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I started by getting water in my wok and dealing with the ingredients. After the eagle had been de-feathered I pulled it out and put some wood in the hole and lit it. After a decent flame was there I put the wok on it and added pieces of the eagle. I had nearly stripped the eagle clean but the time a pleasant aroma was going through the air. After that I waited till the food was done.

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My supper wasn't as good as the castles but it brought me a sense of satisfaction. Especially my gains. / Host has consume Thunder Eagle. Host has acquired the Rare Passive Skill: Thunder Body lvl 1max. Thunder body allows for host to consume/ absorb energy from electricity in the area and use it. Electric attacks do 40% less damage to host. Host has Acquired active skill Lightning Breath lvl 1. Concentrating energy to form an electric beam takes time. For now host can only use lightning ball. A ball of electricity which can be formed depending on hosts will. Host has acquired sufficient DNA for growth and rare evolution. Host must find a place filled with fire and acquire a lightning stone from any of the following. A Thunder God Tree, Thunder Eagle, Or thunder strangling plant./

After hearing the conditions for evolution I searched through the body of the eagle and found a tiny stone that was bright yellow in it's chest cavity next to its heart. It was about the size of a quarter in diameter and was shaped like a marble. /Host has acquired lightning stone. Host still must find a place filled with fire./ I started thinking. (Where did Sam say she found me... The Burnt Fields.... System... where are the burnt fields located?) It answered / I do not currently know. Host has not been there so I cannot lead you... though host can consume the core and find a place with fire later. System will hold off evolution till all conditions are met./ ( Ok... well. That's good.) I turned back to the wok and devoured the remaining meat. After the ashes of the fire remained I tossed in the remains of the eagle and burnt it till the bones were the only things left.

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The bones looked odd. They were white with blue lines that looked like writing on them. I started knowing on them but I gained no further skills. But I think I got something special.

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/ Lightning Stone enhancement materials acquired. Enhancing the stone host swallowed./

I ate the bones till I was done it all. I heard that ring through my head 5 times. My strength should grow alot once I evolve. I went into the pit that was full of ashes. (I'm tired and I've had a long day.) I settled into the ashes and drifted off to sleep. Unbeknownst to me. I grew a foot in length that night. My horns grew a couple inches and were more majestic looking and my wounds healed leaving behind a couple scars from my fight.

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The next morning I woke a little cramped in my hole. ( I need to stretch. ) I thought as I yawn loudly. I start going out the hole that I use as a door barely managing to squeeze myself through. ( I dug this thing almost 3feet feet wide. I must be getting fat.) I climbed the rest of the way out of my hollow. As I came out I felt as if everything was a little smaller. I looked around and saw my tail. ( Did I grow again?) I checked myself by laying in the soft ground then getting up to see the imprint. I was at least 8 feet long! (How much have I grown?!) I heard a twig snap and swiveled to face it.

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A tall woman with platinum blonde hair slowly stepped out of the bushes. She seemed a little plain. But her saphire blue eyes.... seemed so familiar. Her hands had gloves on them with a symbol I recognized. It was a salamander. A Silver Salamander. One that I had seen in the halls of a certain mansion so many times. Something I had seen so much and often it was engraved on my mind forever. I looked at her slightly pale face. Of course I could remember those eyes. ( Sam....)

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