I see, my 'runner' skill, if I run fast enough and attack then I can break the shell, a very amazing way to use physics here.

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[Skill-Runner Activated]

I started running, but not fast enough to lose my balance, more, more, just a little more, I sprinted at the unconscious snail with a sword in my hand...


I stabbed him, there is a little crack now...

"Need more speed"

I started running again, faster than last time but not fast enough to lose my balance, I stabbed him at the same spot as before.

"It worked." His HP was going down slowly.

"Okay, one more time" I started running and stabbed him on the same spot.

"One last time" and after doing the same thing for the last time, his HP went down to 0.

[Leveled Up]

"There are 3 more now"

It looks like they woke up due to all the noise I was causing.

"Well...3 of them at once will be hard"

They started rolling around all over the arena, there is no way I can dodge it, I started running and kept dodging them, and I was running with my 'Runner' skill activated, so it was easy to dodge them.

They are not going to stop anytime soon, I have to attack them while dodging, I tightened my grip on the sword and started attacking them while dodging, I will focus on only one now, and I will kill them one by one.

I kept running while dodging and attacking, I was using the same tactic and kept attacking at the same spot, after repeating the same thing couple of times...

[Leveled up]

2 more now, if I do the same thing again then I can defeat them but...

"I am tired"

I opened the menu to check if my stats increased or not but...

"My agility decreased to 198!? Hey Pixie, why did it decrease?"

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[It will go back to normal if you rest for a while]

I see but...

"These snails won't let me rest"

I started running, my 'Runner' skill is still activated, now that there are only 2 of them they are rolling more freely and speedily, I decided to use the same tactic and kill them one by one, as I was about to attack one of them, the other one came rolling at me, he was about to hit me, I jumped and because I was running, I jumped pretty high, I was about to hit the wall, so I closed my eyes and got ready for the impact but when I opened my eyes I found myself running on the wall...


There is no way anyone can run on a wall, it's against the laws of Das, this is a game, I can do what I can't in the real world, I can use physics here, well...time to break the laws of physics.

"This is going to be fun"

I hate to admit it, but I am enjoying this game now, thanks Elena.

"I can't wait to play this game with her"

I increased my speed, I still can't believe I am running on the wall, I launched myself on the snail.

"I think I can kill this one by one hit at this speed"

I attacked him, as expected the shell broke in one hit and...

[Leveled up]

"I killed it in one hit, now there is"

I looked at my sword, it started to crack and soon after shattered into pieces.


I tried to walk but my legs gave out, I quickly checked my agility, it was 31.

[Skill-Runner deactivated]


This is the worst, my sword broke and skill is deactivated, my agility is so low now, I can't even walk properly now, I noticed the last snail coming at me rolling, I grabbed my dagger and...

"Get up, you can do this"

I gathered my strength and got up, I tried to run but...I fell down.

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[Adas, Adas get up]

I heard pixie telling me to get up, I want to get up but I can't, as I sighed hopelessly...

[Skill-Runner Evolved into Skill-Sprinter]

"Huh?" I tried to get up but I still couldn't.


I tried to get up for the last time and...I was running on the wall, no, rather than running I was jumping on the walls, I increased my speed, more, more, more, I was jumping on walls and Stalactites of the ceiling of the arena, I can't see anything now, all I can see is the snail and all I know is...

"Kill this snail"

I jumped on the top of the snail from the ceiling and used all my strength to stab the snail.

[Leveled up]

[A New Skill Acquired]

[You Received Treasure Chest]

[All Stats Back To Normal]

"That's too many things"

Tired, I was lying on the ground, I opened the menu to see my new skill,


I read the description of the skill, it seems it will harden me and increase my defense, I see, so I get the skill of the monster I defeat, I opened stat to check my stats.



My attack stat increased.


My defense has also increased and I've got defensive skills too, which is good.

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My agility also increased, now that I think of it my Runner skill also evolved, I read the description of the skill Sprinter, it increases agility by 8 times when activated, cool down 3 hours, skill activation of 10 minutes.

"I see, so I can use this skill for 10 minutes and then I can't use it again for 3 hours"

[Adas, Adas are you okay?]

"Yeah I am okay"

The pixie helped me get up.

[Let's open the chest]

"Oh right, chest"

I opened the chest and inside was a long coat, an overcoat but even longer than an overcoat, it is a white color with red lines and embroidery, and the sleeves are blue with light red, no it's not pink, it's definitely not pink, okay? The bottom is black and there is some kind of symbol on the back. I wore it.

[Defense Increased By 200]

"Huh? No way."

I quickly checked my stat at my defense was 382.


[Nice Adas, that was an amazing fight]


But I will still smack you.

"So pixie, is there any monster other than the boss on this floor now?"

[There is, a skeleton Knight]


[And pray that you won't have to fight it]

"Huh? Ah, well I don't have a sword"

[No, even with the sword and your current stats you can't defeat it]

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"We can't know unless we try"

[No you can't]

"Okay, okay, don't yell"

Why is she angry?

"And what should I do about swords?"

[Maybe we will find a treasure chest if we explore the dungeon]

"Okay then, I will surely need a sword to defeat the boss if I don't die"

[Don't worry, I am here, I won't let you die]

Is it just me or is she speaking kindly to me now?

"So, why can't I fight with the skeleton knight?"

[It can use magic and sword users are defenseless against magic]


"Can I use magic too?"

[You can but you need to reach level 15 to unlock it]

"I see, and I am level 7 right now"

[So pray that you won't run into him]

"Hah? It's not like he will come looking for me"

[That is true]

"Well then time to find a sword and defeat the boss"


And so, I am looking for a treasure chest and find a sword so that I can defeat the hybrid boss.

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