Eric had to ponder what he had just heard. The worry didn’t last long, and he was soon astonished. Dying, Chloe? What was she talking about?!

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“Are you planning on divorcing me by telling such a lie? You are really out of your mind!”

So, he thought she was lying.

Yes. It was a lie. It had to be a lie. Chloe’s dying… It was a terrible thing that he could never have imagined!

Chloe, however, shook her head calmly.

“I am not lying.”


She expected this reaction from Eric. When someone suddenly came forward saying that they were dying, would anyone really believe that? Because of that, she took out the note she had prepared and pushed it to Eric.

“You will know when you go to the northern doctor.”

Eric hurriedly picked up the note. There was an address written on it, but he guessed it was the place where the northern doctor he had been looking for so much lived. He grabbed the note and bit his lip at the same time.

…Chloe was dying?

She was going to disappear from the world forever? Eric couldn’t believe it, and he didn’t want to believe it. Nonetheless, Chloe didn’t wait for his denial either.


She gazed at him with the eyes of a dead person.

“I’m not lying.”

Eric pursed his lips and gasped for breath.

“…I don’t believe it.”

After that, the only words he could barely spit out were these.

“You are such a mean woman to lie to me just because you want to divorce me! How can you lie with your life?!”

Eric shouted in a boiling voice, but Chloe, who heard the cry, was surprisingly calm. Could it be because she expected Eric’s reaction…?

She shook her head slowly.

“Then, you can go to the doctor at this address and confirm for yourself.”

“It will happen even if you don’t tell me. So, until then, you can never leave the mansion. Never!”


Chloe hesitated for a moment.

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“No, Marquis.”

Eric’s eyes widened as words that he thought would never come out of Chloe’s lips flowed out. Why did he always think that she would treat him as her husband? Even though he was shocked, Chloe delivered a firm word to him, like driving her point.

“Please, let me go now.”

Chloe uttered, placing her hand on his chest.

“How much more do you intend to make it difficult for me?”

Eric clenched his fists tightly.

I’ve never been hard on you I mean… I never intended to. I was trying to be nice to you. I tried to be really good this time, but how could you lie like this?!

The sound of his heart clamored and rose to the top of his throat. However, at the same time, a terrible imagination dominated his mind that Chloe’s words might be true… that she might really die and disappear from the world…

Eric shook his head.

“Let’s assume what you say is true. Alright. Let’s say you have a fatal disease. So, is there no way? No, how sick are you?”

Eric poured out his words.

“Isn’t it something that needs to be treated? First of all, you have to see a capital doctor and get a proper diagnosis…! No, why didn’t you tell me in the first place!”

“Why didn’t I tell you?”

Chloe let out an empty laugh.

“I told you, all the time. I told you many times that it hurts.”

She slowly closed her eyes. Chloe remembered those moments when she said she was sick countless times in front of Eric… Still, he never listened to her. He always turned away and never looked back. For that man to ask why she never told him. She found his hypocrisy so hard now.

“You were the one who ignored it. You were the one who pretended not to know I was sick, and you were the one who didn’t pay any attention to me.”

“Chloe, that…”

“So, darling.”

Chloe took a deep breath and straightened her back.

“I want to live my life according to my will at least once before I die.”

Before this body wore out any further, she had to act. In order to do that, the first priority was to get out of this cramped, difficult and exhausting situation.

“So, please let me go.”

Eric couldn’t hold onto Chloe.

He didn’t deserve to hold onto her.

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* * *



Chloe stared blankly at the luggage she had packed in advance.

The bag wasn’t big. She left behind everything Eric had bought for her, and only the bag she had brought with her when she first came to the Capital was taken.

As she glanced around the room slowly, she was carrying her bag. It was a little old and shabby, but compared to the room she had been living in the North for several years, it was strangely affectionate. Chloe slowly ran her finger across the edge of the fireplace. Then, she looked around the room once again, and the portable hearth came into her view.


“Doesn’t that sound good for people like you who are sensitive to the cold?”

“I started developing it because I thought it might be useful to you.”


Eric’s words rang in her ears.

She no longer thought what he had said was the whole truth. But nonetheless, when she made the assumption that his words were true… If he made the hearth for her…

She felt so much sadness that she couldn’t even express it. Chloe’s eyes trembled. The tip of her nose grew hot, and before she could stop it, the tears flowed and wet her cheeks. She sat down and began to let her sorrow flow.

I trusted you. I wanted to believe until the end. Even when you said you would love me, I hoped that your arrogant words would come true. I did…

‘It was only because of the bet.’

Chloe felt as if the castle she had painstakingly built was collapsing. Her castle was not a castle built bit by bit with stones. It was a castle made of sand that would break if held, so it was a weak and precarious castle that would disappear at once from angry waves.


Chloe coughed and curled up.

Cough, cough.

Blood poured out. The drippings of her blood on the carpet seemed to speak to her. She doesn’t have much time left to live.

So, she had to leave.

She had to stop playing with love anymore, and now she had to shake off everything and leave. Eric was a man who could never love her. He did not even know what love was. He was terribly selfish and arrogant… He was a bad person.

She thought he’d love her if he knew she was dying… but, he didn’t even believe that she was dying…

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‘He doesn’t deserve to love.’

Chloe left the room slowly, never letting go of her bag.



* * *



It was snowing outside.

Eric leaned his face against the window and glanced out. A snowy world… there was a person who was walking on top of the white snow.

It was Chloe, clutching the tiny luggage bag.

They’d been together for about three months, and that was the only thing she brought. She seemed to be leaving behind everything he had done for her, the gifts he had given her. Watching her leave in the same outfit as she first came… he couldn’t help but feel a rage.

Eric clenched his fists.




With such a beautiful voice…


“I am now dying.”


What a terrible thing to say!

Ahh, I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it!

He still couldn’t believe it. Chloe was dying. She would disappear from the world. What kind of nonsense! He wanted to believe she had lied to him. She really wanted to separate with him, that was why she lied…

Eric hit the window with a thud. Still, Chloe didn’t look back as she just walked out of the mansion with her characteristic lofty, upright gait.


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As Eric hurriedly called, Daniel, who was standing outside the door, came into the room.


“Put someone to Chloe.”

He interrupted Daniel’s words and spoke in a shout.

“Where she goes, who she meets, how she lives, report everything to me.”


“Then, go to the address listed here and bring someone with you.”

The next moment, he handed him the note Chloe had left. Daniel, who received the note in a daze, looked at Eric, revealing his bewilderment openly

“Please tell me what is going on. Then, I will think and go.”

You want me to tell you what’s going on?

Eric let out a laugh.

It was difficult to tell Daniel everything that happened today… No, it would be more accurate to say that even though he had a mouth, he had nothing to say. To think that his lies were discovered and that she declared divorce again. It was something he didn’t want anyone to know about.


Eric drew in a breath.

“Chloe says she has a fatal disease.”


Daniel’s eyes shook.

“That, that…”

“It must be a lie.”

Eric replied firmly.

“A lie she told because she wanted to separate from me.”

He had to think like this… he had to believe this. Without that, Eric couldn’t stand it.


“Then, bring the one who lives at that address before my eyes.”

Eric looked out the window again. Before he knew it, Chloe had disappeared without a trace.

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