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( Well... I hit it. Just not in the way she expected.) I thought as I cam out of the ashes. I waddled over to a different area with a dummie. ( She wants me to hit it... but how. I can't jump that high... maybe I can breathe fire at it.... worth a shot.) The system chimed / host seeks to use flame breath. Searching memories for possible image for reference. Reference found. A blow torch with a long flame. Imagining he details will help host activate abilities better. System Hope's this was useful to host./ ( Thank you system. I was actually at a bit of a loss) I imagined what I wanted. The long concentrated flame. I Started feeling warmth in my chest and my mouth opened. A long, thin blue flame came out and bathed the dummy in flames. It was so hot that the dummy was reduced to ashes in seconds. / Host has successfully breathed fire. Fire breath lvl 1 has grown to lvl 2. concentration and ability of fire has grown. Fire breath has grown from lvl 2 to 3. Congratulations./ ( Hold on... I just gained two levels from breathing fire... this makes no sense.) / host's image has permanized on your thought process. This has increased the efficiency of fire breathing and made it faster hence why host need not be confused./

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(oh... that's nice) I turned to look at Sam to see what she thought. She just stood there in slight shock. "Those were the hottest flames I've ever felt. What are you?" I just shrugged and waddled into the hot ashes. cause the air was cold and all I wanted was to be warm. " Hey! We're not done yet. You still have lots to do. Next we need to train your speed." At the thought of speed training all I could think of was running and some of the old Chinese spoof training videos. People hopping between posts and doing parkour. ( I might die from this)

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Sam reached into the ashes with a gloved hand till she found me and hauled me over to a strange machine. It had a glowing yellow crystal at the top. In all reality it looked like a strange tread mill with sand in he middle instead of treads to run on. (This might be fun) It was not....

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I got on the treadmill and Sam pressed the jewel and a strange lever. " We'll start you off on the novice level. Hopefully you'll get used to it quickly." The sand began moving much like a treadmill. Except bumps and hills started forming. As soon as I got over them the flattened and reformed in front of me. My waddle turned into a full on sprint. I didn't care How wierd it looked. I ran with my legs flailing, trying to dodge the mounds that were growing out of the ground. Some were shaped like pillars and others were like walls. The first wall I came across hit me hard enough that I flew off the machine and hit the wall with a smack.

( If this is novice then I don't want to see the hard mode.) I groaned out a small hiss

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