Chapter 105

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She didn't have to say anything for him to stop, he understood her so well even without words, she was happy but she must have done something exceptionally good in her past life to deserve such a dashing and doting man, she wasn't ready to cross the line yet, and he just understood her his value just rose up in her eyes.

He helped her arrange her hair and her dress and her dress then he asked her are you comfortable?

Yes am fine, she replied. Smiling up at him.

His mouth tilted up in what was the tiniest bit of his smile making his eyes crinkle in a very beautiful way. Why was he so good looking she taught staring at him.

You like what you see? he suddenly asked her.

What?.... what are you even talking about? she looked everywhere else but him.

Oh! come on I saw you ogling me just now, I just wanted to know if you liked what you saw, he said posing for her.

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No! she said.

No? he was downcast, you didn't like what you saw? didn't she find him attractive? but how come? he knew and saw how people can't seem to take their eyes off him and the reports written about him never fail to mention how his looks must have been bless by the Gods as they were heavenly.

Alright I give up! I know you like what you see, he said smiling at her. He would have really loved it, if she had complimented him.

I want you to relax we need to talk, he changed the topic, which allowed her to relax after he caught her ogling him she was so red faced she couldn't make any coherent conversation. He was so hot why should one person be so blessed.

Okay let's talk, she said and sat down on the white seat, then he joined her admiring the delicate yet superior aura she exuded.

He took her delicate hands in his as he tilted his body to face her.

I told my parents about us and they can't wait for me to bring you home, so we can go see your people as soon as all is arranged at your side. You know to them we have to have a royal engagement, but I want to hear what is on your own mind first, also I told them I might not have time to be going back and forth for all the ceremonies so they should find way to fuse everything so as not keep us at home for such a long time as we are both busy people but I can't go ahead with anything until I hear your own plans first, I don't mean to rush you, I mean we just got engaged only today.

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All the while he was speaking he was looking at her, watching her expression to see how she was taking what he was saying to her. She was listening to him attentively like a little school girl enjoying a lecture. I hope she understands that am serious here.

You see am yet to break the news to my parents yet. You see i have to rescue my mother from the little cell in my grandfather's mansion and also send her to my father back home. She looked at him to see if he was offended by what she said but his face was taughtful.

What was he thinking about? did she say something incorrect?

A penny for your taught? she said to him.

What exactly is the progress you have made so far with her retrieval from that house? he asked a question of his own.

Which brought her back to the discussion, ahh! well I have been buying off the share holders in my mothers company through my lawyers acting on my behalf those greedy women I mean grandfather's second wife and her daughter already sold their shares, they want to destroy my parents company but I won't allow it, they are not aware that I bought the shares it just one share holder left one Mr Yang who have refused to sell his own, and its about the only one left I could just leave it and let him be the sole share holder outside of me, but I don't want grandfather to get to him and somehow get his hands on that company again. That is why I prefer to get rid of all of them.

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Once I can figure out a way to buy him out I will take mother out of there her passport and everything is ready fathers jet is on standby by to pick her, so once I can get the company settled she will join her husband and I can then face my prince charming, She finished.

I want to handle this Mr Yang guy by myself, will you allow me handle him my own way? and get him off your hair? the Prince asked her.

You will help me buy the shares from him? she asked back.

Yes! I will make him an offer he can't refuse, give me three days and I will have this wrapped up for you nicely, we need mother to join her husband as soon as possible so you can concentrate on me, the Prince said to her.

Hmm! OK I will leave him to you then, I will transfer all his details to your email, all I want is just for mother to go back to my fathers side, then I will be very happy to face my life, she said wistfully.

Hey! don't worry about it, I will get it done for you and my mother in law trust me, the Prince playfully announced.

She just stood up from her seat and placed a kiss on his cheeks saying I knew you were a darling.

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Prince Ade Ade circled her waist thereby holding her in place and said just a Peck huh? come on, you can do better that that.

What do you want me to do for you? its not as if you have rescued my mum already so appreciate what you are getting she said pouting.

You babe, have decided to motivate me, then do it properly so I can get to work immediately, Prince Ade said to her staring into her beautiful eyes.

Suddenly, she decided to be bold as she used both her hands to hold his face lovingly as she sat down on his laps and pulled his head towards her as she very slowly placed a kiss on his forehead, both cheeks, his nose then very lightly on his lips, then like she wasn't satisfied she kissed him more on the mouth not knowing how much she was tormenting him with how slowly she was kissing him.

When he couldn't endure the torture anymore he pulled her to him making her molds to press into his chest as he deepened the kiss making her moan out loud.

She taught in her head that he knows just how to kiss her, she can't seem to get enough of his mouth.

The Prince broke the kiss to allow them to catch their breath.

Then he whispered into her ears now am fully motivated, I will take care of that little problem for you. Come let me take you home its getting so late my love. I don't want Ma Ira to have my head.

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