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I woke up on the ringing of my phone, the sun was already shinning to the max, indicating it was afternoon .Jumping out of bed I took my phone cheking the callers id to realise it was a call from my brother luo, I picked it up and rushed to the bathroom while connecting the phone.

" Yooo whatsup Luo! "

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"hey Jie I see you're in a good mood guess you slept well,"
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"sure I did,I just woke up and yeah thank your friend for me again for the house, and oooh also thank the 'no talk guy' also. "

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"no talk guy? "Luo asked feeling confused.

"ooooh ,its that friend of yours that dropped me here yesterday, dude I almost thought that he was damb except for that he could hear me. "

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'oooh so you think Wen Lin is damb hehehe '

"Well he is quite social its just that you have not gotten to know him yet, ooooh and yes he will be coming over to take you out for food and also to shop for some stuff, he will also be the one to help you in getting a job so you two have to be friends because you will need him with most of the things.

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"Oooh well okay fine let me freshen up, and thank you Luo, "said with a tinge of sadness in her voice. Hearing that, Luo felt his heart ache and tried t coax his one and only sister, "now look at you, you were so ready to kick the world yesterday and now your all broken up again,where is my 'can show them all' sister go mmmh? and yes you dont have to thank me, we should be the one's thanking you instead.

"Oooh you sweet talker, I'll hang up now before you make me tear up because of your encouraging speech, " said dramatically.

"Ok take care. " @@

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