Chapter 87

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Eric mused over Andrea’s words one by one.

“Of course, Master’s actions in the past are not good, but… it seems that Master has changed a lot, and I think that Madam needs you, too…so I acted, albeit presumptuously. I hope you will be willing to accept it.”

He blinked slowly.

…Chloe needed him.

Eric chewed the sentence slowly. After rolling the words in his mouth for a long time, he suddenly opened his lips.

“Why do you think Chloe needs me?”


Andrea smiled softly.

“Because Madam loves Master.”

At those words, his eyes widened. He asked again, moving as if he would get up at any moment.

“That… how can you be sure?”

Andrea laughed again.

“Why am I not sure, Master?”

She said it in a very natural tone—

“It’s written all over Madam’s face.”

—In such a voice so that Eric could have hope.



* * *



Chloe, who had sent Eric go and entered the room, wandered around the room for a while. She felt sick to the stomach. It was likely that the meal she just ate wasn’t properly digested. Drinking cold water, she struggled to settle the rising nausea.

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A corner of her chest was stuffy.

Did she have an upset stomach, or… was her heart hurt because of the conversation she just had with Eric?

It occurred to her that it might be both. No, it occurred to her that maybe all of this had happened because of her conversation with Eric. After talking with him for a long time, it made her feel uncomfortable.

Chloe stopped walking and looked out the window.

The outside, where the snow had set in, was now white as if a blizzard had raged. On a day like this, it was clear that she wouldn’t be able to go anywhere since going out would be like committing suicide.

For a moment, she felt the urge to run outside.

To feel the cold enough to freeze her while being hit by the snow. Then, wouldn’t she gradually harden from the tips of her toes? In the past, even her heart could be frozen… wouldn’t it be good for her to die like that?

As she thought that, Chloe slowly approached the window. Then, like possessed, she unlocked the latch and opened the window wide.

A cold wind blew fiercely.

Leaving her hair fluttering in the strong wind at random, she clutched at the window sill. The world was white as the falling snowflakes were thick. Chloe, who had quietly stretched out her hand and looked at the snow piling up on her palm, suddenly leaned her body forward.

This was the second floor. The snow was thickly piled on the floor, so even if she fell, she wouldn’t die. So it wouldn’t matter if she fell off, right? Wouldn’t it be okay to get buried in the snow and feel the cold to her bone?

Chloe repeated her self-harming thoughts, and the truth behind her thoughts was that she wanted to die.

Maybe she was a lot more depressed than she thought.

However, she was not clear-minded enough to judge her own condition with certainty, so she did not realize that she got depressed and that she needed treatment of her mind as well as her body. She just concentrates on her current thoughts… the thought that she wanted to die.

It wasn’t until the snow had accumulated the size of a finger in her palm that she was able to make up her mind.

Yes. To fall.

Chloe felt the desire to fall as strongly as the falling snow, and as a result, her body leaned forward more and more. When her heels slowly came off, her body was trying to slop through the window.

There came a knock on the door.

Chloe put her body down from the window sill.

…What was she trying to do?

She took in a breath with a pale face.

She was just about to kill herself. She was going to fall! She never thought of taking her own life, so why did she act like this now? Chloe covered her mouth with her hands, looking astonished as if she couldn’t believe it herself for doing such a thing.

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Her mind was dizzy, and her eyes went dark.

As she stepped back and away from the window, the window through which the strong wind came in rattled and beckoned towards her.

Come back and get out of here.

Chloe shook her head and continued to step back before she felt a door behind her back. The protruding doorknob touched her.

Before she knew it, she had withdrawn all the way to the door.

Come to think of it, there was a knock on the door.

Chloe opened the door slowly, trying to pull herself together. There was no one outside. She looked around the hallway and saw no one passing by. She wondered if she had heard it wrong, so she tried to shut the door again.

Then, something came into her view.


It was a bouquet of dozens of yellow tulips tied together.

Chloe looked blankly down at the bouquet. Completely different from the snowy weather, the lush and fresh flowers were shining. When she unknowingly bent her knee and grabbed the bouquet, she could see a small note among the flowers.

A piece of paper the size of her palm had a short message written on it.




⎾ “I’m sorry.” ⏌



Eric’s handwriting.

Chloe’s hand trembled as she held the paper.

She has seen a message like this before. At the time, it was lying in a drawer with money. How she laughed miserably at the money, but now, it was different. This note, which was laid with her favorite flower, brought her a fresh jolt.

He found out what she liked and brought it to her.

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That Eric Aslan…

She unknowingly turned her head to look at the window. The window, wide open, was still beckoning her to run and jump right here. But Chloe, holding Eric’s heartfelt flowers and letter, could no longer be swayed by that temptation.

She thought that she might need treatment.



* * *



“Calling a doctor?”

As Eric asked Daniel, putting a monocle in front of his eye, Daniel smiled and nodded his head.

“Yes, Madam herself said it. She thought she needed a doctor.”


He frowned because he didn’t quite understand it.

“Chloe’s heart won’t heal anymore. If she wants to be prescribed medication to relieve her pain, she can go to the professor who made the diagnosis.”

“No. Not because of that.”

“It’s not because of heart disease?”

He felt a bit frustrated that the conversation was getting more and more mysterious. However, Eric learned some patience from the recent events and waited for Daniel’s following words, swallowing his irritation.

“She wanted me to call a psychiatrist.”


That was an unexpected word. Eric asked in surprise. Daniel hurriedly continued.

“It seems she has developed depression. She said she wanted to get proper counseling from a psychiatrist.”


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Eric snorted.


His mind went blank. Eric took a deep breath and unbuttoned a few buttons from his shirt. Even so, his stuffy mind was not relieved.

Chloe’s mind wasn’t in very good shape, he knew though he did not think that it was depression. Still, if he were in her position, if he had accepted the day of his death as she did, he would feel just as depressed.

No, he would have felt more, not less.

He thought she was holding on with her superior mental strength, but she herself said that she was depressed… what happened? At the same time, he realized that while he worried about her, he also cared about the various circumstances surrounding her.

“Reporters will come running.”

“It seemed she was prepared for it, too.”

“They’ll try to bite her somehow.”

The reporters were the problem. Sh*t.

If it became known that Chloe was being seen by a psychiatrist, the reporters would come in like a pack of her wolves and try to bite her. If that happened, people wouldn’t look at her kindly. Since she would be a Marchioness with a mental illness, Chloe was sure to be ridiculed.

He, of course, was in awe of Chloe’s willingness to heal herself. Nonetheless, he could not easily express his affirmation because the matter was still an issue.

Eric sighed and touched his forehead.

“First, find a doctor as secretly as possible so that no one can find out.”

“Yes, I will.”

Daniel nodded his head confidently. Then, he tilted his head as he looked at Eric, who threw off his monocle.

“Where are you going?”

Eric buttoned up his shirt and straightened his tie.

“To Chloe.”


He replied briefly.

“I think we should have a conversation.”

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