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"Mmmmh can I just call you Jie if you dont mind 'Oooh well ofcourse you can call me Jie' Well Jie how come I have never seen you before and you can't be new since this party is only for people who have finished campus right? "

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"well am not a person who fancies social gatherings that much I just happen to come since I was personally invited by one of the officials of this party." "Oooh I see well we its good we have something in common I also only came since my cousin's girlfriend is one of the officials, honestly speaking I was dragged here. "

Well the guy is not bad at all but one thing is that he doesn't smile and there is something about him that I just cant explain. He emits such a cold aura that makes anyone close to him stiff.

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We talked about different things before Liu mei showed up at our table.

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"Hey Wen lin where on earth have you been to, do you know just for how long Wen jia has been serching for you we almost thought you had gone back to the hostel. Ooooh my Yiang Jie your here almost thought you would not make it, and seriously you guys are the two most unsociable people in the whole campus and finding you guys here together well its true when they say birds of the same feathers flock together. " Wen lin was certainly not happy on that comment I could see just how cold his eyes were.

"Can you please go if you have nothing more to say"Wen lin brushed her off.

After Lian Mei left to go find her boyfriend "these people just don't know the meaning of sparing one a time of peace do they? hmph!!! Wen lin commented before finishing the last drop of wine that was in his glass. @@

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