Can I come in?”

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After a while, the doorknob turned.

It was Eric who opened the door for Chloe himself. Chloe moved her chin lightly as a thank you and walked inside.

“It is not organized. Sit where it’s empty.”

Contrary to his words, the inside of the lab was pretty neat. Compared to the past when it was dusty and covered with moss. As she sat down on the sofa, he handed her a teacup and sat across from her.

“What’s the matter?”


“I think you know.”

Chloe lifted the still-warm kettle, poured the tea, and took a slow breath.

“I got a contact from my mother… She said you cut off all support to the Duchy.”

“I didn’t expect you to be contacted so quickly.”

Eric grinned bitterly. He took a sip of the cold tea.

“I think the Duchess was in a lot more hurry than I thought.”

Although he was speaking casually, Eric was in a very uncomfortable state right now. It was because he thought the Duchess must have spoken harsh words to Chloe again. He should’ve written that she should not contact Chloe in the first place.

Even though he just thought about it now, it was already too late.


Chloe, completely unaware of his thoughts, opened her mouth carefully.

“Did you cut off all support to the Duchy?”

“Yes, it is.”

Her eyes shook.

…So, that was what happened. Chloe lowered her head, feeling that everything was out of order.

She was not feeling sad or disliked. Rather, she was glad again because she was finally able to get away from her family. However, she was not happy with the fact that this was not because of her choice but by Eric’s hand, and that was because he ‘made it.’

She swore she wouldn’t depend on Eric, and yet it felt like she was depending on him again.

Still, she didn’t want to hide her happy feelings even though she did. Chloe curled her lips and lifted her chin.

“I won’t ask why. It’s something I’ve always asked for.”

“I would have been disappointed if you asked why, because I did your request.”

Eric let out a low laugh and joked.

The tense atmosphere was released in an instant. Chloe took a sip of tea. Then, with a click, she put down her teacup and opened her lips once more.

“Why would you be angry if I asked you, ‘Why?’”

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His brow narrowed.

“You seem to always think of me as a person who gets angry.”

The next moment, he clicked his tongue and crossed his legs.

“Of course, I’m not saying it’s wrong. It is true that I have been angry with you a lot.”

“Thank you for noticing.”

“Are you being sarcastic?”

Eric burst out laughing. He didn’t look like he was in a bad mood at all. Seeing him like that, Chloe sighed in relief and fiddled with the teacup’s handle.

“Even now, I want to respect your will.”

She took a deep breath.

It was because she thought these words of Eric were an extension of what he said a few days ago when he declared that he would love her.

Ah! What kind of foolish hope was this?

Nonetheless, as soon as she had this thought, the hope that had only existed as a hazy fog in her heart began to gather little by little… Again and again.

She had made up her mind that she shouldn’t do this. How many times did she lose hope like this? She doesn’t want to play anymore. Chloe jokingly took a breath she had been holding back and tried to distract him.

“Are you acknowledging that you have not respected my will?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to say that much, but if the wife wants it.”

Eric shrugged. There was a soft and peaceful atmosphere.

“Four days later, I decided to hold an opening ceremony for the Capital train.”

Come to think of it, the train opening ceremony was held only in the north but not yet in the Capital. When Chloe looked out the lab window, the snow-covered snow was telling her that the weather was not easy.

“While it is snowing like this?”

“I decided this was okay, so I decided to proceed.”

He replied still, showing it was okay. Then, Eric asked a question that Chloe would never have thought of.

“Would you like to go with me?”


She shrunk in surprise.

Chloe remembered Eric, who left her at the opening ceremony held in the North. She said many times that she wanted to go with him, but Eric never listened… But this time, he offered to go with her. It was clear that something was different from before though Chloe smiled bitterly and lowered her gaze.

“Ah… no. I’m fine.”

She firmly shook her head.

“I won’t go.”

Eric groaned and wrinkled one of his eyes.

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“Do you not like me, or do you not like the opening ceremony?”

“…I will not answer.”

“You don’t like me.”

“It’s not that I don’t like you. Just…”

Chloe added, clasping her hands together.

“It’s uncomfortable. There would be nothing I could do even if I went anyway.”

This was correct. There was nothing she could do for the opening ceremony. But nevertheless, Eric wanted to attend the opening ceremony with her… Yes. He wanted to let everyone know that he and Chloe were still in a good relationship. Therefore, he had to convince her.

“There will be many things you will like.”


“There will be fireworks you’ve been wanting to see so much, and maybe even get on the train.”


“You still don’t like it?”

Chloe, slightly shaken, hesitated. Thinking she was half-way over, he carefully placed his hand on her hand.



Chloe and Eric’s eyes met. Their gazes were entangled with each other’s different thoughts. At this very moment, she thought…

“I will be by your side.”

…Maybe, Eric was being serious.



* * *



She had a strong feeling that she shouldn’t do this.

…She couldn’t do this.

Returning to her room, Chloe muttered, wrapping her arms around herself. Before she knew it, she seemed to have hope again. Foolish!

She remembered the time when she collapsed so many times that she couldn’t even shed tears and mourned with her whole body. The memories still remain in her body, so she couldn’t trust Eric. For her to believe in him, she had proven that she was a foolish woman.

But, but…

This time with what happened to her mother and the invitation to the opening ceremony, Eric had changed a little… No, he changed a lot. He really seemed to respect her, unlike before.

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‘One more time…’

Would it be okay if she trusted him?

Suddenly, a strong wind appeared in my head as if someone was whispering. Chloe shuddered, startled and terrified at the inadvertent thought.

No, no! This wouldn’t do…!

How could she not properly control even her own minds? Her mind wanted to flow freely.

Chloe was so pathetic about herself. At the same time, she was pitiful. How she was not loved so much that she was so moved and shaken by this insignificant thing! She once again had the idea that she shouldn’t do this, and she renewed her resolve to never waver.

“Excuse me, Madam.”

At this time, Andrea knocked on the door. When Chloe told her to come in, Andrea hurried into her room.

“The Master has asked you to have dinner together.”


She was a bit surprised.

It was because Eric showed her that he didn’t even care about her while she was in her room all the time. But now, to come and have dinner together?


“It means that I will try to love you even now.”

“Are you going to reject these efforts?”


The words he had said reverberated in his ears.

…To love, to try.

Was this part of that effort?

Having dinner and going out together… was the everyday relationship of a married couple the effort he was talking about? Chloe smiled unknowingly. But soon, the smile evaporated. It was because she felt chest pain and gasped for breath.


She touched the table and spat her words out.

“Tell him I won’t have dinner.”

“But, Madam—”

“And, tell him that I will be eating in my room from now on.”

Chloe said with a smile.

“I don’t think we will ever have dinner together.”

This was the right thing to do. She had to do this.

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* * *



However, contrary to Chloe’s promise, Eric did not give up. He had delivered his words through Andrea every morning.

Let’s have breakfast together, have tea time, let’s talk…

Even though Chloe refused each time, on the other hand, she was hoping that Eric would talk to her again. She hated herself so much. Even though she hated it, she wanted to accept it… Yes, she was wavering again.


“It means that I will try to love you even now.”


His words never leave her mind. Chloe pondered these words every day, and her frozen heart was melting little by little thanks to Eric’s persistent attitude, which had changed from the past. Still, if it had melted her heart so easily, he could have just paid attention right away…

Sweet and bitter emotions ran through her.

Chloe thought as she looked at Andrea, who had come. This time, she even wondered what the excuse was. Did Andrea read that expression?

Andrea delivered Eric’s message.

“He said he made a new invention, and he wanted you to come.”

“…A new invention?”

This time for a slightly different reason. Chloe tilted her head.

“Yes. I don’t know the details either. I guess you’ll have to go see it…”

Andrea frowned and glanced into Chloe’s eyes. This time as well, she was so worried that the Madam would refuse again.

Chloe thought for a moment.

However, the worries didn’t last long. As much as Eric put so much effort, Chloe should show some degree of reaction. This was because of the feeling of love that remained in her heart and also because of the hope that was revived again.


She smiled and nodded her head.

“Tell him that I’ll be there soon.”

At those words, Andrea’s face lit up and she left the room, saying that she would deliver it to the master immediately.


Chloe unexpectedly glanced out the window.

The snow stopped before she knew it.

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