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"What's wrong Adas?" Ricky asked

My friend...

"It's not like I am scared of--"

"Don't worry, we will protect you"


How do I say can I say that I am not scared of monsters, I am scared of heights.

"Do we really have to go all the way to the mountains?" Rikka said.

My savior...

"You don't understand Rikka"

My girlfriend...

"I mean we don't have to go all the way to the mountains"

My savior...

"There are more monsters in the mountains"


"Well you are right about that but do we have to go all the way to the mountains? It's a pain to climb the mountains"


"Everyone thinks that and no one goes in mountains so if we go there we may find some items"

My girlfriend is greedy...

"Just because you are a leader doesn't mean that you can boss around"

Hey now isn't this getting serious here?

"How about asking your boyfriend?" Ricky said.

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"Mountains right?"


"Forest right?"


I looked at Ricky...he was giving me a thumbs up sign. I hate this guy.

"Well...mountains are hard to climb so let's go to the forest"


Sorry Elena, but no mountains.

And so we are going into the forest. Rikka is walking next to me, and suddenly she whispered "thanks" to me.

Why is she thanking me for? In fact I should thank her fo--

"Well you see I am scared of heights so I really don't want to go to mountains so you helped me, thanks"

So my so-called savior was only trying to save herself?

We are walking to the forest. Elena is walking in front of me, she looks angry.


I called out to her. She turned around and punched me.


I think I deserve this one.

As we were walking I noticed other players were there too.

"Here there are weak monsters but if we go further deep in forest we can find strong ones"

"We will keep the HP of the monsters as low as we can so you just hit them and you will get some EXP"


"You are a sword user right?"

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"Same as your girlfriend huh?"

"What about you Ricky?"

"Me? I am tank"


"Oh right, you don't play games so you won't understand, I am a shield user, I can take all attacks of monsters so you guys can focus on attack"

"I see"

"And as for me I am a dagger user"

Dagger user? Does she use daggers? There are two daggers in her hand and 8 more in her pocket.

"You didn't get it do you?" Rikka asked.

I nodded in agreement.

"Well I will show you, let's go Ricky"


Ricky walked into a group of wild boars, they noticed him and started attacking him.

"See? This is what a shield user does"

See what? Aren't you getting attacked? I glanced at his HP, it was still 100.

"How? Even though he is being attacked by them"

"His DEF is high so weak monsters don't have any effect on him"

"Well then look at me"

Rikka took the dagger in her hand like she was about to throw it. She really wouldn't throw it, right?

She threw it, she really threw it. She is throwing them one by one and the boars HP is getting low.

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"I don't like close combat so this way is pretty convenient for me"

"Now it's my turn, look closely Adas"

She walked where Ricky was holding the boar's attacks.

"That's enough Ricky, leave them to me now"

She slashed them down one by one.

"Now Adas, hit them, fast"

I hit them and soon all of them died.

"Did you got some EXP?"


"You get 5 EXP for defeating one boar"

"Only 5?"

"Yeah, and you need to kill at least 10,000 to level up by 1"

"That means 50,000 EXP to level up by 1?"

"Yeah, as we said this game is like that but if you kill strong monsters, you will get more EXP"

"I see"

"Normally you will need to hit them 7-8 times to kill them but I can kill them in 2-3, my ATK is high after all" Elena quipped

"Well there are some more of them, let's deal with them first"

All of them were leaving the HP of monsters low so they can die by my one hit.

"Still 7-8 strikes huh?"

I noticed a single boar standing right next to me. His HP is 100.

"Let's see how many times I need to hit them"

May be 5-6 time? Actually I am curious about my stats. I am using 'Faker' skill to fake my stats so are my stats are really default or this skill just fake them in numbers?

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I just tapped the boar with my sword and he died.

I didn't even attack him.

"What's wrong Adas?"

"Nothing, it's just that there are no boars around now"

"Yeah they will respawn in 10 minutes"

"I see"

"So you want to go deeper?"

What should I do? Does a player need to defeat this many monsters to level up? But by clearing floor 0 I leveled up this much. Well that floor was said to be unbeatable so I guess that makes sense.

"Well let's leave it for tomorrow"

"But we have to participate in raid on Monday, if you don't level up fast then it will be problem"

"We can do it later Reina, at least go easy on your boyfriend"

"Wha...okay fine but we are doing it tomorrow, okay?"


She is scary.

"Well then what now? Log out?" Ricky asked.

"No wait, let's go to the sea" Rikka suggested. 

"What for?" Elena asked.

"Don't you want to show your boyfriend the main attraction of this floor?"

"Well I want to but..."

"Well then let's go"

Sea? I did see it from the sky but I haven't seen it up close.

"By the way, what are your stats, Adas?" Ricky asked.

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