“Why did you lie? Did you think we were stupid and would really believe your lies?”

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“It’s a lie We wouldn’t have found out if the maid in my mansion had not worked for Madam’s mansion”

“No! That can’t be true I’m sure it’ll be caught one day A lie is like a seed that has not yet germinated, and it will sprout one day Then, it would be clear… Just like right now!”

Elizabeth lifted her chin and waved her fan

Chloe turned her back and glanced around

She saw the wives giggling as they surrounded her Her head was spinning At the same time, her hands and her body were all trembling


“Are you going to get a divorce? When are you going to do it? Huh? How are you preparing for it?”

Even though she knew her condition, Elizabeth jokingly spoke with a delighted look

Chloe stumbled, but she soon managed to prevent herself from collapsing, leaning her body against the wall

Taking a deep breath, her heart wanted to run away from here though she shouldn’t She was a noble Rolph and a great Aslan As much as she wanted to hide her words and back away, she could never show it

“Like I said, my husband and I made a reasonable deal”

She continued her words, holding her breath so it won’t quiver

“But now, the losses are greater than the gains from marriage So, getting a divorce is the right decision Again, our divorce is not because we don’t get along, it’s a rational decision made in consideration of our interests I hope you are not misunderstood”

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“Though I heard you are fighting every day!”

“That would be the maid’s conclusion We didn’t fight, we just talked I admit that my voice has risen a bit in the process However, we never fought I swear”

As Chloe put the word ‘swear’ on her lips, they could no longer claim that she was lying While Elizabeth ground her teeth in anger, Abigail had already taken a step back

“I’m curious Your thoughts of believing what the maid said as the truth and driving me to be a liar… Did the Princess and Mrs Leon intend to push me for victory?”

Her figure, which had been trembling, disappeared, and Chloe was asking a question with twinkling blue eyes The question was staggeringly outrageous, so Elizabeth was caught off guard as she had not expected her to be so daring

She fluttered her fan to cool her sweat

“No, it couldn’t be I said it all because I was worried about you, Chloe I want you to know my heart”

“Of, of course I’ll have to keep a tight grip on the maid’s mouth too I can’t let her go anywhere and say things like that!”

Abigail added her words, too, but Chloe didn’t even look at her, just staring at Elizabeth

“Yes, Your Highness I just want to thank you for always taking care of me”

This was an act of complete disregard for Abigail, so she engraved the anger deep in her bones She had to bury her anger here Marquis Aslan, the man who even beat her own husband and extorted money, and Mrs Aslan was the one who made herself engulfed in shame!

Abigail promised as she stepped back, saying that she would take revenge on the Aslan couple

An empty silence came

The wives were whispering to each other, talking about the relationship between Chloe and Elizabeth, and the relationship between the Aslan couple Still, it was a subject that no one could dare speak loudly, so it was very quiet inside the hall

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Elizabeth, who started the quarrel with Chloe and ruined the mood first, was rolling her eyes, looking for a way out of the situation

It was a disgrace to step back from now on, and if she did that, she would lose to Chloe again
At this time, to her surprise—fortunately—someone looked out the window and shouted

“It’s snowing!”

It was Lily Smith, who was yawning with no interest in the subject at all She opened the window wide A cold, snowy wind blew in and filled the hall

“What did I say? I said it was going to snow, right? Oh, as expected…! I’ve never been wrong about the weather! As soon as I woke up this morning, I intuitively knew it was going to snow! How did I know…? The smell! The smell in the air… it smells like snow! The same goes for when it rains Ladies, come to me if you are going to travel a long way or if you set a date I’ll be sure to match the weather!”

No one answered the excited Lily Smith

They weren’t ignorant because it was nonsense though it was because everyone had to figure out a way to get back While those who brought their carriages were fine, those who had borrowed carriages, like Chloe, didn’t have a way to go back right away

There was only one way, borrowing the royal carriage

The wives who had judged thus far asked if Elizabeth could lend her carriage, and she replied that she would do so with all her heart

However, Chloe didn’t want to ask her

She was extremely reluctant to owe her to ask Elizabeth something of hers It was a habit that had come naturally from childhood, and Chloe tangled her head to find another way

But, she had no way to return home It was a thirty-minute carriage ride to the house, so she couldn’t walk 10 miles Not just the weather but the act of walking itself was lowly, and it did not fit Chloe, a noble at all

Chloe glanced at her Elizabeth was already looking at her, and their eyes met

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“Oh my gosh, Chloe Did you also borrow a carriage?”

As she asked, Chloe replied yes, and Elizabeth responded with a clap

“Then, you should borrow the royal carriage Though what to do? I just gave Abigail the last carriage So no more carriage What would be good…?”

Elizabeth stretched her words, and her face looked like she had a plan

At that, Chloe narrowed her brows

What was she thinking? She wondered what Elizabeth was thinking, pondering upon her words Then, Chloe took one step closer to her

“What do you want to say, Your Grace?”

“I was thinking about sleeping in the Royal Palace because there is no carriage How about that, Chloe?”

At first glance, it seemed that Elizabeth’s proposal was full of kindness and gentleness in consideration for her, but Chloe knew That Elizabeth was not a kind woman to her, and that she must have other motives

She moved closer to Elizabeth

“Then, of course, will you give me a guest room? I hope so”


Elizabeth shook her head

“Aren’t we close friends since childhood? I can’t just let you sleep in a guest room like that So, I would like to have you sleep in my palace”

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“Yes, that would be appreciated”

“Still, there is no room that has been properly cleaned You know, I’m a little lazy, right? I guess the maids look just like me, too”

Chloe’s eyes narrowed


Her heart was beating fast

“I think Third Brother’s palace would be good Any room there would be clean and tidy, and much more comfortable and nicer than my palace I think it will suit you even better”

I knew it

Elizabeth meant to put her together with the Third Prince, William!

Before that, she had made several gestures to connect William and Chloe, but it wasn’t as blatant as she is now Presumably, Elizabeth was doing this because she had heard that she was getting a divorce She seemed to think that she would be able to marry Eric, too, if Chloe got married to William…

Chloe could feel her head spinning

It was one of two things she had to choose from Either she walked away and got fingers pointing at her from here, or slept here and got caught up in immoral rumors…

Whichever way she chose, it would be harmful to her Nothing was beneficial

Chloe regretted that she should have refused the invitation in the first place and should not have gone out However, the water had been spilled… It was irreversible

She touched her forehead

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