“It looks fine now. I think the weather is just right for going out.”

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So, Chloe expresses opposition to Eric’s words. His eyes widened even more.

“It’s snowy weather.”

“The sun is shining now.”

“You never know when a blizzard will come.”

“I don’t agree with that, but I don’t think it would be a problem if it were. The Royal Palace will give a carriage, and if you can’t ride a carriage, you can stay at the palace for a day and come back.”

“Are you saying you’re going to stay overnight outside and come back?”

Eric asked, puzzled. He was really angry. For him, there was nothing more disrespectful to a husband than having the wife stay overnight outside! Nonetheless, Chloe, who actually said those words, seemed calm.

Seeing that, he was even more embarrassed, and at the same time, he could feel a sense of helplessness that their relationship was now completely over.

“Do as you please.”

He said, turning completely away from her.

“Stay in the palace or outside, it has nothing to do with me.”

Chloe felt relieved that she was out of Eric’s control, but also saddened by the fact that he was about to give up on her completely and that their relationship would never be tied again. It was a double-edged feeling, thinking that they should break up, but on the other hand, still wanting him to hold on to her.



* * *


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A carriage sent from the Royal Family stands in front of the gate. Chloe got into the carriage, guided by the attendant. It didn’t take long from the mansion to the royal family, only about thirty minutes.

Chloe vowed to calm her feelings during this time as she reflected on her and Eric’s conversations. Though the moment she got into the carriage, her resolve was shattered. It was because William was in the carriage…!

“Brother? What are you doing?”

As Chloe asked in surprise, William grinned and scratched the back of his head.

“Why don’t you just get on, Chloe? If you keep getting hit by the cold wind, I think you will catch a cold.”

“Oh, I will.”

She sat across from him.

Shortly after the door closed, the carriage began to depart. William’s lips were also opened by this time.

“I was standing in front of the main gate when I heard that you were coming today. I thought that I would be the first person to greet you, but Elizabeth saw me. If that’s the case, she said I should go pick you up. I thought it was a good idea, so I grabbed the carriage and came right away. Are you surprised by any chance?”

“No, I’m not.”

Chloe shook her head. It was true that William’s sudden visit had hindered her thoughts, but it was acceptable as it was an act of his kindness.

She looked at him with a pleasant smile on her lips.

“How are you?”

“That, I’ve been well. How are you? As far as I know, the Duchess visited recently.”

…Another story about mother.

Chloe hardened her eyes. It was not William who won’t notice the subtle change.

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“Did you fight with mother again?”

Again, he had been with her since childhood, so he knew the family history thoroughly. Seeing her gloomy reaction, he guessed the Duchess must have left with something terrible. William gazed at Chloe with a worried look.

“What happened this time? Can you tell me?”

Chloe hesitated.

What should she say? Was it because Mother asked for money, or was it because she ignored her intention and objected to the divorce blindly? She was tired, and she didn’t want to say more.

To be precise, she didn’t want to think about the matter any further.

“I just don’t want to talk right now. It’s not a good story, so I don’t think it’s a conversation we should have after a long time.”

“Ah! Yes, it is. You can think like that. I asked you something I shouldn’t have.”

William nodded quickly and rested his chin.

Chloe felt grateful for his consideration, but at the same time felt burdened by the fact that this care was due to his deep-rooted affection for her, that was, love. Because she didn’t love William, she couldn’t love him and she didn’t want to love him.

Some would say there was no man as good as William, so why didn’t she accept him? She wondered if William, who showed that he loved her more than a guy like Eric who talked bitter words all the time, was a truly good husband?

Chloe could answer that… The love that William showed was not true love.

William had often shown his feelings for her from a very long time ago. When Chloe and he had attained some adult appearance, each time, she thought that William didn’t really love her.

He didn’t have the mindset to give his all for Chloe. He just wanted to have her—like a person filling out a collection. For example, he was now worried about Chloe and happy at the same time. As the Duchess’ persecution grew, he knew that she wanted to find someone and leaned on him.

He wanted her to be isolated, and he wanted her to lean on him as a result.

..It was possessiveness. Not love.

Chloe smiled bitterly, observing the strange sense of superiority and anticipation that spread across William’s face.

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“How is it going with the Marquis?”

William asked.

“What part are you talking about?”

“Divorce, yes. About the divorce.”

“There’s nothing much about it. It’s the same.”

Of course, there was a big fight a few days ago. However, she didn’t want to talk about such a private thing, so Chloe turned her back.

Noticing that, William didn’t ask her anymore. They chatted about the improved weather, expressed their regret for the workers’ strike, and spent the remaining time before arriving at the Royal Palace discussing the changed world time.



* * *



Elizabeth, surprisingly, welcomed Chloe enthusiastically.

As soon as she arrived, she kindly asked if there was any discomfort on her way, and she made sure she had eaten. When she replied that she had only had black tea, she had the maid bring a cake to Chloe.

She then watched her eat, Chloe judged Elizabeth’s extravagant tenderness because the other wives were watching.

It was actually quite different from the way she usually behaved when no one else was around, and Elizabeth always kept Chloe in check and looked at her badly. Still, she wasn’t stupid enough to ignore Chloe even at such a formal occasion, so that was probably why she’d show kindness to her like this.

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Saying her gratitude, Chloe accepted Elizabeth’s kindness.

“It’s been a while! Marchioness!”

At this time, someone spoke to her. She hurriedly straightened her lips and looked at the person that was talking to her, it was an acquaintance.

Lily Smith. She was the wife of Count Smith, who invested heavily in Eric’s railroad business.

She was married at an immature age, so maybe she was still like a girl. Chloe knew her talkative personality, so she wasn’t much of a person with whom she wanted to chat though she couldn’t not ignore Lily Smith, whose eyes were twinkling towards her.

In the end, Chloe said her greetings to her and then pointed to the other side. Lily Smith told her stories as soon as she sat down as if she had been waiting.

The conversation started with the story that it was going to snow.

She had never seen snow in the South where she lived, and it was very sad that she could not see snow even when she came to the capital. That was why she cried as she expressed how upset she was that she couldn’t show her happily seeing the snow.

After she even told that she was so heartbroken that her husband — Count Smith — was lying sick and he would be very happy if she would visit him once with the Marquis in the future.

It ended with that.

“So, when the snow stops, can you come visit me? Then I think my husband will be able to get up!”

Chloe hesitated. If it was time when the snow stopped, it meant spring. There were concerns that her marriage with Eric would still be until then.

However, as Lily Smith pleaded again, she had no choice but to accept.

“If the two of you came and sat in front of the fireplace for a while, my husband would be delighted. He will be impressed by Madam and His Excellency’s generosity! I will, too.”

Lily Smith continued, clapping her hands. She insistently asked the date of the visit, and Chloe ended the conversation by saying that she would send a letter after returning to the mansion and discussing it with her husband.

Eventually, she left the place after giving a satisfied smile, and Chloe was finally able to catch her breath.

“Isn’t she a really great woman?”

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