Yang.

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Xie Yang walks over.

The director motioned to Xiao Jin in the corner.

Xie Yang looks at Xiao Jin, who has just come to see him. Finally, Xiao Jin takes the initiative to welcome Xie Yang, hands him a business card and says, "Mr. Xie, I suggest that the director re record your and Zehui's singing. Other guests have already agreed. As long as you nod, the recording can start again. What do you want? "

This is a deal to be made.

Xie Yang laughed and asked, "don't you embarrass me?"

"Before the matter is Ze Hui impulsive, sorry."

"You can bend and stretch." Xie Yang took the business card and didn't say much in front of the director. He simply said, "wait for me in the parking lot after the program is recorded. I have a business to talk with you."

After Xiao Jin left, the director was embarrassed and embarrassed. He said to Xie Yang, "thank you for your understanding. This time it's really Ah

Xie Yang smiles: "it's OK, just sing it again."

Half an hour after the recording stopped, the director came out to announce the re recording of Jie Yang and Ji Zehui's singing.

There was a low "ah" in the audience. The people in the program group all looked at Xie Yang sympathetically.

Xie Yang does not move his face, but gives long Shuyou a soothing look, indicating that long Shu you re recorded is approved by him. Long Shuyou receives the hint, frowns and sits back again, without asking the director for trouble.

Everyone back in position, Xie Yang turns back to the stage entrance.

Ji Zehui was standing there moistening his voice with a bottle of water. Seeing Xie Yang come over, he just took a look and didn't speak.

Xie Yang went to Ji Zehui, looked at the stage with gorgeous lights outside the entrance and the audience full of audience in front of the stage, and said, "don't worry, I'm not ready to mock you. Sing well this time. Don't spoil my adaptation

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Ji Zehui pinched the water bottle carelessly.

Xie Yang still doesn't look at Ji Zehui, concentrating on adjusting the position of the ear return: "be prepared mentally, if you still don't play well this time, I won't let you."

After finishing the transition speech, the two people came to the stage.

Xie Yang stood on his own half of the stage, his eyes closed and his breath relaxed.

Almost everyone immediately found that Xie Yang's momentum became different after taking the stage. He holds the microphone in one hand, the other hand is naturally lowered, and his eyes are half down. His dark blue suit is shining in the light, like a few wisps of moonlight on the sea at night, quiet and cold.

The audience quieted down unconsciously. Everyone looks at Xie Yang and unconsciously ignores Ji Zehui, who is dressed in a rock and roll style.

The music played and the lights dimmed.

The calm sea suddenly surged waves, just still quiet bathed in the moonlight of the traveler was instantly swept under the sea.Xie Yang's song is inserted in time, panic, struggle, looking for the direction of life in the turbulent waves, suffocation, pain Never give up!

Stronger and more complex emotions than in the last performance filled the audience. All the audience held their breath unconsciously, as if they were immersed in the sea.

At the end of a, after a tense interval, the chorus of fierce resistance comes. Ji Zehui's deep and thick voice is inserted into the waves, but it seems that Not strong enough?

Just when the audience was almost thrown out of the emotional network created by the song, a harmony suddenly raised Ji Zehui's voice. For example, under the impact of the waves, the travelers who were already helpless suddenly remembered their relatives waiting in their hometown, and their lives suddenly broke out and fought more fiercely.

The audience fell back into the net again, nervously keeping up with the song.

Ji Zehui takes a look at Xie Yang and sings along with Xie Yang's rhythm.

The confrontation between the people and the waves became more and more urgent and more intense. Finally, the chorus ended and the waves suddenly slowed down. The travelers thought that they had ushered in vitality.

The second paragraph a sounded at the right time, and this time the mood of singing was slightly different. Happy, suddenly tired and sleepy, forced to wake up, eager to swim to the sea

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At the end of a, the music suddenly becomes sharp. When the traveler is close to the sea surface, a stronger wave suddenly appears and takes the traveler back to the deep sea again.

The second chorus is coming. When the traveler sees the hope, he falls back to despair. What he wants to express is the traveler's anger, out of control and outbreak! Is completely agitated by the waves unwilling!

Ji Zehui's voice cut in again, this time Xie Yang raised his voice with harmony from the beginning. All the audience clenched their fists unconsciously.

Fight! Fight! Keep fighting!

Xie Yang no longer put down the microphone, nor did he accommodate Ji Zehui. He carried Ji Zehui's voice through the whole part of the chorus, and then sank his emotion into the more urgent interlude after the auxiliary song. Then, when the last part of the chorus came, he took the initiative and suppressed Ji Zehui's roaring voice. He tried his best to exaggerate his emotions and completely burst the travelers' desire to survive.

The game is at its last minute!

Pull, collision, life and death line At last, the traveler broke through the sea under the waves and got hold of the overturned boat.

As the sun rises in the East, the travelers skate to the shore, wring the water marks on their clothes and heading for home. Behind him, the waves slowly subsided, and the sea was calm again, catching a broken sun.

The music calmed down and then quieted down.

Xie Yang opened his eyes and looked at the audience. He put the hand of the microphone on his abdomen and bent slightly.

After a few seconds of silence, the applause was thunderous, and the audience couldn't help shouting Xie Yang's name excitedly.

Ji Zehui is standing beside Xie Yang, breathing a little bit, sweating on his forehead, and unwilling.

He can't get over Xie Yang. He can't do it at all.

Long Shuyou looks at Xie Yang on the stage with shining eyes and claps hard. Other commenting guests did not expect that the adapted "raging waves" would be so impressive in the perfect interpretation, and they all applauded.

"How do I think this song can go even higher without Ji Zehui's voice?" A commenting guest couldn't help commenting.

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Another guest reached out and patted him to stop talking.

Backstage two guests waiting room is also a stunning praise. Zeng Min said: "I thought the last rehearsal of" raging waves "was already excellent, but I didn't expect This is a wonderful young man. "

Some of the guests who had been indifferent to the ensemble regretted secretly in their hearts. Did they not give Ji Zehui a first place in the duet?

Some of the new generation singers who are about the same age as Xie Yang feel threatened. With Xie Yang's excellent peers standing on the stage, do they still have the chance to stand out?

On the stage.

Xie Yang stood up in full applause, picked up the microphone and looked at the audience and said, "thank you very much." After that, he looked at Ji Zehui next to him and said, "thank you for giving me this opportunity to get on the stage of who is the king of songs. Thank you."

Ji Zehui's hand holding the microphone was almost blue. He didn't expect that Xie Yang would burst out such a terrible repression when he really got serious and wanted to turn his face willfully. But in the end, reason prevailed. He picked up the microphone and said, "Xiaoxie, you are welcome. I should thank you for your adaptation and help singing. It's hard work."

The host took the stage at the right time, exchanged two sentences with Ji Zehui and Xie Yang with a smile, and then handed them to the commenting guests.

This time, the reviewers boasted without pressure. They praised their performances from emotional expression to singing skills. They were not stingy at all. Long Shuyou is also rare, no criticism and long talk, only a short way: "good."


The new issue of who is the king of songs has finally been successfully recorded. Finally, considering that Ji Zehui had sung twice, in order to take care of the mood of other guests, the program team only asked the raters to give "angry waves" a high or low score.

These Xie Yang no longer care. After recording the program, he received business cards from several commenting guests and singing guests. At this time, he was trying to establish his first level of contacts after he officially entered the entertainment circle.Among the people who handed the business card, Zeng min was the most enthusiastic. Taking advantage of the lack of people, she approached Xie yang to remind her: "Ji Zehui is small-minded and can't bear to be angry. You have strength. You can't do worse than him in the future. Now don't try hard with him, ah."

Xie Yang sincerely said, "thank you for reminding me."


After the recording was over, Xie Yang came to the parking lot and saw Ji Zehui and Xiao Jin waiting there obediently. He was very satisfied and said, "let's go and talk about business."

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