When we reached the sea, several players were already there, no wonder they are here. The sunset view from here is wonderful, how can a game create such a realistic experience?

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"Reina, are you really okay?"

"I am fine Adas, you are here with me"

"There are other players here, so we can't really do that here" Rikka said

Do what?

"It's okay, I won the ticket in the last event" Elena said

What are they talking about?

"Okay then, let's use it?"

Use what?

Elena opened her menu and did something,

"Done" Elena said

I am really lost, what are they talking about?

They all noticed that I didn't understand what they were doing,

"I will explain" Ricky said

"Please do"

"We can rent this beach for a certain time"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, but you need tickets for that and your girlfriend won the tickets in the last event"

"So this beach is ours for the time being?"

"That's what I said"

"But what's the purpose of that? I mean we can come here without tickets too, there is no need to rent it"

"I thought you would ask that. If we rent the beach then no other player can enter this area and no monster will come like that night"

"Oh, that makes sense"

"Okay so let's change into swimsuits"

"Okay--wait what?"

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"We are on the beach so it's obvious to wear swimsuits" Rikka said

"I know that but this is a game!"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Where will you get swimsuits?"

"We can buy them from market, 20,000 ders for each, you can select any colours and style"

"Okay so, where will you wear them?"

"We just need to equip them, like we equip armor"

I feel like an idiot, I will study about VR games once I log out.

Rikka and Ricky opened their menu and equipped their swimsuits, Ricky is wearing briefs and Rikka is wearing a black bikini.

"Don't stare at my wife, look at your girlfriend"

I looked at Elena, she is wearing a light azure bikini, just like her eyes. I can't take my eyes off her, it really suits her, white skin, white hairs, blue eyes and the beautiful sunset behind her.

"I would pay millions just to capture this moment"

"You can capture it for free" Rikka said


"You can capture the photo for free, let me show you"

Rikka made a gesture like she was taking a photo,

"I sent it to you" Rikka said

I opened my notification and saw that photo,

"Amazing, I will give you one million once I log out"

"I don't need it, you can take photos too"

I did the same thing Rikka did,

"You got it on the first try"

One more time, one more photo of Elena...hmm? Where did she go?

"Stop taking photos" Elena yelled in my ears

"Okay, I understand"

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Like hell I will stop, I will keep taking photos when she lets her guard down.

"Hey Adas, take our photo too" Ricky said

I took some photos of Ricky and Rikka,

"Send them to us later" Rikka said

"I already sent them"

"Wow, they are nice, now your turn, Reina, Adas, stand there, we will take some photos of you together"


"Wait" Elena stopped me

"What's wrong?"

"You plan to wear this armor when all of us are wearing swimsuits?"

Swimsuits are embarrassing, I need to make some excuse.

"That's because I don't have a swimsuit"

"I have an extra" Ricky said

Damn you bastard. I can't believe I am showing my skin in front of my girlfriend.

It's embarrassing, it's so embarrassing but what I am more embarrassed about is...

"Why the hell are they pink?"

They are pink, the color I hate the most.

"What's wrong with that? You look cute" said Elena.

Don't call me cute.

"Okay then, I am taking a photo"

Elena forced me to do many poses.

"Are we done yet?'

"Just one more, I really want to try that pose" said Elena

Elena crouched down a little and told me to hug her from behind and pinch her cheeks,

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"Looks good, smile a little Adas" said Rikka

Just how am I supposed to laugh in this embarrassing pose?

"Okay done"

"How is it?" Elena asked Rikka

"See it yourself"

The photo was pretty it was amazing but my smile ruined it.

"Yeah, perfect" said Elena

"But my smile--"

"It's exactly how I wanted"

"Is that so?"

Well, if she is okay with it then I don't mind.

"Send it to me and Adas" said Elena

"I already sent it"

"Huh? But I haven't received it, what about you, Adas?"

"Same here"

"Huh? But I sent--Oh shit!" exclaimed Rikka

"What's wrong?" asked Elena

"I am sorry, I am really sorry"

"What did you do? Don't tell me you deleted it?"

"No, I didn't but, I posted it online by mistake"


She posted it online? That photo? That embarrassing photo?

"Delete it"

"Yeah" said Rikka

"Wait, it's okay" said Elena

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"What are you talking about? People will see that! They will see me wearing those pink briefs"

"They are not visible, see?"

Elena was in front of me, so they are not visible but still...

"Are you okay with that Ele-Reina?"

"Yeah, nothing wrong with that"

"Sure then, do what you want"

"The time limit is almost over, let's get out of here" said Ricky.

"Yeah let's go, it's pretty late"

"What should we do now? Log out?" asked Elena.

"Hey, let's go eat something" said Rikka

"Okay let's go"

She really likes eating!

We went to café and ate cakes, too many cakes. It was Elena's treat and after that we logged out.

"It's 10 huh?"

Looks like mom and dad are not back yet, I need to order some food. We ate too much in the game but it doesn't matter because it's a game.

I went downstairs to drink something, my favourite mango juice. As I was drinking it, I heard the sound of a car coming from the garage.

"They are back"

"We are back"

"Welcome back, how was it?"

"He is still the same as ever"

They were carrying a long box.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Check it yourself"

I opened the box and inside the box were...


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