As Chloe avoided his eyes, she touched her forehead.

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“My head hurts, a lot.”

She staggered and caught herself by holding onto a nearby chair.

“My head hurts whenever I try to talk to you.”

Eric couldn’t say anything back because he knew that he had spoken badly. Chloe glowered at him.

“Why must you scold me whenever I don’t agree with you? Why must you be so cruel to me? Why can’t you respect what I want?”

Eric sighed. Their conversations continued to repeat like a mobius strip. He limited what he was saying here.

“I’ve always respected you.”

He meant it. He couldn’t believe that Chloe thought he didn’t. No matter what happened, he would always do so.

“That’s why I gave you that money.”

Didn’t he give her that money as proof? Eric valued money more than anything else, and what he gave her was a tremendous amount.

But Chloe didn’t seem to agree. No, she didn’t seem to know what kind of value money had for Eric.

“Is money everything to you?”

“That’s right. At least, it is for me.”

“Not for me.”

Chloe shook her head. She buried her face into her hands.

“I didn’t want your money or anything like that.”

Was she crying?

Surprised, Eric looked at Chloe. Fortunately, however, Chloe’s shoulders were only trembling—she wasn’t crying. Certainly, there was no way that the noble Chloe would shed any tears, was what Eric thought.

“Please, respect me as a person. Don’t judge my existence by such a definite value.”

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Chloe said this as she quietly raised her head.

Eric hesitated. He didn’t know what to answer.

“Everyone’s been saying that.”

He frowned, recalling what Daniel had said to him.

“But I don’t know what I should do. I don’t know what I must say to make you happy, I don’t know what actions I must take in order to keep pace with you. All I know is that the best expression of my appreciation is to give you money.”

Eric stared at Chloe’s face as he was talking. Her face was certainly dry—it was smooth, devoid of tears.

But somehow, it seemed as though she was crying. Was what he said such a huge hit to her? Eric couldn’t understand. However, if he hurt her, then he would have to apologize.

”Please take good care of the Madam!”

It wasn’t only because Daniel’s voice came to mind. There was a bigger reason why he didn’t want to fight with Chloe anymore.

“In any case, I apologize. If I’ve caused you any trouble.”

“You don’t even know what you’re apologizing about.”

“If I get to know in just a few words, that would be even more disgraceful.”

At that, Chloe finally burst into laughter. Eric wondered what about his words she found funny.

She didn’t think it was funny, but she couldn’t stop laughing.

Chloe first thought that perhaps she was just misunderstanding Eric, that conversations with him went nowhere because they were of different wavelengths, and that their morals did not intersect, and she came to understand that.

Chloe thought that, perhaps, her husband might have tried to express his feelings for her in his own way by spending his most precious money on her.

She couldn’t stop laughing. She was going crazy. Truthfully, the fact that Eric might not be a bad person gave her joy.

“Let’s go on an outing.”


“Yes. One where you won’t go back first, or where you won’t make me wait that long. That kind of outing.”

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Chloe held her hands together.

“Can you do that for me?”

Eric said yes. And the next day, they left the mansion together.”


* * *


It was obvious where they were going even if it wasn’t explicitly said. They were going to the Antoinette Opera. Eric, who stood up Chloe on her birthday last time, naturally bought tickets again, and Chloe followed him. They acted as though they had agreed on this date before.

People often say that couples could be on the same page without saying a word between them, and in this case, it seemed to be right.

Snowflakes fluttered outside. Sleet had formed, melting without growing higher. Chloe stared blankly at the white sky, then she turned to Eric, who was sitting at the opposite side of the locomotive.

Eric was reading the newspaper. The circular frames of his glasses perched upon his nose made him look handsome. While looking at Eric’s fine features, Chloe thought that, as always, he looked great.

“There’s a story about us in the paper.”


At the sudden remark, Chloe asked back in surprise.

“What kind of article is it?”

“Why don’t you read it?”

Eric handed the newspaper to Chloe. This was what’s written—

「 Eric Aslan, an actual ruffian who wields violence. 」

This was the headline. Chloe gently bit her lower lip and read what came next.

「 The day before, Duke Antre held a small banquet. A total of 34 people attended. […] Among them, Marquis Eric Aslan was one of the attendees, along with Chloe Aslan. Having appeared once more in high society after such a long time, she got along with the others without difficulties. […]

Then, an argument broke out between Count Leon’s oldest son, Young Lord Gatsby, and the Marquis. The one next to him, Oliver, testified that the Marquis was the one who first instigated the argument, and that his voice grew louder after hearing Young Lord Gatsby’s response. […]

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The Marquis punched Young Lord Gatsby, and in the process, Duke Antre’s property was damaged. […]

As a result of this incident, it’s evident that the Marquis has a terrible temper, and it, too, is evident that he is shameless and reckless. […] 」

“These are all lies.”

Chloe clutched the newspaper as she said this. Eric raised his eyebrows.

“There is some truth to the article.”

“No, it’s all lies!”

Chloe heard the conversation between him and Gatsby. How unfair. The perpetrator here was Gatsby, not Eric. Their side was unilaterally the victim’s side!

She pounded her chest with a fist several times, feeling frustrated.

“Are you going to just leave this be?”

“It would be laughable to publish a rebuttal. And I’m not close to any other news press for that.”


Chloe murmured, trailing off as she felt resentful.

“A person who falsely wields a pen is more dangerous than swinging a blade. This man doesn’t deserve to be a reporter. If it were me, I wouldn’t have done that.”

Eric didn’t answer, but he seemed to agree. Chloe huffed out heavily, folding the newspaper finely and setting it down next to her. She stopped looking at it.

She grumbled, expressing her frustrations about the many problems that news presses had these days, especially pointing out how they were trying to attract more subscribers only with outrageous, provocative content.

Eric didn’t fully agree with everything she said, but he also thought that her arguments made sense to some extent. At the same time, he felt quite satisfied enough that he could have this conversation with Chloe, so he listened to her quietly.

After she talked for a long time, they soon arrived at the theater. Eric got off the vehicle first, followed by Chloe.

Even though it was snowing, there were still many people out and about in the city. Not all of them were entering the theater, but she could see that quite a few people were holding the opera’s pamphlets. There were as many people as it was, waiting for a chance to watch the famous opera.

Chloe thought if they should line up as well, but thanks to Eric, who was guided by someone, she didn’t have to pursue that idea.

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“Where are we going?”

“I had special seats reserved.”

“Special seats?”

Chloe was surprised. Special seats were very expensive and difficult to buy tickets for. How could he get two special seats when he made a reservation only a day before?

“It’s amazing that we get to have amazing seats. Thank you.”

However, Chloe decided not to express her doubts. If she did, Eric might become angry again, saying how she was looking down on him. A small smile tugged up on her lips. After seeing her like that, Eric raised his chin.

“I had the seats urgently reserved because I want to make up for breaking my promise during your birthday. Please forgive me.”

Though she didn’t show it, Chloe was very surprised at how determined Eric seemed. She replied with her thanks.

She carefully linked arms with Eric, who then shifted his arm so that she could tuck her hand on it. Then, they slowly walked forward together.

Chloe had quietly thought to herself that it seemed as though they were a real couple.

It felt like a long time ago that they screamed and fought with each other. And being disappointed in him was also like an old memory. At this rate, she thought that she might feel hopeful once more. Chloe was wary, but inevitably, she still felt like that.

If they were going to get a divorce anyway, she wanted to enjoy this small happiness until that time. So, she held onto Eric’s arm, feeling as though she was on cloud nine.

But it was at that moment.

“Oh my, who’s this!”

She heard a familiar voice. Eric and Chloe turned their heads at the same time, and there stood Harris with his arms wide open.

“Chloe, is that you? And the Marquis as well!”

Chloe and Eric made eye contact with each other, then soon greeted Harris.

“How do you do, Your Highness.”

“How have you been.”

“Of course, I’ve been very well. Oh, where are my manners. I came here with my younger siblings. They went away for a moment, ah! They’re coming over here!”

Harris pointed behind Chloe. As she turned around, she saw Elizabeth, the fourth princess.

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