Chapter 77

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What is on your mind? Ijey asked Ayanna.

The identity of the person who bought that property in my name its not the Prince himself, then who? it can't be grandfather huh! he won't even do it if his life depends on it. My money is still on the Prince though. Ayanna finished.

The question then will be how did he know? Ken questioned.

I don't know I didn't tell him of this property though he knows am looking for one, Ayanna announced.

Now that I think of it I will confirm another property around east street for you that will be perfect for the NGO or even the gaming centre once I get the confirmation I will inform you so you can go check it out, in case this is all some horror drama, you still get the office you need. Ijey said.

Okay that will be good, you check and let me know. Ayanna answered.

Ayanna I will be going to dinner with Shen Yi later today and we will come over to the condominium together later in the evening, I hope you won't be needing me for any other thing today? as I will really like to get back and clear my table for this date. Ijey asked Ayanna rather shyly.

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I hope that will be after we grab some lunch? its way past our lunch and am hungry Ayanna asked.

Yes but I would like them in take away packs since I want to get something for ceo Shen Yi. He is always skipping lunch which is not good for his health. Ijey said all serious.

Ewo! the little doting wife, Ayanna teased rolling her eyes.

Am I being too forward or pushy? Ijey asked Ayanna.

Hey! not at all dear its rather cute! am even going to take pointers from you and liven my relationship with the Prince. I think I will do same.

Okay then, let's get the food and go surprise them this afternoon, what do you think? Ijey asked.

Am in! Ayanna replied.

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Sankey was bored out of his mind, he had been sitting in his rickety car waiting for them to come out that way he can then follow them again, if not that this job was paying crazily he would have dumped it long ago but he needed the money for his mothers medical bills.

Following the beautiful Ayanna Martinz everywhere yet being invisible to them was his duty, he made sure to keep a safe distance and took picture when ever necessary, many a time he taught he was caught yet, the lady just looked away. They didn't even stay long at the real estate agents office but there was no annoyance at all, however, Miss Karti Mendez was so sure she will come out fuming.

He placed a call to her, her number was already on speed dial.

Hello Miss! its me.

I know, what do you want now? I told you to get me a video of that woman with her annoyed expression once she came out of that office, don't blow the chance understand?

That is why am calling you, she just stepped out of that old man office and....

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Already? but that was too fast. Karti Mendez screamed.

Yes and there is no annoyance at all on her face, in fact non of them seem angry. Sankey finished.

That damned old fool, what did he do? Sankey make sure to follow them, if they go to that property let me know immediately.

OK Miss Karti I will. Sankey disconnected the line.

Now he is following them to God knows where, and he is so hungry ah! as the sharp guy he is, he knows that this is some obsessive love play by his banker Karti, only some one with a twisted mind like hers will be following the woman of her love interest up and down like this, to what end? he has not the slightest idea but one thing was for certain this won't end nicely, he hope to be out of here by the time the messy details will come crashing.

Soon enough their car pulled up at a Chinese restaurant and they all went in, he was happy, at least he can get himself something fast to eat better still he will rather take it to his car and eat there. What if he started eating and those people just got up and left? no take away will do. Sankey taught to himself.

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After placing their others they went and sat down for their package food to come, then Ayanna saw him again, well she had been seeing him for a while now, but what she didn't know is why someone would follow her everywhere like this? is it grandfather? would ...would he be so paranoid to send some one to do something like this?...or is it some of the enemies back home? tsk! I will confront this man myself today, what could be his motive for following me like this? she stood up.

Hey! babe our food is not yet here where are you going? Ijey asked.

I think I saw someone I know let me check him out, she answered.

Oh! okay then! I .....huh! Ayanna has already hurried to the opposite counter where snacks were, there several people was making their purchase. Does she want snacks? why not say so? see her on the queue.

Ayanna stood in line like she wanted to also get something, till it came to a man that was wearing a cotton trouser and long sleeves there was no outstanding qualities to this guy except for one so young for he can not be more than a day older than 25 years his hair line was already thinning.

The man ordered half portion of roasted lamb ribs and some pork chops packed separately, he was a bit nervous when he saw the beautiful miss Ayanna come his way he taught he was found out, but she simply joined the queue and his widely beating heart slowed back down.

After he ordered his orange juice and a bottle water and told the service girl that would be all and pulled out his wallet, he heard a voice.

Charge it to my account.

That won't be necessary..... eh?

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