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The guild building was a let down. I was expecting some grandiose building made of marble stone and filled to the brim with people doing posted quests like the light novels I read. It wasn't. It was a shack filled with holes that needed a cleaning. The roof had a hole in it that was getting patched over and There were floor boards missing. Heck! The person at the counter was an ugly old dude in glasses and a robe with a huge beard. Not some cute chick! I felt cheated. Cheated I tell you!

We went up to the counter, Being careful to avoid the holes in the floor. Sam spoke to the man at the counter.

" I'm here for an adventurers pass." The man opened his eyes a little wider and slowly pulled out a black stone obelisk with a slot at the bottom and a really pointy top.

" Put a drop of blood in and see what comes out." He said in a reedy voice rather dismissively. Sam took her index finger and pricked it on the tip of the stone. A drop of blood fell on the obelisk and was quickly absorbed as red veins went through the stone. It was cool to watch. The stone turned an icy blue then red like lava. After that it turned back to it's black coloring. There was a whistling noise and Dust seemed to get sucked into the slot till I could see a something forming. When it was done Sam pulled out the card. Her eyes twinkled in excitement as she looked at it.

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" That card will record everything that you do over the next year till it needs to be renewed. So do not murder, steal, injure without sufficient cause, or commit any other crimes else they will be recorded on the card and you will be dealt with as sees fit.." He continued. " If you have a familiar or pet they too must be registered here." The man waved at me.

"I assume he's yours."

" I am." I said loudly. The man's eyes slightly bugged out as his head whipped around to look at me. I got on my back legs and reached for the obelisk. He picked up the stone and moved it.

" Not this one. Go to that one." He nodded over in the direction of the wall.

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I got down and walked over to a large obsidian slab that was laying on the floor. It looked like it could hold a horse on it without a problem. I stepped into the middle of it and felt a slight stinging sensation on my feet.

"Ow!" I raised my feet a little like I was dancing some. I could put up with pain. Don't get me wrong. I just dont like to.

The slab turned a dark purple with red streaks through it. The colors started to move to a single point until two little lights came out. One entered the collar I was wearing. The other entered Sam's card.

/ Host has been put under Omniscient Watcher Protocol. Does not hinder or help host. System will leave it alone./

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" Now he is also attached to your card and as such is under the same restrictions. Make sure to handle him well. " The man said as looked at me under his glasses. " Now. How can the guild help you?" He went over and sat in his rocking chair that I hadn't noticed before with his hands woven together.

" We wish for passage to The Western Country. We wish to be undetected and not have royalty looking for us. Is this possible Guild Master?"

My jaw smashed into the floor. " Guild Master! This Old man is the Guild Master!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I pointed at him as I spoke in shock. Sam and the old man ignored me and proceeded with business.

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"Girl I do know a way for you to get to the western continent. But it is not very lady like and I do believe you are a noble. I see the Carnac brooch on your cloak. Lady Samantha." He bowed slightly. "If you wish to voyage to the western shores, you will need a boat. And I know a person who will be leaving in three days time. Meet them at the port by the ship called Dragon Lady. Tell them Vorst sent ya." He passed a small note to Sam and a wink at me.

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We turned to go. Sam got out the door before I did. I once again heard the old man's voice.

Dragon Youngling... Take care of your master. There's many dangers on the waters as there are on the lands. It's best if you stay alert." I turned but the old man was sound asleep in his chair.

" Ignis! You coming!?" Sam called from outside. " Yes!" I shouted back. I quickly left the place with his woods engraved in my mind. It wasn't long till the day of our departure arrived. Sam had a small pack behind her hips that was big enough to carry me in. ( Being the size of a small poodle helps a bit. ) I thought as I got in. He cloak covered me some. "Time for our voyage."

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