We are in the shopping mall. We come here every time we go on a date but for some reason, she buys new clothes every time.

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"Hey Elena, you can buy anything you want, everything is on me today"



"Then what I want the most is..."

"Name it"

"I want you"


She is getting good in saying cheesy lines, but just you wait, I have a perfect comeback for that.

Here I go.

"I am already yours"

How was that?

I glanced at her, her face was red.

Serves you right.

I won this one right, right?

I heard clapping sounds, I looked back to see many people gathered around us.

We have a gallery. Embarrassing.


This is all your fault.

I grabbed Elena's hand and bailed out from there.

"That was embarrassing" Elena said

"You are the one who's started this"

We are buying clothes, actually she is the one buying them.

"How is this one?" She asked.


"How about this?"

"It looks cute"

"And this one?"

"It suits you"

"Okay, I am buying all of them"

You already bought 8 pairs of clothes.

On our first date when we came here she asked me which clothes looked good on her. I said I don't know.

She got really angry that time, apparently that was the first time she punched me.

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Ever since then I compliment her on every clothes she tries on, after all I don't want her to hate me.

"Okay 1 more pair"

One more?

Stop it already, the shop assistant is giving you an envious glare.

"Finally done with clothes now..."

"Do you still want to buy something?"

"Yeah, a very important thing"


"Books are useless"

She is really rude.

"You stay here, I will go buy them"

"I can come with you"

"You can't"


"I am going to buy underwear, you want to come with me?"

What the--

"I will wait here"

"Nice, I will be right back"

"Hey wait"


"Take my card"

"They are quite expensive, you know"

"It's okay, didn't I say everything is on me today"

"Okay then I will be back"

She took my card and went into the shop, now is the time...

I took out my phone and messaged the person who will be giving me tickets.

The person replied that he will be there in an hour.

It's nearly 11:30 AM, the show is 1:00 PM, we have to eat lunch too but I don't feel hungry because...

I got another text. It was from my bank, I opened the text...

"They are more expensive than some clothes she bought"

Are underwear that expensive?

Someone covered me eyes...

"Guess who?"

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"You don't get tired of this, do you?"

Well I don't either.

"What should we do now? There is still an hour and a half left for the show. Want to grab a bite?"

"I want to but I am not hungry"

"We ate too much breakfast"

"Then what should we do?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I just remembered, there is a museum nearby, want to go?"

"They are boring"

This girl...

"There is also a library, let's go there"

"Hurry up Das, I want to see the museum"

Just how much do you hate books?

We went to a museum, it's just a 10 minute walk from the mall.

"Wow, it's not like how I imagined" She said while glancing everywhere.

There are many historical things in here, my mother told me to drop by here because...

"Hey Das, what is this?"

"It's a royal family chart"

"You mean, everyone mentioned here is from the royal family?"


This country...most of the countries were ruled by kings some hundreds years ago but now it's all democracy.

"Hey Das this is funny"

"What is it?"

"Here, look, the last two names in this chart"

"What's funny about that?"

"It is strange, the second last name is the same as your mother's and the last name is the same as yours"


"It's so strange"

"It's not because that's actually my mother"


"My mother's maiden name, her surname is Edens. It changed after she married my dad"

"You are kidding right?"

"I am not, the person mentioned here, Angela Edens, it's my mother"

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"No way."

"Yes way and my mother family, my grandparents are the richest people in this country"

"And the last name"

"That's me, Das Edens"

"But your name is Das Ryle"

"That's because of my father, only royal blood names are written here so the spouse names are not mentioned here"

"Wait, so your mother is a queen? Queen of this country?"

"Yeah, but this country is ruled by government now, but she does hold some powers though"


"Like...for example, if she wants to ban VR games in this country then they will be banned in a matter of seconds"


"Your mother doesn't have any brothers, right?"

"No, only a younger sister, my aunt. Her name is also written here"

"This Lirole Edens? It's your aunt?"

"That's right and below her, Lier Edens, that's my cousin"

"Wait, so you are the only male left in the royal family now?"

"My grandparents are still alive"

"But you are the only heir now?"

"Don't make it sound awesome"

"You are a prince, you also hold some powers?"

"I don't, maybe when I turn 18"

"You can change this country?"

"I don't want to"

How am I supposed to change the world I hate so much?

"Oh so in the morning your dad said 'Your mom will take care of the cops' that's what he meant"

"Yeah, my mother's name is enough to silence them"

"So cool, my boyfriend is so cool"

"Praise me more"

"So that's the reason you wanted me to bring here?"


"I still can't believe it, you are a prince"

"Keep your voice low, if people hear that, it will be a problem"


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"Security reasons"

"You mean, it's dangerous?"

"Yeah, there are many who want the royal family dead"

"So no one knows about you?"

"It's not officially out yet but once I turn 18 it will"

"Don't worry I will protect you"

It's not a game.

"My mother and aunt used to have bodyguards until they were in high school"

"Are your grandparents strict?"

"Not really...heh"

Talking about my grandparents I remembered something, I can't help but chuckle.

"What happened?" Elena asked.

"I used to go to my grandparents' house when I was a kid, they live in a huge palace. There are so many maids and butlers"

"So cool"

I actually used to go there only because there is a library in the palace and I can read so many books there.

"There was one time when they secretly taught me sword fighting and when my mother got to know about that she got furious at them, she didn't let me go there for 5 years"

"You know sword fighting?"

"Only basics but I think people nowadays can learn more by playing VR games"

"That's true"

"I know martial arts though"



"Then why do you suck at sports?"

"I don't suck at them, I just don't like sports"

She is really rude.

I received a text from the ticket dealer saying ' I am at the restaurant near the theatre'. I checked the time, it is 12:15 PM.

"Hey Elena, let's go, we have to eat lunch too"

"I want to see more"

She liked the museum? I am glad

"We will come again on our next date"



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