[Welcome to Len World Online]

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They are not here,

"Damn you, Elena"

She told me to login at 9 PM, and she is not here.


[Hello Adas]


There is one person who is always waiting for me,

[Are you going to participate in raid?]


[Try to hold back a little]


[You are faking your stats so if you do something that a beginner can't do, they might report you as cheater]

I don't care but that sounds scary

"Yeah and,,,"

Yesterday we all had fun on the beach but Lily wasn't there,

"Lily, where were you yesterday?"

[I was with you]

"But you weren't around when we were on the beach"

[I was watching you from outside the beach]

"Why didn't you come with me?"

[I was with you but your girlfriend did that]

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"What are you talking about?"

[She rent the beach for 2 hours]

"Yeah she did so--"

[Only party members or friends are allowed when you rent some place]

"Wait so mean, you were--"

[That's right, I was there, watching you having fun from outside]

Dammit, I did it again. She is always alone here, waiting for me and I...

"Are you sad?"

[Why? I am just an AI, I don't feel such emotions]

She says that, but she looked sad when she said that.

"Let's go on a date tomorrow"


"Yeah, I will log in an hour early tomorrow"

[Yay, a date with Adas]

Liar, you look so happy, don't lie to me idiot.

"Hey Adas, I am sorry I am late" Here comes Elena,

"It's okay"

'Because I am used to it' I don't want to get punched, so I won't say that to her,

"Hey, idiot couple" I heard a familiar voice,

"We are not idiots" Elena yelled

"That's right, she might be an idiot, but I am definitely not--" I received a fine blow on my back

I admit that was my bad,

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"There is still half an hour until the raid, what should we do?" Rikka asked.

"Let's go to café" said Elena

My girlfriend is a glutton.

"Umm, I read about raid on the app but, I still don't know how it works and, what's the difference between raid and world boss?"

Rikka and Elena looked at me like they were looking at some idiot. I admit I am an idiot in games, I tried to read about games but I just can't understand it.

"Okay, I will explain raid and Reina will explain world boss"


"All the players from this floor will participate in the raid"

"All the players from all the 3 floors can participate in world boss"

"The main difference between a raid and a world boss is, in a raid there are many monsters"

"While in world boss there is only one boss"

"When the raid starts, we will be teleported to the labyrinth"

"What's a labyrinth?"

"To put it simply it's like a dungeon with infinite floors"


"Still didn't understand?"

"I am sorry" I feel pathetic

"In the raid there are infinite floors, there are monsters on each floor but on floor 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and so on, there are bosses on those floors"

"I see"

"Okay, so going back to raid vs world boss"

"In world boss, we will get teleported to the tombs of fame"

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"Tombs of fame?"

"It's a place name"

Then say that from the start.

"In raid you can team up with other parties, friends and in the end, your scores and the players you teamed up with, will be summed up and you will get rewards based on that"

"While in world boss you can't team up with anyone, your scores will be counted individually"

"Any more questions?"


I feel like a person who just got out from an interrogation. I noticed Ricky laughing from behind them but I decided to ignore him.

"How many have you reached so far in the labyrinth?"

"33" said Elena

"34" said Rikka and Ricky

"I would have reached floor 34 too if those guys..."

"Yeah, they were jerks"

"What are you talking about?"

"In the last raid when we reached floor 33, some guys pushed Elena in front of the monster, and she died"

Who the fuck were they?

"Are you okay Adas?" Rikka asked.

"Yeah, I am fine, by the way do you know who those guys were?"

"I don't know but, maybe they will participate in this raid too"

"I see"

They will pay for what they did to Elena.

"So, any more questions?"

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"What happens when a player dies in a raid?"

"They get disqualified from the raid"

"Do they respawn to the login point?"

"No, they will need to go through the portal and they will be teleported here"

"I see"

Now I can kill those guys without any problem.

"Hey Rikka, did you tell them about the post?" said Ricky.

"Ah yeah, Reina, Adas, do you remember yesterday I posted your photo online?"


I am having a bad feeling about this.

"That post is prominent now"


You are kidding, right? That photo? That embarrassing photo is famous now?

"What do you mean, Rikka?" Elena asked.

"Check that post once you log out"

I am sure people called us idiots.

"Adas" Elena said

Don't make that face now, I told them to delete that post but you were okay with that post.

"It's all your fault"

"But I wanted people to----"

[5 Minutes Left For The Raid, All Players Will Now Be Teleported To The Labyrinth Of Shamash]

"It's time, well then, we will meet you there Adas"


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