The power floats on Wen Yao and slowly goes into Wen Yao's brain. The sensation of swallowing foreign bodies came from Wen Yao's brain.

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Wen Yao suddenly frowned, lowered his head and raised his hand to press the center of his eyebrows.

Zhou noticed Wen Yao's movements and asked, "what's the matter?"

Wen Yao quickly opened his eyebrows, covered his mouth and yawned. Later, he was a little embarrassed and embarrassed and said, "it's OK. All of a sudden, there was a tinnitus."

"Pay more attention to it. Don't have any health problems before shooting," Zhou ordered

Wen Yao and Gao Xuanhang nodded together.

Wen Yao's exploration of Xie Yang was interrupted. After that, Xie Yang went to say hello to the deputy director and the screenwriter in turn, and got to know Wen Han, the second female actor, and man Feidi, the third actor, sitting next to the writer.

Wen Han is about 30 years old and beautiful. She plays the role of a singing girl who has a bad background and experience, but lives soberly and dies tragically and tragically. Her personality is different from her beautiful appearance. She is very quiet, and she is kind-hearted. She gives people a good feeling.

Man Feidi is younger. At the age of 24-5, he was a little fresh meat who was popular last year by acting in a youth themed film. His appearance has a feeling of milk handsome. In the play, he plays jiafaxiao, the cousin of Su Jingmo, the younger brother of Liu Xue, played by Wen Yao. He Jieyang will have a lot of opponents.

Manfeidi is very familiar with himself. He takes the initiative to say hello to Xie Yang, and jokingly says, "I'm not the smallest one in the crew when you come. Don't panic, cousin, cover you

The screenwriter heard speech and said with a smile: "come on, you are the smallest in the crew from the appearance. Don't try to be big brother."

"Well, I was found by sister Yue. Baby face is really not popular. It's not only limited in choosing roles, but also easy to suffer losses in life. I'm hard to do that. " Man Feidi deliberately sighs and makes the screenwriter Chen Yue Zhile. Wen Han also pursed his lips and began to smile.

A few people are happy, but they ignore Xie Yang who comes to say hello. Xie Yang's eyes swept over man Feidi, who was funny with his expression. He took leave tactfully and went to talk to Gao Xuanhang and Wen Yao.

What director Zhou said is not to let the actors read their lines according to the script, but to let the actors integrate themselves into the characters, adjust the plot and lines according to the changes of surrounding environment while walking in the shooting site, and talk to each other as characters in the play. One way to get familiar with the script is to get familiar with the actor.

In the scene of Su house, there are many plays in which Xie Yang, Gao Xuanhang and Wen Yao get together. After saying goodbye to Director Zhou, the three go deep into the house together.

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Just out of the sight of the army, Wen Yao looked at Xie Yang and asked in a young girl's nostalgic tone: "cousin, are you not going to leave this time?"

This is what Su Jingmo, a young master in the plot, asked Su Jingmo when his cousin Liu Xue was visiting Su's house.

Xie Yang quickly entered the state and replied, "if you can't walk, it depends on whether God helps me or not. But I think God is so good that he should help me."

The lines are not bad.

The girl on Yao's face disappeared and said with a smile: "the boss's play is well received. It's worthy of a professional background."

"I'm flattered."

Gao Xuanhang's line of sight turns between the two people once. He thinks there is something wrong, but he doesn't speak wisely.

The garden was very large, and the three of them talked to each other at random as they walked. Wen Yao took the initiative several times and asked Xie yang to take over the plot related to Su Jingmo, and Xie Yang took over all of them steadily. Regardless of the performance, at least the lines were not wrong.

After walking around, Gao Xuanhang was much closer to Xie Yang and boasted, "I'm familiar with my lines. It's good."

Xie Yang smiles and says, "I'm the first time to act. I don't have experience. I have to show my attitude."

Wen Yao sniffed his speech and took a look at Xie Yang.

At noon, everyone had a meal together. Man Feidi sat down beside Xie Yang and asked, "in the afternoon, would you like to check the words? I have a poor memory. I always recite the first paragraph and forget the last paragraph. Brother Gao says that you have memorized all your lines. I really envy you. "

Jieyang received two polite words, but his attitude was not hot.

Manfeidi seems to be unaware of Xie Yang's politeness. Seeing that Xie Yang's words are more and more powerful, Balabala keeps talking, and also offers Jieyang water and tableware, which is very kind and warm-hearted.

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In the next few days, Xie Yang and the people in the crew got familiar with each other. Wen Yao is no longer always testing Xie Yang, but he is still light to Xie Yang. Gao Xuanhang's attitude towards Xie Yang is becoming more and more intimate. From time to time, he takes the initiative to find Xie Yang and teach him some skills of acting and moving. Man Feidi starts to stick to Xie Yang all the time.

Manfeidi's sticking method is not too annoying. It's cute in general. The specific performance is that you should sit with Xie Yang for dinner. When you buy water, you will buy Xie Yang's favorite drinks. You can often find Xie Yang's words to communicate the script. You must share with Xie Yang when you receive delicious food from home or buy something interesting.

From the external performance, man Feidi should be the friendliest and most enthusiastic person in the whole crew. There are more and more comments in the crew that Jie Yang and man Feidi have a good relationship and that it is easier for young people to play together.Xie Yang sees all these in his eyes, but his attitude towards manfeidi is still more polite than warm.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than a week later, everyone's emotions gradually precipitated and moved closer to the characters in the script.

At the beginning of April, the cast of "I see Xuanyuan" officially began to operate. All the supporting roles were in place. The stylists entered the group and took pictures for everyone. After taking the make-up photo, Zhou Huairen chose a good day to hold the opening ceremony of "I see is Xuanyuan".

When Xie Yang came to the stage with the introduction of the host, all the media invited to film and report the opening ceremony were stunned, and then Qi Qi became agitated.

There is Jieyang! There is Xie Yang in Zhou Huairen's new movie! This topic degree high young singer and young boss unexpectedly came to act! Zhou Huairen is really able to hide it. Before Xie Yang's acting was so explosive, there was not a leak of information!

The media were excited and moved the camera to Xie Yang. Flash has become a film, even the leading role of men and women have been ignored.

Standing next to Xie Yang, man Feidi suddenly tilted his head to Jieyang and scowled: "the popularity is very high."

Xie Yang smiles back: "the elder is not bad either."

Man Feidi bumped Xie Yang's shoulder in a feigned discontent, and said, "how can you return the elder generation's? You can either call my name or call my brother."

Xie Yang noticed that after man Feidi leaned over, the flash lights of the media flashed more and more lively. He took a look at man Feidi and laughed and didn't answer.

In the interview after the ceremony, most of the media paid attention to Xie Yang. Xie Yang keeps in mind the new rules that Qin Cheng gave him in advance. He outlines the topics unrelated to the film. He never takes the lead of male and female owners. He doesn't talk much and doesn't talk long. He uses a smile to deal with everything.

The reporters were Xie Yang's impeccable, so they lost their temper. They had no choice but to look for the hot spots from other actors.

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A reporter suddenly asked, "Wen Yao, as an elder who just won the prize, what do you think of Xie Yang's acting skills?"

Everyone looked at Wen Yao.

Wen Yao stopped for a moment and said with a smile, "how about acting? It's up to the director and the public to evaluate it. In my eyes, Xie Yang is a very dedicated and hardworking new man. "

A regular answer can't be found at all.

The reporters were very disappointed, and they explored Gao Xuanhang and Wen Han one by one. However, these two men were human beings and did not let the media dig up anything. In the end, the reporters only dug out a solution from the man Feidi who ate a large amount of food, not picky.

At the end of the interview, when he was ready to leave, man Feidi suddenly raised his hand and hooked up Xie Yang's neck. He said with a smile, "Xie Yang, let's check the words again later. The shooting will start in the afternoon. I'm a little nervous."

Xie Yang steps a meal, see into the eyes of man Feidi with coquetry and pray, way: "can."

Man Feidi sniffed the speech and narrowed his eyes: "good brother, enough righteousness."

After the opening ceremony, the crew cleared Su's house and officially started today's shooting. The first scene is the rival play of the male and female masters. Xie Yang sits in his own rest area, taking the mobile phone from Wu Shui's hand and listening to Qincheng's report.

"The media that come to interview have successively posted the photos taken at the opening ceremony on the Internet, and most of the media have focused on your performance. Your fans responded well to your acting, and

Qincheng looks at man Feidi's position, and his voice lowers a little: "you and man Feidi talk together on the stage, and the picture of man Feidi lifting his arm around your neck after the interview is carried out by the marketing number sheet, and the topic of" little milk dog and little wolf dog "is fired. Now, there are fans of man Feidi on your microblog, who come to visit and say they want to contact their feelings. "

Xie Yang stopped his wechat action, then went on and asked, "I am Is it getting hot? "

Qin Cheng nodded, some helpless: "this kind of thing is unavoidable. You and man Feidi are working in a production team now, and there is no contradiction between them. If you are gently rubbed by the other party like this, we can't react very well."

"Don't worry, just try to reduce my exposure." Xie Yang points to open wechat, and then a row of seven or eight wechat from Qiu Xing.

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Qiu Xing: shooting officially started today?

Qiu Xing: I saw the news.

Qiu Xing: who gave you that 28 points, what rotten technology!

Qiu Xing: who is that around you?

Qiu Xing: little wolf dog? Hiss.

Qiu Xing: what is a little milk dog.

Qiu Xing: are your fans crazy? What topic brush, what person all take care of, you good manage your group of fans!

Xie Yang laughed directly. He typed.

Xie Yang: did master Liao shake his hands today?

Qiu Xing: what?

Xie Yang: there was no salt in the frying, but vinegar was poured out.

After a long time, Qiu Xing sent a message full of sour taste and anger.

Qiu Xing: I went to the meeting. No dogs!

Xie Yang typing: No, only fish with you.It was quiet for a while, and then Qiu Xing sent a cartoon expression that he didn't know where he got his big hand touching the head of baby sheep. It was followed by a sentence.

Qiu Xing: you are wise.

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