[There is one more person in your friend list who has that skill]

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"Who is it?"



[They are still here, in the game. You should ask them]

I don't want to interact with them but...

"Where is she?"

[She is with Biana at the beach]

We went to the beach.

"Only Biana is here. Where is Robna?"

[Looks like she logged out]


I can call her if I message her but...I will ask Biana to do that. I walked to her or I wanted to but...

"What's going on?"

I was stopped by an invisible wall.

[She has rented the beach]


I think I can go in by using 'No Restriction' but if I do, I have to answer her I got in.

[You can make some noise or shout her name, she will hear it]

Do I really have to call her by her name? Well, fine.

"Biana. Biaaaana. Biiiiiiiaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaa"

I have a slap mark on my face, don't ask why.

"What do you need?"

"Your sister"

"You pervert. You already have a girlfriend and you still want my sister?"

"That's not what I meant. I want her to make me a mask"

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"Robna logged out a while ago"

"Call her back"

"Why should I?"

"Should I remind you what you both did to me during lunch break?"

"We already apologize for that"

"I didn't forgive you"


"I will hold this grudge and pay it back 10 times fold"

"Fine. Fine. I will call Robna"

She messaged her.

"She will be here in a minute"


"All boys are the same"

"What was that?"

"I wasn't talking with you"

"What happened?"

"We participated in an evening raid today. It was only me and Robna in the party. We made it to floor 40"

"That's amazing"

"We would have cleared floor 40 if that pervert hadn't tried to save us"


"That Joey"

What the hell is he doing!

"What did he do?"

"When the boss tried to attack us, he jumped in between, and we all died"


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"Looks like the rumors about him were correct"


"You don't know?"

"I don't"

"When he was in middle school he assaulted a high school girl or so the rumors go"


A middle school student assaulted a high school girl? I don't believe it. He might be a pervert who hits on girls, but he will never do something like that. I know it by talking to him and besides, he is Ricky's younger brother.

"How many floors are there in the raid?"

"No idea. No one has cleared it till now"

"Not even the top players?"

"Top players usually don't participate in raids"

"They are already strong, so I guess they don't need prizes"

"Last month someone reached floor 423"


"That's the highest anyone has reached"

"I am here"


"What's wrong? And...what is he doing here?"

"He wants your help"

"What do you want?"

"I want you to craft a mask for me"

"Do you have materials?"


There are still some materials left of the overcoat. I gave her material, and she crafted me a white mask. The mask has a vertical blue slash on the right side and a red slash on the left side, both covering the eye sockets.

"What are these colored slashes for?"

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"I didn't do it. It turned out like this"

"Isn't this mask kind of big? And where are the eye sockets?"

"The mask will change when you wear it and the eye socket will appear too"

I picked up the mask. It's hard...hmm? There is a crest under the mask. The crest is formed of various lines of various sizes and...what is it? When I see it vertically it looks like a sword and when I see it horizontally it looks like a long dragon. This crest...I have seen it somewhere before. It was on the back of the overcoat too.

I wore the mask. It fits perfectly. It's dark, I can't see anything...oh? I can see now. I can see everything.

[You look cool]


"It will be 1 million Der" Robna said.

"Wait, what?"

"I charge for crafting"


"What do you mean by why? I earned 20 million Ders by crafting"

"I don't have anything on me"

"How much do you have?"

"25608 Ders"

"Give me all"


I thought I would get it done for free.

"Robna, let's not charge him"

"I also don't want to charge from a friend but I want to mess with him"

"Don't tell me what you did during the lunch break was on purpose?"


"We already apologized, didn't we?"

"I don't trust you"

I am at the entrance of the labyrinth. The raid is about to--

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[The Raid Will Begin In A Minute]

[Adas. You should hide your name too]

"How do I do that?"

[Try using Faker skill to change your name]

Normally you can't change the name but...

"I can change it"

[Write a random name or just hide your name]

"Can others see my name?"

[They can't but it will be on the leaderboard when the raid is over]

I was in trouble with choosing my name and now I have to choose another one.


I changed my name to Alex.

[Why Alex?]

"My ancestor. He was the strongest. I admire him"

[The Raid Has Started. Please Proceed Through The Gate]






2 hours and 21 minutes later...

"Just who the hell is this guy?"

"He cleared the entire floors by himself"

"He is wearing a scary mask"

"I haven't seen him before"

[Floor 664 Cleared. Proceed Through The Door To Enter Floor 665]

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