Wu water did not make a floor at last, and Qiu Xing showed a tyranny side in rare ways. He drove away Wu Shui and Qincheng with a overcast face, and pulled Jieyang into Jieyang's room with a negative attitude.

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After Xie Yang enters the door, he turns to see Qiu Xing. His hand is inserted in his coat pocket, and his face is expressionless and speechless.

Qiu Xing and Jieyang look at each other, and the dark face eases, suddenly holding Jieyang in front of him.

Jieyang stretched his body like a stick, which was very uncooperative.

Qiu Xing realized that Jieyang was silent resistance, and he smiled, raised his hand and rubbed the back spoon of Jieyang and said, "you don't know how many lawlessness things are in your head every day Jieyang, we didn't happen anything last night, right? "

The disguise in the small bedroom is very poor. Jieyang knows that those false images will not cheat the enemy for too long. His intention is not to cheat the enemy, but to fear that the enemy will shrink back. He lifted his eyelids and said, "guess?"

“……” Qiu Xing raised his hand and knead the back of the head spoon, and suddenly said, "Jieyang, sorry."

A good solution.

"I'm sorry to make you so hard to push you to this point."


Finally, Jieyang moved. He ran into the embrace of Qiu Xing with his shoulder, looked at the enemy line and said, "what do you want to say?"

Qiu Xing's look became serious, reached out to touch the eyes and tail of Jieyang and said, "I will go to m again. If I can, I will ask Dr. cochman to adjust my treatment plan."

Jieyang realized what, the fingers in the pocket were not consciously tightened, more focused on looking at the enemy line.

Qiu Xing is on the line of vision, saying: "Jieyang, when I come back, let's divorce."

Jieyang's hand in his pocket was stunned and relaxed. After the expectation in his heart was extinguished, he quickly burst into a rage, nodded and said, "OK, revenge, if this is your final decision --"

Qiu Xing suddenly holds Jieyang's face and falls into Jieyang's lips and points it.

Jieyang stopped, looked up at Qiu Xing and asked, "what does it mean?"

Qiu Xing reached out to cover Jieyang's eyes.

In the dark, I can't see anything. Maybe he stayed up late and had an illusion. He seemed to hear the beating of the heart of Qiu Xing.

The sound of vengeance sounded.

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"After the divorce, our deal is over. After that Jieyang, would you like to have a real love with me? "

The eyes of Jieyang are slightly open, raising their hands to try to pull the hand of Qiu Xing.

The outstretched hand was caught, and the voice of vengeance continued to ring.

This time always exists in the hatred of the hesitation disappeared, restored a bit of previously used to unreasonable.

"I'll bet. Bet win, you can only be me in your life, even if I die, you must keep my gravestone for a lifetime, do not look for other people. I lost the bet. Rongding will give you. Jieyang, I didn't want to struggle again. You hook me out, you must be responsible for me. "

Jieyang can't bear it anymore, and he pulls down the hand of revenge.

The two looked at each other.

Qiu Xing instinctively moved away his sight, but he quickly moved back, looked directly at Jieyang, and then grasped Jieyang's hand, and covered up the uneasiness and shyness of showing her heart with bully. He said, "Jieyang, I will give you anything I want this time. You Stay with me. "

The sugar can finally completely opened its lid.

Jieyang saw Qiu Xing for a while, smiled low, took out the hand in his pocket, and took the initiative to hold Qiu Xing.

"OK, we're divorced."


Time is too late, two people hold for a while, Qiu Xing suddenly release Jieyang, put out a pair of dad's face, tough to ask Jieyang to wash quickly to sleep.

"How shy is it?" she said

“…… Nonsense. " Qiu Xing frowned and scolded, helped Jieyang pack out pajamas and underwear, push solution Yang into bathroom, and said, "wash up and sleep quickly, what time will you get up tomorrow?"

Jieyang walked to the bathroom obediently and returned to the bathroom: "six thirty."

It's almost three o'clock, six thirty.

Qiu Xing's face was just disguised dad's expression immediately turned into real, saying: "what is your work arrangement? You are the boss, not the employees, the pressure on yourself? "

"This time it's a special case." After the solution Yang enters the bathroom, he turns to hold the bathroom door, and asks Qiu Xing intentionally, "wash together?"

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Qiu Xing's expression was frozen at the speed visible to the naked eye. Then he suddenly went up and down and lifted the hand holding the door, and grabbed the door handle.


The door is closed.

"Wash it quickly!"

Jieyang looked at the door, smiled, deliberately pulled the handle and asked, "really not together --"

"wash quickly! I'll take a shower in Wushui! "

Time is really too late, Qiu Xing is not good health, staying up late is taboo. Yang Wen Yan no longer toss, obediently release the handle and start washing.

When Jieyang finished taking a bath, Qiu Xing didn't return to the room. He came to the potted plants for decoration, put his fingers on the potted leaves, and he mobilized the less abnormal energy in the core of the power, and tried to drill into the plant as quickly as possible.When he took a bath, he made a simple calculation.

It has been almost four months since the awakening of powers. He has been treating Qiu Xing for four months. At present, the progress of power and condition is that the power level has not broken through level 1, and Qiu Xing's condition is just no longer deteriorating, and has not improved.

It's too slow.

Fortunately, Qiu Xing finally got out of the turtle shell and decided to receive good treatment. With power and modern medical methods, Qiu Xing's condition should be improved faster.

Three years has become four years. As long as he works hard, he believes that four years will soon become ten years, then twenty years, thirty years The power turns around, Xie Yang holds his thoughts, takes back his fingers, goes to bed and lies down, and closes his eyes.

More than ten minutes later, the sound of opening the door sounded, and then the familiar footsteps approached the bedside.

Xie Yang did not move. Although the lid of the sugar jar was opened, he was still not brave enough to accept that someone else would put his hand into the jar and take the sugar voluntarily. He was only willing to give it secretly.

Sure enough, about a minute later, Xie Yang felt warm breath spread on his face, and then his lips became warm. His lips were gently, clumsily and carefully rubbed.

"Good night."


The next day when Xie Yang woke up, Qiu Xing was still sleeping. He repeated his old skill. He put his fingertip on Qiu Xing's eyebrow again and poured all the powers into Qiu Xing's body. He didn't take back his hand until the core of the power hurt.

Qiu Xing had some uneasy sleeping posture and immediately relaxed.

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Xie Yang got up and got out of bed.

After a busy morning in the shooting site, Xie Yang took out his mobile phone and turned it on during his spare time.

As expected, Qiu Xing sent a wechat message.

Qiu Xing: on the plane.

Qiu Xing: take more rest.

Qiu Xing: I'll be back soon.

It's gone.

Xie Yang typed.

Xie Yang: let me know as soon as the inspection results come out.

In the next few days, Xie Yang devoted himself to the shooting of MV. He often went to bed at two or three o'clock in the morning, and got up again at five or six o'clock.

Probably in order not to disturb Xie Yang's work and rest, Qiu Xing has never called Xie Yang since he left. He only sends a wechat to Xie Yang from time to time. The content of the message is very old. He either tells Xie yang to have a good meal or to use his spare time to sleep.

Xie Yang didn't dislike it either. When he was free, he replied to Qiu Xing by wechat. He also told him to eat more and sleep more.

A week later, Xie Yang finished shooting MV and left for J city. Before the plane took off, Xie Yang flipped through wechat. Seeing that Qiu Xing didn't send a new message, he shut it down directly.

Xie Yang slept all the way to J city. After landing, he was woken up by Qincheng. He faintly felt dizzy. After rubbing his face, he got up and put on his hat and sunglasses. Then he got off the plane with Qincheng.

The crew sent someone to pick it up. Xie Yang took people to meet with each other. After a few words of greetings, he got on the car with the other side. After getting on the bus, Xie Yang leaned into the back of his chair. One second he was still thinking about starting the machine to see if Qiu Xing had sent a message. The next second he fell asleep unconscious.

Xie Yang was woken up by Qincheng. The car has stopped. Outside is the hotel arranged by the crew.

Qin Cheng frowned, worried and asked, "how do you feel? You look a little bad. "

"Am I asleep?" Xie Yang wants to sit up, but he finds that his body has no strength at all. After that, he discovers that the core of the power is expanding.

He realized something and raised his hand to touch his forehead.

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It's a little hot.

Sure enough, the ability is upgrading.

Qincheng see solution Yang touch forehead, more worried, close to ask: "why, where uncomfortable?"

Jieyang pressure happy, shaking his head: "nothing, advanced hotel."

Several people enter the hotel together. Zhou Huairen, with several deputy directors and two writers, is staring at the set over the set. There is only life director Huang Jianzai in the hotel.

Huang Jian arranged a hotel room for Xie Yang, and then personally sent Xie Yang up.

From Huang Jianna, Xie Yang learned that several other actors who played the leading role of male, female and female had arrived, and director Zhou was going to give everyone a good night's entertainment.

Xie Yang nodded to show that he understood, and said two polite words with Huang Jian and watched the other party leave.

After entering the room, Xie Yang immediately relaxed and strongly supported his straight shoulder and back, walked to the bedside and sat down, raised his hand and pressed his forehead.

The more Qincheng looked at Xie Yang's state, the more he felt that something was wrong. He looked in the room and found out a small medicine box. He took out a thermometer from it and just helped Xie Yang check the temperature.

“39°6。” Qin Cheng was in a hurry and reached out to help Xie Yang, "don't sit down. I'll take you to the hospital."

Jieyang raised his hand to stop it and said, "no, I often have a sudden fever like this. Take some medicine and sleep for one night. Brother Qin, you can help me to tell director Zhou that I may not be able to go to the reception banquet in the evening. "

"The fever is so high. How can you sleep one night? Go to the hospital and have a look."

Qin Cheng tried to persuade Xie Yang, but Xie Yang insisted on only taking some medicine. Qin Cheng could not resist, so he had to follow Xie Yang first, looked through the antipyretic drugs in the medicine box, carefully checked the efficacy description and production date. No problem, he still felt uneasy. He hesitated and sent Wu Shui to buy the medicine again. Then he said to Xie Yang, "take the medicine first. If it doesn't work, let's stand up Cut to the hospital. Don't be arrogant, understand? "Jieyang nods. His consciousness is a little fuzzy, but he is still holding on.

More than ten minutes later, Wu Shui bought some medicine and Jieyang took two pills. After that, he didn't have the strength to take a bath. He took off his clothes and lay down on the bed. Before he fell asleep, he did not forget to tell Wu Shui: "if Qiu Xing sends me a message, please help me reply. Don't let him know about my illness. Do you understand?"

Wu Shui nodded.

Xie Yang looked at Qincheng again: "brother Qin, I may sleep a little longer this time. Don't panic. I'm really good at sleeping."

Qincheng was still full of worry, but he didn't say anything more. He went to Jieyang and pulled the quilt and said, "I know, you can sleep. Everything has me. I will help you to say that."

Xie Yang this just let go of heart, turn over a body to face two people, quickly fainted in the past.

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