When Xie Yang returned to the sanatorium, Qiu Xing was feeding water to the confused mother.

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Xie Yang sat next to Qiu Xing and poured himself a drink of water.

Qiu Xing put down his water cup and wiped his mother's mouth. He asked, "where is he?"

"I scolded him, kicked him, and drove him away."

When Qiu Xing stops, he looks at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang squints: "how, can't give up?"

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang's expression, suddenly reached out and touched Xie Yang's eye tail, and said, "let me not be angry. How can you come back with your own anger. If you don't like to do this kind of work, where has your former intelligence gone

The skin at the end of the eye was touched by warm fingers, which made it feel loved and cherished.

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing's face with the tenderness and care hidden in disgust and reprimand, and the fire in his heart is slowly dispersed by the wind Qinglin.

The sugar jar is throwing sugar again.

He tilted his head and gently rubbed Qiu Xing's fingers with his face. Then he sat down and probably repeated his conversation with Feng Qinglin. He said, "although I don't like this kind of work, I don't like to see you suffer in him."

Qiu Xing stopped and looked at his fingers and Jieyang's face. He gave a low cough, took back his hand and made a fist. He said, "he can't let me get angry. You've done a good job. He can't even see the real face of a woman. He really needs to be educated. "

"What's the real face?"

The two stopped talking and looked at his mother. Then they found out that she had come again.

Qiu Xing immediately changed the topic and said, "nothing. Mom, it's time for dinner. "

Qiu's mother looked at Qiu Xing and Xie Yang. Without asking, she nodded and said, "go to the restaurant."

When eating, Xie Yang still earnestly performed his duty, but Qiu Xing didn't take care of Xie Yang this time. He took away the bowl and spoon in Jieyang's hand and said, "have a good meal." Said also in turn to Jieyang Sheng soup, sandwiched vegetables.

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing and takes up his chopsticks to eat the dishes.

After dinner, Qiu's mother said, "the room has been cleaned up for you. It's still the room where ah hang comes to live every time. Have an early rest." After that, he called for the nurse and went back to the room.

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The restaurant was suddenly as quiet as death.

Xie Yang looked at Qiu Xing and asked, "what does Auntie mean Let me have a room with you? "

Qiu Xing switched calm and calm face for a second and replied, "it should be."

"Is that part of the obligation?"

“……” Qiu Xing tightened his hands hanging on his side. He didn't know where he had the courage. He even nodded his head. "In my mother's eyes, we are husband husband relationship. It's normal to sleep in a room."

Xie Yang then nodded and said, "I understand. Where is the room? I want to take a bath. "

Qiu Xing stopped for a second and said, "follow me."

The small building is not big, just two floors plus a small attic. Qiu's mother and the nurse who take care of her live on the first floor. The room where Qiu Xing usually rests is on the second floor, next to the terrace. It has a medium area, and the bed is 1.8 meters in size.

After Xie Yang enters the room, he finds the luggage that Zhou Miao sent in advance, finds out his pajamas and goes into the bathroom.

When he came out of the bath, Xie Yang found that Qiu Xing was seriously working, sitting on the double sofa in the room, sliding his mobile phone, and asked, "do you have many quilts? I make the floor

Qiu Xing immediately looked up at Xie Yang and frowned: "hit the floor?"

"Well, you're the employer, so it's hard for you to sleep on the floor."

“……” Qiu Xing put down his mobile phone, choked for a while and said, "there is no quilt, and my mother will occasionally come into the room and call me to get up in the morning. If I see you sleeping on the floor..."

Jieyang witty answer: "it seems that we can only sleep together."

Qiu Xing looked straight at Xie Yang. Suddenly he got up, strode over and pressed Xie Yang's head, saying, "you Be honest Then he took his pajamas and went into the bathroom.

Who is dishonest.

Jieyang goes to the bedside, opens the quilt, leans to the bedside, takes out the mobile phone.

There are messages from Qincheng and Hu Biao on wechat. Both of them answered his orders in the morning. He turned off wechat and turned on Weibo.

As soon as the microblog opened, a lot of news burst in and almost jammed the mobile phone. Xie Yang returns the main account of the microblog and changes to a small one to continue to log in.

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This time, the mobile phone is not stuck.

On the hot search, the topic of Chen Mu Zhouyi's performance of "missing the hometown" is still hanging, but the popularity has dropped a lot. In its original position, the topic of "Jieyang new song" is steadily hanging, followed by a pop word.

Xie Yang points to the topic, and sees a new song preview video released by his main number this morning. The microblog is hanging on the top with tens of thousands of praise and more than 20000 comments.

The response is so good?

Xie Yang is surprised, click the comments below to have a look.

Most of the comments were filled with exclamations and expressions of expectations, and a few of the comments mentioned in the book of changes attracted Xie Yang's attention.Pumpkin sauce: I just heard the rehearsal of muzhouyi, and then I came to listen to this. What happened? I just got up, but why I suddenly got sleepy (didn't say that the song was not pleasant to listen to) [laughter and crying]

strawberry pudding: I also heard yawning. Am I poisonous. And now the handsome beauty is not standard or singing, just after hearing wood Zhouyi, and then listen to the interpretation of Yang, envy makes me look completely different.

To lift high and high eyebrows.

I'm tired of listening?

Is it a coincidence, or He made a guess in his heart.

Knowing that wood week will sing at the cross-year party, he specially reprinted the new song "paper cutting" which is to be launched in the new year. He tried to run the power to wrap the vocal cord, and tried to test whether the singing could bring a little purification effect.

The results of the experiment are not ideal. His current level of ability is too low, and it is not spiritual. The final effect is only that the paper-cut version of the duet version is more perfect than the previous version. The sound has not changed, and the song out has no purification effect.

This morning, after discovering that the song of Mu Zhouyi was posted on Weibo, he asked Qincheng to send a new song preview in advance, trying to press the heat of the hot search over the wooden Zhouyi side. But from the results, his prediction seems to be far more than the heat of wood Zhouyi to pressure down.

After the golden finger effect is purified, people will feel sleepy. Some people in the comments said that it is a new song that has no purification effect in his opinion, but it is effective? Did his experiment succeed?

If the songs he sang when he wrapped the vocal cords with the power can really purify the influence of the song of wood Zhouyi, does that mean that he will also have the purification effect in the round of the music performed with the abnormal vibration at the B city cross-year party?


The door to the bathroom was opened.

Release Yang and return to God, look at the past on the side.

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Qiu Xing walked out of the bathroom in a dark blue silk pajama. His hair was washed and half dry. Liu Haili scattered a few strands, making his eyebrows more gentle. He came out without seeing Jieyang, went straight to the sofa and sat down, and tried to wipe his hair with a towel.

"Why not blow your hair dry and come out again?" Jieyang asked

"The blower is too noisy." Qiu Xing said, leaving the towel open, or did not see Jieyang, picked up the mobile phone and said, "I have a bit of business not finished, you get to sleep at the point, I go out and have a video conference with he Jun." After that, he left the room.

I ran.

Take a look at the door for a while, and take back your eyes and continue to brush your phone.

There is also a message from longshuyou in the wechat. He mentioned his new song, indicating that it was very special and asked if he had changed his singing method. He replied briefly, then clicked on the full version of the new song stored in his cell phone and listened repeatedly for several times.

Still can't hear the sense of purification.

To lift frown.

Is it because his own power is too large to sense too little purification? Or is it because the sense of purification in the song is too weak, only some sensitive people can hear it?

He temporarily pressed the question and decided to find someone to try and guess tomorrow.

Turn slowly clockwise by 9:30, then turn slowly 10 o'clock, Qiu Xing has never returned to the room. Release Yang and put down the mobile phone, shut down and sleep.

At 10:30, the door opened softly and someone stepped in.

Jieyang lay down, as if he had slept.

Hearing the sound of soso, the light in the room was dark, and then the mattress sank, and someone lay up.

Still, the solution Yang still doesn't move.

A few minutes later, someone who lay down moved.

After a little slight friction, Jieyang only felt the itch at the end of the eye, and then the skin was touched gently.

A low hum, which seemed to be proud and disgusted, sounded above his head, and then the mattress moved again. The body was torn and the room was finally completely quiet.

After the last, Jieyang is not used to lying so close to another person, but if it is revenge He turned over, facing the enemy on the front, with his eyes open.

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A stiff, flat person was frightened to support his body in a moment, and he was very quiet.

Jieyang silently smiled, closed his eyes, let himself fall into deep sleep.

In the middle of the night, Jieyang was awakened by the movements of his hand, and his fingers were tickled reflexively, then he relaxed his fingers after realizing what he realized and turned over and lay flat.

After a long silence, then a slight friction came, and his relaxed hand was held by the other hand, which was not his warm and warm hands.

The night is too quiet, Jieyang seems to hear someone doing a huge heartbeat.

Who is the mouse.

When Jieyang woke up the next day, he found that Qiu Xing was still asleep and grabbed his hand.

He pulled out his hand.

Qiu Xing Shua opens his eyes, instinctively grabs the hand he pulls away, wakes up immediately after looking at the upper Xie Yang, then Shua releases his hand, and sits up and hangs his cold face. The villain first complains: "some people sleep badly, and they feel it all night and roll in disorder."“……”

Jieyang lifted up the quilt and covered Qiu Xing in it. When he got out of bed, he deliberately kicked Qiu Xing's leg.


At breakfast, Jieyang did not take care of Qiu Xing, and refused to take care of him. He gave the milk poured by Qiu Xing to the nurse.

Qiu's mother looked at the expressionless Xie Yang, and at Qiu Xing, whose face was stretched, and asked, "didn't you sleep well last night?"

Xie Yang first step should way: "well, there are mice in the room, do not sleep in the middle of the night, gnaw my hand."

As soon as his expression changed, Qiu Xing covered up his weakness with reprimand and said, "nonsense, how can there be old people here?"


Xie Yang put down his chopsticks and smile to his mother: "Auntie, I'm ready to eat. The room is a little stuffy. I'll go outside and look around." Then he got up and left, taking Qiu Xing as the air.


Seeing Qiu Xing, Qiu's mother asked, "did you become a mouse in the middle of the night?"

Qiu Xing's face opened the dye vat, his expression changed, and finally he left a sentence: "nonsense!" He got up and left.

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