Words have been broken by Xie Yang, there is no need to pretend to be friendly. Fang Chengnan tidied up the script in his hand and said, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

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"Yes." Xie Yang or smile, glancing at Fang Chengnan's mobile phone under the script, "need I pretend I didn't see you secretly recording?"

Fang Chengnan held the script's hand tightly, looked at Xie Yang sideways and frowned: "Xie Yang, you are a new person. I can understand your tension and sharpness, but you'd better not go too far."

"The rumor at the dinner party of V club was told by Mu Zhouyi, and then you found someone to spread it, right? What did Mu Zhouyi exchange for you with this, guest of the special edition of "extreme battle"

Fang Chengnan's expression changed.

"Fang Chengnan, no one is a fool. Three people fight for a role, Yan Xin belongs to Huanyu, you dare not move, so you are staring at me? Think I'm a bully? Jieyang cosmetic surgery, Jieyang wear Shanzhai, is really a good hot topic, thank you for your initiative to send me the heat. "

Fang Chengnan managed to stabilize his expression and said, "Jieyang, don't slander me."

"It seems that you have not given up and want to continue to pit me." Xie Yang approached Fang Chengnan and lowered his voice, "what did Mu Zhouyi tell you? "Xie Yang was taken care of. I saw it with my own eyes"? Or "he was sold by Jiejia to the family of my ambiguous object"? She approached you on her own initiative. Do you really think that she is giving you a good hand? Don't you think what if she gave you a decapitated meal? "

Fang Chengnan suddenly looks at Xie Yang.

"Did Hong Zhijie also get the wrong message from you? You didn't think about it. If I wasn't in foster care, what would happen if you offended me? "

Fang Chengnan finally lost his stability and said, "Xie Yang, you are -"

"master, not all new people will honestly swallow their grievances into their stomachs after being suppressed." Xie Yang interrupts Fang Chengnan's words, straightens up, and smiles at Fang Chengnan again. "I've always had a grudge. Pray that Yang Xing and I don't develop, or you'll be more and more miserable in the future. In addition, I urge you to reflect on why you and Mu Zhouyi didn't know each other for a long time, but she believed what she said

Then he looked at Fang Chengnan's mobile phone hidden under the script. With a smile, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened the recording interface, shaking in front of Fang Chengnan.

"And, master, you will, and I will."

Fang Chengnan's eyes widened, looked at Xie Yang's mobile phone, and then at Xie Yang's smiling but not warm eyes. His back felt cold for a while, and finally realized that he seemed to have kicked the iron plate.

Fang Chengnan went out to make a phone call with his mobile phone.

Xie Yang continues to flip through the auditions.

A few minutes later, the door of the lounge was opened and Yan Xin, who finished the audition, came in. The staff who came in with Yan Xin asked Xie yang to prepare.

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Xie Yang nodded and then said to Yan Xin, "how about the audition?"

Yan Xin sat down beside Xie Yang and said, "I've tried my best. I have no conscience whether I can live it or not. Come on, I think you can do it. "

"By the good words of my predecessors."


Xie Yang entered the audition room under the guidance of the staff. He saw that there was a small auditorium decorated inside. The scene of a room was simply set up on the stage of the auditorium. The furniture in the room was very classical and exquisite, only the piano in the middle was somewhat modern.

Under the stage, there were Zhou director, producer, screenwriter and other people. Among these people, Xie Yang recognized director Zhou Huairen, who was over 50 years old. He was tall and fat, with a very artistic half long hair and a beard.

Xie Yang came to the stage and politely said hello to the people below.

Zhou Huairen said, "start directly."

Xie Yang nods, turns around and closes his eyes a little. When he opens his eyes again, the mature and steady face belonging to Xie Yang has been dispersed, replaced by a burst of flying and pride from his bones.

Since we have decided to do it, we must do our best. After receiving the audition, Xie Yang, though not hopeful about the result of the audition, made preparations carefully. During this period of time, when he was free, he would go through the textbooks and notes of the original owner, and occasionally consult the performance teacher Yang Xing invited.

He also read and read the script, analyzing every word about young master.

In the first birthday celebration plot, the young master not only wants to celebrate his mother's birthday, but also wants to show his mother the beauty of piano and his talent in this respect, so as to persuade his mother to help him set up a piano school.

At this time, the young master was proud, confident, sincere and dazzling. He wanted to show everyone how good the piano was. He wanted to make his mother happy. He also tried to make his mother pay for it. He was like a cunning fox with smooth fur, proud of his pet and proud of his capital.

Xie Yang goes to the piano and reaches for the cover of the piano. His action is gentle, as if he is touching his lover. He leaned over and his eyes fell on an empty chair beside the round table in the room and said, "mother, you must look at me well."

Zhou Huairen's expression moved.

Others were also surprised.

This Xie Yang No, the one standing on the stage is the beautiful and proud young master in the script.At this time, Xie Yang has completely brought into the young master's mood. He sat down at the piano, thinking about what would make his mother happy and what would make his mother willing to help him run the school.

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He was distressed, but not particularly distressed, because he knew that his mother must have hurt him and could not bear to refuse his request directly.

When he lifted the cover of the piano and put his fingers on the keys, his distress disappeared, and the melody he wanted naturally beat out. It was lively, light and warm, like a butterfly in a spring garden, flapping its beautiful wings and flying in the sun.

He looked down the stage and, um, his mother began to smile, so he did. He looked at the keys and raised his eyebrows. Suddenly, he changed the melody and made the music very happy.

He looked down the stage again. Not only did he see his mother, but also the other guests in the room showed a happy look, showing a trace of pride on his face. Yes, the piano has this kind of magic, you see, it is worth everyone to love, to learn.

He suddenly began a series of complex and difficult stunts, and then quickly dropped the melody back to the spring garden. He enjoys the feeling of using music to influence other people's emotions. He must let everyone know the piano is good.

When the last melody fell, he looked at his mother, squinted with a smile, and said with pride, "mother, is that nice?"

The next second, Xie Yang's smile on his face shrank and became polite and calm. He got up and went to the front of the stage, bowed slightly to Zhou Huairen and others under the stage and said, "the first performance is over. Do you want to start the second paragraph immediately

Zhou Huairen and others are only then aware of the emotion created by Xie Yang. They looked at Xie Yang unexpectedly and whispered. Only Zhou Huairen immediately urged: "continue, quickly continue."

Xie Yang nods politely, looks at the piano from the side of his head, then slowly turns around and walks towards the piano.

As he walked, he recalled the plot, which brought little young master's emotion and changed his walking posture. When he reached the piano, he had no trace of Xie Yang.

He stroked the piano.

The young master who has decided to die is not desperate or painful. He has no business, but he is actually sentimental about the world. He knew what he was doing and accepted it.

This is the best result.

He bent down to carefully wipe the dust off the bench, sat down, took out a well protected photo frame from his arms, gently put it on the piano, and said, "mother, I'm starting."

The air was quiet and there was no response.

He lowered his head and lifted the lid.

With a broken finger and a damaged piano, the sound just played out must be hard to hear. After a brief pause, he tightened his fingers, looked up at the photo and said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I haven't practiced recently."

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There is still no response.

He was stunned for a long time. Then he restrained himself and lowered his head again. Seriously, even with a little paranoia, he raised his finger and gently pressed it. From playing slowly, he continued to connect slowly.

It can play.

The incomplete left hand always leaks sound, it doesn't matter, as long as it can play.

It can play.

He closed his eyes and threw himself into the play.

Raw, stiff, shriveled Gradually, the melody fills and warms up.

The broken piano seems to be restored to a brand-new state. Mother walks out of the photo frame and sits under the stage with a smile. The fragrance of flowers floats in the air. This is another beautiful spring day.

He still remembered the novelty of his first contact with the piano. He thought about what kind of monster it was to make such a special sound.

He still remembers his mother's surprise and pride when he first played a full piece of music.

He opened piano parties for his family, taught them to dance and sing.

His first student was a beggar who lost his parents in the war. He drew the keys on the ground, taught the child to play, and imitated the sound of the piano with his throat in a ridiculous way.

He remembered the bright and joyful look in the child's eyes. That should be the same as he was then.

He smiles and his tune changes. It was the spring day again. My mother was sitting under the stage with a smile. The sunshine came in. There was a smell of cake in the air. The housekeeper was singing high outside.

It's over.

He slowly opened his eyes, the fantasy of spring disappeared, in front of all the broken. The expression on his face slowly disappeared. He was staring at the smiling mother in the picture. For a long time, he suddenly laughed again, and the tears fell down.

"Mother, is it hard to hear?"

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"Mother, we're home."

"Mother, I'll stay with you this time, and I'll never leave again."


At the end of the performance, Xie Yang wiped away his tears, stood up and went to the stage, bowed to Zhou Huairen and others under the stage, and said, "my performance is over."

Zhou Huairen looked at Xie Yang seriously and asked, "what tune did you just play?"

"It's a personal song I wrote for the role of young master after reading the script."

After a while, Zhou Huairen leaned back into the chair, laughed and said, "yes."……

When Xie Yang returns to the rest room, Fang Chengnan has already called back. Seeing Xie Yang come back, Fang Chengnan immediately looks over.

Xie Yang looked back and said, "master, it's your turn."

Fang Chengnan actually responded to Xie Yang's slightly provocative words, saying: "Xie Yang, I hope we are just competitors this time."

Is that soft?

Jieyang said: "it depends on the sincerity of the predecessors."

Fang Chengnan stopped talking and left under the staff's beckoning.

A quarter of an hour later, Fang Chengnan came back from the audition.

A few minutes later, Mr. Zhou came to the lounge in person. He used to say thank you for your support and hard audition. Then he said that the audition results would come out in a week at the latest.

People responded politely.

Xie Yang takes advantage of the opportunity of shaking hands with Zhou Huairen to explore Huairen's brain for a week. He finds a little bit of gold finger residue, which he devours and cleans up.

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