The sword suddenly became 5-6 meters long and it was about to hit me, I was still shocked by what happened but...

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Lily's voice helped me to get back to my senses, this is the first time I am happy that she yelled.



Yeah, I might be an idiot. So...

"What the hell was that?!"

[Sword magic]

Magic huh?

"So how can I defeat him?"

[Activate your 'Harden' skill and withstand his attacks and as soon as you get an opening break him into pieces]

"Roger that"

[Skill-Harden Activated]

The skeleton kept attacking and I kept dodging them all, the skeleton again tried to attack me and I dodged...


I looked back to see that his sword was stuck.

[An opening] "An opening"

I dashed at the defenseless skeleton, I was about to hit him, but he noticed me, he kicked the ground and due to the impact the shield which he dropped earlier bounced in the air, and he grabbed it.


I increased the pressure on my fist and hit the shield. The shield shattered into pieces. I can't believe it, even the skeleton looks surprised. that was, it was other hard metal and I just...

"Broke it"

Now that the sword was back to its original size, he swung the sword at me but due to the impact from my punch, I jumped back which helped me dodge it.

[You okay?]


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I just broke his shield, his armor is made of the same metal that means...

"I can break it too"

I just have to dodge his attacks and look for an opening and then I will break him into pieces and...

There is only one enemy now, it will be easy.

The skeleton plunged his sword into the ground and soon after the fog covered the whole room.

After the fog cleared...the whole room was full of skeletons.

"Hmm? I didn't say that out loud, right? Could it be that I keep jinxing everything?"

[What are you talking about?]

"Nothing, What should I do now?"

[These are his clones, it's his skill, so we have to find a real one and break him into pieces]

There are like hundreds of them. How do I find the real one? It's not like I can find them by looking at their shadows. It's dark here after all and every skeleton is wearing armor too, so I just need to...

"Break them all"

[Skill-Sprinter activated]

"Time to break some bones"

I started running and gathered my strength on my fists and...

"One, two, three, four, five"

They break as soon as I hit them. What else do you expect, my agility is 2424 right now, even faster than the supercars, and with my 'Harden' skill, it's like sprinkling water on fire.

I took down 180 of them in no time but still can't find the real one. Well, only 19 more.

"Break, shatter, burst and die"

5 more now, I am out of breath too...huh? There are only 4 of them! Where is the 5th one?

[Adas behind you]

I didn't look behind nor did I bother asking why. As soon as she said that I jumped in the air and kicked behind me. It was the 5th skeleton or should I say the real one.

[Leveled Up]

[New Item found]

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[Leveled Up]

[A New skill Obtained]

[Leveled Up]

[Leveled Up]

[Leveled Up]

"5 times?"

I am at level 13 now.

[Hey, are you really bad with sports?]


[Your skills are like a high-level sportsman]


Well, I know martia---

[Maybe you haven't realized it yet]

"Oh? I will try them once I log out"

Lily came near me and...

"Hey, why are you sitting on my head?"

[I am tired of flying]


Well, I should let it slide. She helped me a couple of times...hmm?

"I can feel something soft on my head"


"Hey stop pulling my hair"

She started pulling my hair but it doesn't even hurt, but I won't say this to her.

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"Now then, I received a new skill and item too"

I opened my skill chart and...huh?


[Must be the skill he used to make clones]

"Then I can make clones too?"

[You can but you need to evolve it into a cloner or something, I guess ]

"I see"

And the item I got is the...


It's the same type of sword the skeleton was using but the color is different.

I checked my stats...





Hmm...Only my attack stat increased. My defense and agility are most likely the same. Could it be...

"Hey Lily, could it be tha--"

[No, it's not like that]

"At least let me finish"

['Could it be that the stat gets maxed' is what you want to ask, right?]



[They don't, at least for now, maybe if they release something like that in future]

"I see"

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Well, now that I got what I came for.

"Time to kick boss ass"

I rushed to where I last saw the boss.

"Heh, he is still here"

[Good luck Adas]


I picked up a rock from the ground and threw it at the...hmm? What do I call it? Lily said it's a hybrid of a dragon, wyvern, and a phoenix. Then what should I call it? Let's take one word from each of them, Dragernix? How does it sound? I hate to admit it but it sounds cooler than me and aren't I getting better at naming? So yeah, I threw a rock at Dragernix who was sleeping nicely.

He opened his eyes and got up...


He roared. I know how it feels when someone wakes you up, believe me, you wouldn't want to get woken up like my mom wakes me up every morning.

The Dragernix started flying and swung his wings like he did in our first battle. Nothing happened. I didn't even move an inch. That means...

"Have I gotten stronger?"

But if I did that means this Dragernix is also stronger now.


He roared again, this time it was louder than last time but still...

"Not louder than Lily"

[Shut up]

See? I was right after all.

The Dragernix flew higher and swung his wings again. Everything around me including the trees and rocks got thrown away by his swing. Some of the rocks and trees came my way, I cut them down with my sword.


Time for you to die Dragernix because...

"My dear Elena will be waiting for me"

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