"Are you nervous Adas?"

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"I am not"

The boss raid is about to start. There are too many players here.

[3156 players]

Stop reading my mind!

I am thinking about world 0. They released some...all information about the world 0. Those skills: Runner, Harden and Levitate. I have all of them but...

"Hello Das Ryle. As promised, I am here"


"And you can add me as your friend"


I spoke to Miss Serah today at school because Elena wanted me to. 'If you ask her then she will agree' Elena told me, so I talked to her and she gave me a 15 minute lecture.

'No talking about game in school' she said.

Xerah is level 73 and top 6th player of this game. Isn't that amazing?

Now there are 5 people on my friend list. Elena, Rikka, Ricky, Rias and Xerah, everyone is online...Rias said she is afraid of people and doesn't play this game when server is open then...

"Now is not the time to worry about that"

What I am worried about is world 0. I got those skills but I also got "Faker' and 'Excalibur' skill as well as that Overcoat but there is no mention of that.

[World Boss Raid Will Start In 2 Minutes. All Players Will Now Be Teleported To Tombs Of Fame]

"Let's meet there"


We were teleported to the cliff covered by mountains. The cliff itself covers the whole area in a round, making a circle. There are big mountains and there are different types of symbols on each of them. Below the cliff is the sea which looks dangerous and the area looks like a giant tomb,



"We found you pretty quick this time"

"The boss will appear in that sea?"

"Yeah, and we have to attack it but well..."


"We have never been in the top 1000"


"The boss raids are hard"

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If I go all out then maybe we have a chance?

"But we have Xerah with us. maybe we can score something?"

[Boss Raid will Start In 10 Seconds]

"Good luck Adas. This time I won't have time to protect you"

"Don't worry about me"

[5. 4. 3. 2. 1]

When the countdown hit 0 there was a long silence for 10 seconds. The surrounding air got colder and colder. The trees around the cliff and the mountain froze up, and the heavy and cold fog...

"So this is why this place is called tombs of fame"

The ground, rather than the ground, everything was shaking including the mountains. It's dark now, the symbols I saw on the mountains are glowing one by one.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"These mountains are the tombs of the bosses. There are 7 bosses in this game and we will have to fight one of those seven.

"So it's glowing means..."

"Yeah, it will stop on one of the tombs"

I don't know who the bosses are nor I have any idea what will happen but there is one thing I know and that is, I won't let Elena die in front of me, ever again.

"It stopped"

"Oh no. It's the giant frost king, Abominable Frosta"

The cold breeze turned colder and colder. If this was the real world then anyone would be frozen by that.

"Retreat. Retreat. Retreat"

Some parties started yelling. They were at the end of the cliff, closest to where the boss will appear.

As they were retreating a giant hand caught them from the mist. The same thing happened on the left side.

"Be careful Adas"


When the mist cleared, nearly half of the players were dead. Some retreated, some died.

"Why was everyone panicking?"

"This boss, the Abominable Frosta is the strongest boss in all the world"

"Shouldn't we retreat too?"

"Don't give up before trying. Don't regret anything once you've done it"


"My mentor said that"

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Who is her mentor?



"I want to meet your mentor"

"That person is not available for now"

That person! If she had said 'He' or 'she' then...



"Is your mentor----"

"Watch out"

The boss formed an ice sword, a big ice sword with his breath and swung it.

"Save your chit chat for later, lovebirds" said Ricky

"Let's talk later"


Besides, I am not ready to hear that answer yet.

Frosta formed another sword and smashed the sword on the cliff.

"Xerah. Can't you do anything?"

"I can but there is no opening for an attack"

Frosta has two swords in his hands. One is broken and other one is about to break. He smashed the sword with each other which caused both swords to break into pieces. The shattered pieces of swords are falling on the players.

Once again the mist covered the area. I can't even see Elena.

"He summoned frost monsters, be careful players," someone from the mist said.

When the mist cleared. There were several frost monsters in a humanoid form with swords in their hand.

"Alright. Let's go"


We killed some monsters but they just keep coming.

[The boss in weak right now, Adas. If you want to attack him, now is your chance]

If I do something everyone will know about my skills but that's not what I am worried about. What will Elena think? She trusts me and if she finds out that I was hiding something from her then...

Frosta used a breath attack. This breath attack is 300 times more intense. The players who were near the boss froze up.

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Frosta formed two swords from his breath. The swords are different too. They look more shiny and the borders of the swords have icicles. Frosta swung both swords alternatively due to which all the frost monsters and the players who were fighting frost monster died.

"What should we do now, Reina?" Rikka asked.

"I don't know"

"We should retreat now"


"We haven't made it this far on the Frosta before" said Ricky.

"I think we made it into the top 1000 this time"


"There are about 800 players left"

"That means we are in the top 1000"

"Let's aim for top 500"

"Stop being greedy"

"Let's stay here for 1 minute. We will retreat after that"

"Not sure if we can survive or not"

One more minute. It's a game, no need to get hyper is someone dies...if Elena dies...

Just thinking about that makes me go mad in rage.

[Watch out Adas!]

I looked upwards just to find that Frosta, or rather his sword, was aimed at us. No good, even if we dodge this one the other sword will hit us.

Can't I do something? If I can at least save Elena...I can save her if I use my skills, but using it in front of Elena...

Dammit! What's more important? Elena or the secret? The answer is clear,

[Skill Sprinter Activated]

"Sorry we are late"


Two players. One girl and one boy blocked the boss attack with their sword.

Who are they?

Frosta swung his sword again but this time, horizontally. The boss swung the other sword at the same time.

They jumped and landed on the sword. The girl on the left and the boy on the right. They started running and climbing on the sword while jumping and blocking the attacks.

"Awesome" That's the word that came out of my mouth.

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The girl climbed on Frosta's hand and stabbed her sword in his hand and kept running while cleaving this skin, his flesh. The boy was running on Frosta's hand but when the girl cleaved Frosta's hand, Frosta threw his sword and tried to crush the girl with his right hand.

The boy jumped and shielded the girl with his sword. The boy was just standing there with sword when Frosta attacked the girl, but nothing happened to the boy or the girl, the Frosta hand which was big enough to crush dozens of people fell on the ground.

"He cut the boss's hand!"


"Who are they?"

"Hey...aren't they the top--"

"Yeah. The boy is in the top 3rd and the girl is in the top 2nd"

So this is the power of top players. I didn't even see them using any skills. Compared to them I am nothing.

They both kept climbing till they reached Frosta's head. The boy stabbed his sword in Frosta's head and jumped down on the ground...huh?

The boss isn't dead yet! Why did he jump down?

The girl who was still on Frosta's head jumped in the air...hey! Is that even possible? The girl jumped like 10 meters in the air and landed a kick on the sword that that boy had stabbed earlier.

The boss's body shattered like ice. The girl was falling down with the ice but the boy caught her in his arm.

[Boss Defeated. The Players Will Get Their Rewards In 6 Hours]

"They were so awesome"


"Sorry we didn't mean to defeat the boss, but she said she wants to play so we just..." the boy said

"Stop it Bryon" the girl said.

"My name is Bryon and this is my wife...well whatever, she is Elisha"

What's with that weird introduction!

"Okay then, see you guys around" they left after saying that

"Elisha Zekke and Bryon Perk, they are a couple as well as top 2nd and 3rd in this game"


Elena keeps saying cool and amazing. I know that they were amazing but stop it now.

"Reina, Your boyfriend is getting jealous here"

"I am not jealous"



"We will also become the strongest and best couple in this game"


I am excited. It's not even been a week since I started playing this game. I will play this game more and get stronger. Strong enough to protect Elena in the game as well as real world.

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