The day dawned.

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Chloe greeted the morning in an improved condition. It seemed that the large amount of medicine she poured yesterday worked. As she tugged at the rope, not long after, Andrea came in and spoke to her kindly.

“I heard you are going out today. Shall we prepare for it?”

“Please do so.”

“Yes, madam.”

Andrea answered and took her purple dress from the dress hanger. It was a dress that emphasized the shape of the waist by inflating the skirt with crinoline.


Chloe was worried for a moment that the dress was too flashy, but since she was going to wear the Redin coat anyway, it seemed okay. Moreover, was it not the opening ceremony? She had to dress appropriately so she wouldn’t be a bother to Eric.

“Is this all right?”

When Andrea asked, she nodded her head.

“Yes. I will wear it.”

“How about wearing a hat as well? Maybe it’s because it stopped snowing today, but the sunlight is pretty strong. I’m worried that the Madam’s beautiful flesh might get burned.”

“I see.”

“Yes, Madam.”

Saying so, Andrea skillfully took care of her clothes.

Chloe slowly closed her eyes, feeling the soft feel of the towel she was wiping off. Many people would be coming to the opening ceremony today. Among them, there must be people who did not like her. In addition, reporters would come, too, and they would run at her like a pack of dogs…

Thinking that far, Chloe bit her lip.

She would have to go nonetheless… What she promised to do with her husband, she would do it.

Chloe slowly lifted her eyelids and looked out the window. The snow stopped, and she could see a brighter world.

‘Please stay bright all day. Please let nothing happen.’

She hoped and hoped so.



* * *



“The Master is going to the opening ceremony first. He has been busy since morning.”

Said Daniel.

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Chloe nodded and followed the path he directed toward the carriage. The garden was small, so the distance to the carriage was not too far, and she soon reached the carriage. As Daniel opened the door, she took his hand and got into the carriage.

At this time, he opened his mouth.

“The master has high expectations for the opening ceremony today.”

Chloe stared at Daniel. She didn’t know why he suddenly said this.

“What do you want to say?”

“As usual…”

Daniel hesitated for a moment, then continued.

“I don’t want you to argue or anything.”

Chloe let out a small sigh.

“You seem to be saying that I take full responsibility for the fights with my husband.”

At those words, Daniel glanced around for a moment before nodding his head and answering.

“I cannot deny it.”


Chloe thought again.

…Was it like that? Did the quarrel between Eric and her really come from her?

In fact, in the past, she could say no, but not in the current situation. Perhaps, it was true that the recent quarrel stemmed from her. She kept asking for the divorce, and Eric was against it, causing friction.


Thinking this far, Chloe nodded meekly.

“I understand everything you say.”

Daniel’s eyes sparkled, contrary to hers.

“Still, if you don’t want a quarrel, I can get a divorce as I wish. Don’t you think so, too?”

“Madam, that’s…”

“After the divorce, there will be no quarreling.”

Daniel bit his lip at her remarks. There was nothing wrong with Chloe’s words though it was hard for him to accept as he was against their divorce.

So, he asked.

“Why did you decide to divorce?”

He looked at Chloe and went on.

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“Have you lived like that all along? Still, why all of a sudden?”

“Just because I lived like that so far, do I have to live like that for the rest of my life?”

Chloe let out a low laugh. She seemed to know all too well why Daniel was Eric’s aide. It was clear that the terribly selfish people were holding each other’s hands, so they had become unaware of each other’s selfishness.

Chloe smirked and continued speaking resolutely.

“I don’t want to live like that.”


“I don’t want to live the way I used to anymore.”

Daniel opened his mouth, then slowly closed it. It was because Chloe spoke so strongly. What more could he add here? As he thought silence was the wise answer in this situation, this thought was the correct answer.

She said to Daniel, clearing his somewhat stern face.

“You know better that today’s conversation was presumptuous enough.”


Daniel readily admitted.

“I won’t tell my husband. So you, too…”

Chloe let out a sigh.


“Please stop encouraging my husband anymore.”

She really meant it.

Chloe thought that Daniel might be one of the reasons Eric kept reversing the divorce. Anyway, the reason Daniel whispered to Eric was because he didn’t want his master’s name to be blemished. Perhaps that judgment was correct, Daniel’s face hardened.

As she chuckled, she grabbed the door of the carriage.

“Because I really want to divorce him.”


Eventually, the carriage door closed. Soon there was the sound of the engine firing, and the carriage began to pull away slowly.

Until then, Daniel had been watching Chloe’s carriage with a blank stare. She tried to ignore him and just looked ahead. The rattling, swaying carriage and the smell of oil flowing in were not very welcome.



* * *



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The opening ceremony would be held on Paisan Hill, above the Pierre Bridge because that was the starting point of the capital train. Chloe leaned sideways against the window and looked up at the distant sky.

She could see floating airships. Meanwhile, everyone was hanging from the curtains, wanting to see it.



《 Opening of the 2nd railroad across Paisan, the heart of the Capital. 》


《 The world’s first unmanned railway. 》

《 The only railroad that runs 100,000 miles 》



It was embarrassing to have so many compliments on it, but Chloe thought it was worth it.

It was because the Paisan Railway was a great invention that Eric made with all his heart and put all his effort and passion into it.

The Paisan Railway was operated unmanned. In addition, it extracted the maximum output with the minimum amount of coal. As a result, the weight of the railway itself was reduced, and more people could be accommodated.

It was great just to hear it. It would be a clear innovation if these railroads were opened nationwide. Therefore, Chloe had to acknowledge Eric’s greatness.

…He was such a great person.

It felt even strange to have someone like him by her side.

‘Hasn’t that been the case all along?’

Chloe recalled what Daniel had said.

When he said ‘that,’ he meant that despite Eric’s cold treatment and his numerous ignorance, she had firmly occupied a comfortable position. Hearing Daniel’s words, she responded by pretending to be indifferent and insignificant, but that was not the case.

Now that everyone knew that she lived ‘like that’ all along, Chloe was so ashamed.

She wouldn’t live ‘that way’ anymore…

Chloe took her breath once more, holding her promise. With a rattle, the carriage rocked once, and the engine slowly started to shut down. She had arrived before she knew it. Straightening her back, she tidied the hem of her crumpled dress.

If the coachman opened the door right away, then she could leave. She wouldn’t make eye contact with anyone and headed to fill the right spot in the right place…

Chloe reflected on her thoughts.

Suddenly, the door opened. Her blue eyes, which had fallen down, slowly lifted up. She raised her body without even looking out.

At that moment…

“I hope the way here was comfortable, wife.”

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It was a familiar voice. Chloe turned her head in surprise and saw Eric standing through the open carriage door.

Why was her husband here…?

She was so shocked that she couldn’t speak properly.

“Why do you look so surprised? Can’t I even come out to meet my wife?”

Eric laughed softly and stretched out his hand towards her.

Chloe got out of the carriage, unknowingly grabbing his arm. As soon as she did, she felt the stinging eyes. Everyone seemed to be staring at her and Eric. She bit her lower lip lightly and leaned closer to him as Eric wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

“Everyone has been waiting for you.”



Eric uttered with a grin.

“Because I gave a speech about you being the one who helped me the most in my invention.”

‘Why would he say that!’

Chloe wanted to scream it, but she couldn’t because there were many eyes watching her. Instead, she whispered softly.

“…What made you say that?”

“It’s because I want more people to recognize my wife’s virtues.”

She could smell the alcohol in Eric’s voice.

“Have you had a drink?”

“Today is a happy day.”

At her words, he nodded his head. Upon closer inspection, he appeared to be slightly intoxicated. Chloe distanced herself from him, but Eric refused to let her go. He clasped her shoulders tighter and whispered in her ear.

“There are many people I would like to introduce to you.”


She had never had anything like this happen before. As she thought about it, Chloe got hesitant as Eric led her arm.

“Let’s go.”

She followed after him.


This was partly because of Daniel’s earlier request, ‘Don’t argue today,’ and partly because Eric had never shown anything like this before, so she was deeply moved by how he was willing to work hard. Whatever it was, Chloe was a little shaken in her mind.

…No, she was shaken a lot.

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