The movie is about to start, Elena bought some snacks and some...many drinks.

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"I am really excited" She said

"Our seats are next to each other" Miss Serah said.

Of course it would be next to each other if they were bought together.

Usually when I go to watch movies with my parents I fall asleep. Even when the first time Elena and I came to watch a movie together I fell asleep and she woke me up with a punch. Ever since then I haven't fallen asleep whenever I am with her but today, I am feeling a little sleepy because I didn't sleep last night. I really don't want to get punched today.

I glanced at Elena, she looks really happy. Her smiling face is so cute.

"What's wrong?" She noticed that I was looking at her

"You look cute" I said it without thinking.

"Das you idiot"

What? I thought she would be happy but why is she...

"The lights are off and the movie just started and you want to do naughty stuff?"

"What are you talking about?"

She glanced a few rows behind us, many couples were kissing each other.

"No, no, I didn't mean it that way"

Why do they come into the theater to do this stuff? I don't understand.

Besides, even I wanted to do that I can't, because Miss Serah is right next to me.

I looked at Miss Serah, she is lost in the movie.

Does Miss Serah like games and animes too?

The movie was 2 hours long and I didn't sleep, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.

It was a really awesome movie but the ending was sad.

I thought Elena would be sad because of the sad ending but she looks happy.

"How was the movie, Das?" Elena asked

"Huh? It was good but the ending was..."

"You didn't like the ending?"

"Well the protagonist died so..."

"But he saved the world"

"That's right, Das. He saved the world" Miss Serah quipped.

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What's the point of saving the world when you are dead?

There are 2 prequels of this movie, in the first movie the protagonist was weak and everyone made fun of him, not only that he was ridiculed by his friends and family.

As the story progressed he became strong and made new friends, most of them were girls though.

In the second movie, he fought with many enemies, saved peoples but they still ridiculed him but he didn't mind it because he had new friends.

In the end of the second movie, most of the heroines died saving the protagonist.

In the third movie which we just watched, the conclusion, protagonist fought with many enemies along with his friends. Halfway through the movie, all the friends of protagonist died, his lover, the other girls who loved him, everyone died.

In the end he also died while saving the world. The world was saved but everyone is dead, no one will ever know what protagonist and his companions did.

I won't say this out loud, I shouldn't even think this but if it was me I would have let the world die. What's the point of saving the world when you will die? If it was me, I would have saved the heroines and escape from there.

"What's wrong Das?" Elena asked

"Nothing, I was just thinking of the movie"

"It's up to you how you understand the ending" Miss Serah said.

"What do you mean?"

"The protagonist saved the world and lost his friends but did you ever think why he saved the world even though he knew he would die?" Miss Serah asked

Because he was a fool.

"Think about it Das, even if he was still alive after saving the world, he would have been lonely" Elena said

"What do you mean?"

"If he was alive after saving the world he would have no place to go because his loved ones were already dead" Miss Serah said

"So if he died in the end that means he is now reunited with his lover and friends" Elena said


That's the other way to think it but...

"Das" Elena said


"If something like that happens to us, I will save you no matter what happens"

"You don't need to"

Because I will be the one saving you.

"The game was great but the anime adaption was great too" Miss Serah said.

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"Yeah, but I like the game more because you can select your own ending" Elena said

Own ending huh? I will try playing the game.

"If LWO got an anime adaption it would be awesome" Elena said

"That's impossible because LWO doesn't have any stor--"

She punched me, I got punched in this date too but why?

"It was your fault Das" Miss Serah said.

"My fault?"

I glanced at Elena she 'hmph' me.

"I don't understand people feelings but as a girl I understand girl's feelings" Miss Serah said.

"What do you want to say?"

"If your girlfriend says something, you should just keep agreeing, even if it's only lip service"


"If you keep doing that she might dump you one day"


"I never considered dating anyone but I think I am falling for you" Miss Serah said

She is kidding, right?

"What are you sayi---"

"Hey, he is your student, how can you lay hands on your student?" Elena quipped.

"Calm down Elena, she didn't mean it th--"

"You are a failure as a teacher"

"Elena, she didn't mean it that way, right Miss Serah?"

"Who knows?"

Tell me you are kidding.

"Elena, you shouldn't punch your boyfriend" Miss Serah said.

"Shut up"

"If you keep doing that he will dump you"

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"Huh? Will you Das?" Elena looked at me with teary eyes

I won't but I don't want to get punched either.

"If you keep hitting me then I might have to think about it"

"No, I will never hit you again, I promise"

This is quite fun. I haven't seen her like that since we started dating.

"If you ever dump her then I will be waiting for you" Miss Serah said.

"He won't dump me, right Das?"

"Who knows?"


This is fun.

"I have a car so how about I drop you off?" Miss Serah said

"Sure, we don't mi--"

"No thanks" Elena quipped


"She just wants to know your home address"

"You are thinking too much, right Miss Sera--"

"Tch" Miss Serah clicked her tongue.

"I knew it"

"Das, your girlfriend is very smart"

No, she is an idiot.

"Das and I will always be together, there will be no chance for you"

Elena grabbed my arm as she said that.

"I was actually kidding at first but now I really want to steal your boyfriend"

What is this teacher saying to her student?

"Miss Serah, you don't really mean it right?" I asked

She smiled in response.

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"If I want to know his address then I can easily check it on the school register" Miss Serah said.

"Are you really going to lay your hands on your student?"

Elena is already holding my arm but now she is holding it with both hands.

"I won't" Miss Serah said.


"But Das is not really a student"

Wait, does she know about it? Well every teacher knows so it's natural that she knows it too but...

"What do you mean?" Elena asked

"He is just attend----"

I tried to stop Miss Serah without thinking and ended up hugging her.

"Miss Serah, I haven't told Elena about it yet" I whispered

"Is that so? I understand"

"Hey, what are you doing Das, you like big ones after all"

"I don't"

Big ones are soft but I am okay with small ones.

Elena and I are on our way home.

"Das, you idiot"

"I am sorry"

"I don't need your apology"

She is really angry but I had no other choice at that time.

"I love you"

"You...I forgive you this time"

Love is great.

"Hey Das"


"Let's go to a love hotel"

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