Early the next morning, in the voice of manweibo condemning Ji Zehui, Xie Yang was interviewed live by a media.

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The questions asked by the reporter pointed to the center of gravity.

"Xie Yang, Ji Zehui has repeatedly left you alone in the practice room in the preparation process, is he deliberately challenging you?"

Xie Yang lied without any pressure: "no, the elder did that because he had the habit of running away when he was excited. Didn't you find that every time he ran away, he was surprised by my performance? The senior's agent also reminded me that I would tie the elder's feet with a rope in advance when I cooperate with my predecessors next time, so as not to run around. "

With full of anger, Xie Yang fans who want to seek justice for Xie Yang:???

Ji Zehui's fans who are trying to wash the white with rhythm:?

Gualu people and sailors from all walks of life???

The reporter seemed to be confused for a moment, and then asked, "what do you think of Ji Zehui's frequent song changing behavior?"

"That's because the elder appreciated my voice too much. He said he wanted to explore the possibility of my voice to a greater extent. In fact, we will continue to discuss music selection and arrangement on wechat after the end of every day's recording. Mr. Ji has given me a lot of help and suggestions during this period. It's just a pity that Mr. Ji is not good at composing music, and gives a lot of strange suggestions. "

All of you What is suggestion very strange???

The reporter continued to ask firmly: "what do you want to say about this cooperation with Ji Zehui?"

Xie Yang stressed: "the elder is really good. He takes good care of me. When singing, the elder found that he could not sing "the raging waves" well because of his voice conditions at that time. He immediately decided to set off for me. And the elder also offered to promote my team's mini album IUD. Thank you very much. But the elder also has a little problem, that is, he always has a black face and doesn't talk much. At the beginning, I thought the elder hated me very much

At the end of the interview, people who abused Ji Zehui angrily all day were in a daze.

Ji Zehui sent a wechat message to Jieyang.

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Ji Zehui: when did I promise to give you free promotion album?

Xie Yang: do you want to agree?

Ji Zehui did not return the news.

After Xie Yang clarified, Xiao Jin's Navy troops soon came to an end and began to offer Ji Zehui a good elder with a black heart.

Before long, a clip of Ji Zehui left the practice room several times, and the collection video climbed to the top.

In the video, every time Ji Zehui leaves the practice room, the pictures are slowed down and stitched together. The scissors hand gives a hint that Ji Zehui's expression before leaving each time is interpreted as "the young newcomer is so handsome, but I want to calm down", "the singing is too good, but I want to be steady", "no, although the adaptation is very good, I have to calm down, and I can't lose the stable image of the predecessors", "God Well, "one sword Ping Chun Qiu" can still be adapted like this. I want to go out and calm down "and other emotions.

Scissor also edited some running pictures of Ji Zehui in other programs in the past to emphasize Ji Zehui's habit of running when he was excited and gave him a nickname, Ji running.

God class scissors hand with funny subtitles and lovely background music, entertainment effect full score, netizens' anger instantly weakened.

After that, there was a news that Ji Zehui and Xie Yang met in private and went to the recording studio together. Then the water army quickly took the rhythm of "if Ji Zehui is not good to Xie Yang, how can Xie Yang continue to contact Ji Zehui in private, or even speak for Ji Zehui with his hard and hard character of Mo bin and black powder.".

When the public opinion comes here, the situation of criticizing Ji Zehui has been reversed.

Ji Zehui made an apology and a statement of thanks while the iron was hot, explaining that the reason why the score of "angry waves" was low was that he and Xie Yang had sung "Nu Tao" twice, and the score given by the rater was the average score of the two performances.

The reason why they could sing it twice was that his voice was too weak at the first time, which directly broke the song. Therefore, with the understanding of other guests and the program team, they sang it again, and they could only work hard to sing the song.

After the explanation, he sincerely reflected on his performance in the program, apologized to the other guests, the program team, Xie Yang and all the audience. He also said that he would donate all the income from participating in the program after the end of this season, punish himself for his mistakes, and thank the public for his supervision.

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Finally, he solemnly appreciated the tolerance and understanding of other guests, the program group and Xie Yang, and promised that he would treat all the singing with a more serious and pure attitude in the future, and make up for the bad experience brought by this time with better works.

At the end of the statement, Ji Zehui released his "better works", which were his solo "angry waves" and his adapted version of "one sword flattening the spring and Autumn Annals". The pictures of the two songs are the fragments of Xie Yang's recording for him. In the clip, the communication between the two people is normal, and sometimes they get angry because the recording is not smooth. However, it seems to be true and more likely to win people's trust.

Jieyang forwarded the statement.

After that, other guests also forwarded Ji Zehui's statement, expressing their understanding and support. Soon, the official blog of the program group also came forward to praise Ji Zehui's professional attitude.After that, the musician who scolded Ji Zehui suddenly posted a micro blog.

Old Wen: OK, Ji Zehui. I'm sorry for what I scolded you. Your ears are OK, because you have chosen Xie Yang. I appreciate your initiative to help new people. Your singing skills are no problem. From your songs, I heard your sincere apology and renewed enthusiasm for singing. I hope you can become a butterfly after breaking the cocoon, instead of being trapped in the cocoon. Today's classic ensemble, I wish you a brilliant future.

A storm has almost completely subsided. Xiao Jin quickly spends money to buy hot search topics such as Xie Yang Xing Xing and Jie Yang's car. He gives Xie Yang a wave of company publicity free of charge and diverts the public's attention.


The so-called perfect public relations can not only calm down the crisis, but also make the public relations object profitable.

With the development of the solo version of "angry waves" and the adapted version of "one sword flattening the spring and Autumn", Ji Zehui's new album "breaking cocoon" has once again soared a wave of physical sales, and the outside world's affirmation of Ji Zehui's singing skills and the promise of his new album winning awards have also increased a lot.

On the other hand, Xie Yang successfully broke into the eyes of most music fans with his amazing appearance in who is the king of songs. His popularity went up to a higher level and his strength was recognized. He became the representative of the new generation of powerful singers, and his excellent composing ability was also greatly affirmed.

At the same time, thanks to the popularity of the program broadcast and the joint PR with Ji Zehui, the sales volume of IUD Mini specialty "IUD" has risen sharply, and the digital sales volume of "cocoon breaking" has been stepped down again.

But sometimes PR is too perfect, and it is easy to have problems.

Xie Yang looked at the microblog ා did gray sheep produce wool today ා on this topic, he asked Hu Biao: "what is this?"

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Hu Biao's expression is strange: "it's the topic that you and Ji Zehui's CP paint up. You are "sheep", Ji Zehui is "gray". Wool production means grain production. "

Xie Yang: "what's more..."

"Don't say, the video they cut is quite impressive." Hu Biao pulled out his mobile phone, called up a video and put it to Xie Yang. He explained, "they are so picky about sugar. When you scold Ji Zehui when you record songs for Ji Zehui, they think it's sweet. They say you are a wolf dog in the new year. Ji Zehui is looking at the fierce, but in fact, he is very good at cheating, and is also very soft."

Xie Yang pushed Hu Biao's mobile phone directly and asked, "what's big?"



It's quiet in the office.

"All right." Xie Yang waved to Hu Biao to leave, "you hurry to end the pre order of IUD, deliver the digital albums in batches, and then contact the music platform of the whole network to talk about the broadcast copyright of IUD."

At 8 p.m. that day, "IUD" and Tongjian's new album "Tongyu" ended their pre purchase at the same time, and "IUD" began to be delivered in succession, while "Tongyu" announced the expected delivery time of the album.

Three days later, IUD was launched on multiple music platforms. In just one day, several songs in IUD have climbed to the top ten of the major music players' hit lists, and all of Ji Zehui's hype has been suppressed.

All the fans who had been waiting for IUD finally heard all the songs on the album. Countless people only knew Xie Yang's way through the fuzzy recording screen of that live performance. People finally heard his singing clearly in the recording studio. And the person who just got Xie Yang's singing circle in who is the king of songs was immediately pulled into a deep pit called "Xie Yang" by IUD.

Xie Yang's fan base has further expanded, and his name has almost become a synonym for the popularity of IUD.

All the major music critics agreed to give a super high evaluation of IUD. Numerous invitation for cooperation flew to Yangxing. Now Yangxing's resources are no longer what the emperor can do with his hands.

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At the weekend, Xie Yang went to the sanatorium with Qiu Xing to visit his mother. On the way to the small building, Xie Yang was stopped by a fan who suddenly appeared.

The fans looked at him as a young man, a beautiful looking man. When he handed the autograph, his face and ears were red, and his voice even had a trill.

"Xie, Xie Yang, I didn't expect to meet you at work, so I would like to disturb you. I like you very much. I listen to you every night. I also bought IUD! Listen to it every day! "Reincarnation" you sing is very good

Xie Yang collected the accident, took the book with a smile, signed it, and said, "thank you for your support. Do you need to sign it?"

The fans' eyes lit up: "is that ok? I want it, I want it. My name is this. " Said embarrassed to point to his chest card.

Xie Yang took a look at his chest card, signed "to" for him, and then returned the book to him, again thanking him for his support.

The fans were so excited that they suddenly shook Xie Yang's hand and said incoherently, "Xie Yang, I and I will always support you! You look very good when you sing. I dream every night Grey sheep CP can not, you do not and Ji Zehui together! I, I really like you Then he turned and strode away.Xie Yang didn't expect to be suddenly attacked by fans. The temperature and touch of others on his hands made him frown uncomfortably.

A broad palm with a slightly dull nail color suddenly grasped it.

Xie Yang instinctively pulls his hand, but he is held more tightly and looks up at the owner of the hand.

Qiu Xing's face was full of wind and rain: "with Ji Zehui? Xie Yang, what you attract in the entertainment industry is the so-called fans who molest you in dreams and take advantage of you in reality? "

Xie Yangdun for a moment and said, "so you are taking advantage of me now?"

Qiu Xing's face was full of anger and frowned.

Jieyang broke away from Qiu Xing's hand and patted back placidly. He said, "don't be angry. You can't go to see your mother with such a face."

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