It's been 7 hours since Lier came. She has been pouting since my mom told her that I have a girlfriend. She didn't say anything at that time but after eating lunch when I was in my room she came and saw the VR gear.

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'What's this?' she asked. I told her it's a VR game.

'Why do you have it?' she asked. I told her I play a VR game with Elena.

'Idiot. Dumb. Stupid Das' she said. I didn't...I couldn't tell her anything in response.

I played LWO for 4 hours today with Elena. Miss Serah also helped me in leveling up, we cleared the tower, all the 100 floors. I didn't level up or I didn't hear that 'Leveled Up' when a player levels up.

Elena and Miss Serah asked me what level I am. I used my faker skill and showed them that I am level 13. I haven't checked my level yet. I couldn't check it in front of them. I should worry about that later because...

"Hey Lier, are you really going back home?"

"Yes aunt, Das has grown enough to get a girlfriend so there is no need for me now"

After playing LWO, when I went downstairs, Lier was telling my mom that she wants to go back and my mom called uncle Ady to pick up Lier.

We are currently eating dinner, it's my favorite dish today but...


She is calling me idiot whenever our eyes meet. She is angry about something, right?

Did I do something? She was acting fine until mom told her about Elena---could it, I am thinking too much. I know that Lier and I have been close, closer than cousins, closer than childhood friends but...the thought of her falling in love with me...

If that's true then I don't know what should I do? Wait, it's not confirmed yet, maybe I am thinking too much?

"What's wrong Das? It's your favorite dish made by me and Lier, and you are not eating it.

"Aunt, he must want to eat something made by his dear girlfriend, he won't like my cooking. I am just a cousin after all"

Okay, now I am sure that she loves me.

Ding dong~ Ding Dong~

"Looks like Ady is here. Lier, do you really want to go?"

"Yeah. I will just get in Das way"

I didn't tell you to go home. What's with that emotional torture!

"Hey Ady. Long time no see"

"Derek. How are you doing?"

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"I am fine. What about you and Lirole?"

"She is fine. Hey Das"

"Hey Uncle Ady"

"Lier. What's wrong? Yesterday you were yelling to come here and now you want to go back?"


"You said you will stay here for a month, what happened?"

Don't look at me! She is going back because of me so if I tell her to stay will she stay?

"Lier, at least stay for a week"

"Shut up stupid Das"


"Lier, that's no way to talk to him. He is heir, talk to him with respect"

"I don't care. Stupid will be stupid. Stupid king. Stupid Das"


"I will get my bag, you stay here dada" she went upstairs to get her stuff.

She calls her dad is not the time for that. I followed her upstairs. Entered her room. She was packing her bag, she had already put all her clothes in the closet, she really wanted to stay longer...

"Hey Lier"

"I don't want to talk to you"

"Just hear me out"

"I don't want to"

"Do...Do you love me?"

"Wha..." the clothes fell down from her hand.

"Do you?"

"What will you do if I say yes?"

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"Will you break up with your girlfriend?"


"No answer? You are still a kid who doesn't understand people's feelings"

"Lier, Let's talk about this"

"There is nothing left to talk about"

"I love my girlfriend. I love Elena"

She slapped me and pushed me down on the bed.

"Are you trying to brag?"

"I am not. I am just telling the truth"

"It's not...."


Tears fell down on my face from her eyes. The last time I saw her crying was....

"That was a lie. Everything was an act"

"What do you mean?"

"I was scared when I was on the train. I was so scared that I couldn't move"


"When you asked me why I didn't say something, I was calming myself down"


"I lied about everything. I am still scared of people"

"Why did you do that?"

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"For you. Last year when I asked you what type of girl you like, you said someone like your mother I did my best to learn cooking and tried to act grown-up"


"I tried to act mature and then you say you got a girlfriend? It's not fair"


"I have been in love with you ever since we were kids. I thought one day I would tell you my feelings, I was taking it slow 'He will not go anywhere' I kept thinking that and...and you got a girlfriend? It's not fair"

"Lier. My girlfriend said she is okay if I---"

She kissed me. Someone other than Elena kissed me. This kiss feels different, the taste is different.

"Just so you know, this was my first kiss"

Her face is red. I have never seen her making that face.

"You just kissed me"

"What if I did?"


"You have 3 months"


"I will be moving here in 3 months and you will be 18 in 3 months. I have already told grandpa, he said he will engage you with me"


"I will be your fiancé when you turn 18"

"Wait, I have a girlfriend!"

"Grandpa doesn't know"

"I will tell him"

"Do you have the guts to go against him?"


"Have fun with your girlfriend for 3 months"

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What should I do now?

"Anything else you have to say?"

"Huh?" Her face is red again. It must be something embarrassing.

"Tell me"

"I didn't do it on purpose"

"What are you talking about?"

"At noon, when I went to take a bath, I didn't know you were in there. So...I peaked"

Okay now, this is indeed embarrassing.

"It's okay, it wasn't on purpose"



"I was watching the whole time"


"I peeked till the end"


"Don't call me pervert"

"Lier. Are you done packing?"

"Yes dada"

"Bye, have fun for 3 months"

"Bye" she went out of the room.

What should I do? I will call Elena first.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you something" she came back running.


"See you in LWO"

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