Chapter 85

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In the dining room, they could hear the sound of rattling dishes. It was dark outside, so all the lights in the dining room were brightly on, even though it was still daylight. How many lights were there in this room alone?

Chloe held her fork and raised her head toward the ceiling.

A light fixture was a precious object that, even if there was only one in a mansion, revealed that the house had great wealth. So, ordinary people would put a light in the middle of the hall to reveal their wealth.

But here, in the dining room alone, there are a total of eight lights.

It must be because Eric was the one who developed the light. As she turned her gaze to the appetizing array of food under the bright lights, she blinked slowly while looking at the plates that were filling the table far away.

“It’s just one meal.”

Chloe opened her mouth slowly.

“Was it necessary to prepare so much food?”

She said this because she knew Eric’s bad finances. Although it seemed like he was overdoing it because she was back, it was too much pressure. Chloe then looked into Eric’s eyes and spoke cautiously.

“And this mansion is too big for the two of us. How long have you rented it? I want to go back to where we used to be.”


Putting the tableware down, Eric wiped his mouth with a napkin and inhaled slowly. He knew she would say something like this. He expected her to say this because she considered him poor, though when he actually heard it, the shock was greater than expected.

Still, he couldn’t be angry, so he caught his breath and stared at Chloe.

“I bought this.”

Chloe’s eyes trembled slightly.

…Eric bought this mansion with dozens of rooms himself? With what money? She wondered if he had discovered a gold mine without her knowledge.

Eric laughed at her.

“You look like you asked how much money I used to buy this.”

“No, it’s not like that.”

“Chloe. Think carefully.”

Eric said, leaning his body forward a little.

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“There are more than ten factories built in my name in the Kingdom alone. Including those built overseas, there are over twenty of them. I am a capitalist with over 30 factories, but would I really be poor?”

Her eyes were filled with agitation.

“I am rich enough to buy ten, no, one hundred of Mont’s paintings. So don’t worry.”

She was shocked, as if she had been beaten on her head with a hammer.

Eric was right. He was a capitalist with dozens of factories… despite that, why did she think he was poor?

Why did she think he had no money in the family?

The first was because he borrowed a lot of money from her parents, and the second was… she, too, was subtly ignoring Eric! She had guessed that he, being a commoner, wouldn’t have that much wealth!

Oh, what a shameful accident! It was something she didn’t even want to think about.

Chloe’s face was hot as she was overcome by the urge to leave immediately.

At the same time, she came to think that Eric had put up with her all this time. At the same time, when she remembered how Eric must have been hurt by what she had said, a side of her heart ached. She had been really mean to him.

Chloe dropped her head.

“I… I didn’t even think about it. Sorry.”

“It’s nothing to be sorry about.”

Eric responded kindly.

“It’s because I didn’t give you the right figures. It’s my fault. I’m sorry.”

This conversation gave her hope that he might have really changed. If it were Eric in the past, he would have poured out harsh words instead of saying sorry to her!


Could it really be that Eric has become a different person?

Chloe gulped, feeling hope welling up again. However, words soon followed that shattered Chloe’s hopes.

“And as soon as your body gets better, I plan to have you take on the role of the Madam. Lead the servants and manage the mansion.”

Chloe could feel the blow to her head again. What was the Madam’s role? Hadn’t she told Eric that she would be leaving this place and that she would do her job?! But again, Eric was ignoring her opinion. Again…!

“No, I don’t want to.”

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She replied in a firm voice.

“I told you I had a job to do.”

Eric’s eyes narrowed.

“If you are thinking of working for the small newspaper company, I will oppose it.”

“Eric. Didn’t you say you were rooting for me?”

His name.

Even though Eric resented Chloe for not referring to him as her husband, he tried to calm himself down again and again and said something he had been preparing for.

At those words, Chloe was silent for a moment. She was trying to understand Eric’s words.

“What do you mean… a newspaper?”

“It’s true. I already got permission. I bought the building and hired the staff. Perhaps next month we will be able to publish a newspaper.”


Chloe screamed, covering her mouth, but he didn’t stop.

“You can go there and work as soon as you feel better. I will make this newspaper the number one in the Kingdom.”

He smiled obliquely.

“If you are going to work, shouldn’t you be working in the best position?”


Eric finished his words with a proud heart. He had no choice but to do so because he thought Chloe was doing a really good job with all her heart! So, he built a newspaper for his only wife. Could there be a better husband than this?

He wanted to become a wonderful husband who would support Chloe’s dream even now, that was why he came up with this plan.

“You are…”

Noticing that Chloe’s eyes were strange, Eric narrowed his brows slightly.

“You are really selfish.”

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He didn’t expect this kind of reaction, so Eric answered in a gibberish manner.

“…Selfish? I did it for you, but how could you say that?”

“Please do not ignore my choice!”

Chloe shouted and closed her eyes.

“Heath’s newspaper, I chose it. It’s a place I volunteered with my own two feet because I wanted to do it. However, to oppose it just because it is small? To work for the newspaper you founded? Then, how much more are you going to spy on me!”


Eric touched his forehead and jumped up.

It was nonsense. He had no such intentions. Ah, there was something he overlooked. He completely forgot that Chloe didn’t trust her!

“It will never happen. I swear. I’m just—”

He uttered in a desperate voice as if pleading.

“I just wanted you to be in a good place, be treated well, and live a good life.”

Chloe opened her eyes and bit her lower lip. She knew he didn’t do this because he meant it badly. It would be done for her.

But, but…

“…… I choose that too.”

She couldn’t let go of the fact that her choice had been denied. She made a choice for the first time in her life, she was trying to pioneer her life for the first time, yet he completely ignored such a precious choice!

Shaking her head, she had no intention of letting Eric go like this.

“I mean, there’s nothing you can do for me.”

Eric walked around feeling miserable. As he put his fisted hand to his forehead before loosening his hand and touching the back of his neck, he stroked the air as he put his hands on the back of the chair and gazed at Chloe.

“Then, what can I do?”


“What should I do for you?”

He was asking with all his heart.

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“I am ready to give my soul for you. So Chloe, tell me. What can and should I do for you?”

He wanted to know.

He wanted to know what he had to do for her, what he had to do to change her mind, even now. Because of that, he clung to her, begging.


But, what he heard was…

“Please don’t do anything.”

…It was a cold, impassioned voice.

Eric’s eyes widened.

“I don’t want to hold out any more hope here, Eric.”


“Just let me die.”


Eric stomped his feet and buried his face in his hands.

The talk about dying, the talk about not wanting to live, he was really sick of it! He didn’t want to hear anymore!

“I will never listen to that!”


“Even if it’s my greed! I will save you. I will listen to your resentment after being saved later… So, you’re going to live somehow. You must live!”

As Chloe raised her gaze and looked at Eric, observing the sadness, regret, and anger that filled his face, she slowly lowered her eyes. She uttered something that he really didn’t want to hear and that would hurt him terribly.

“Even if I leave you after I live?”


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