Chapter 7 - Teaching Success

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Wang Ya, who had just left the unit, was now walking towards the community gate.

She saw several dogs playing with each other in the community, while their owners chatted enthusiastically.

Inexplicably, this scene reminded Wang Ya of an event from a long time ago.

That day, Wang Ya happened to pass by Chen Qi's community while doing some business. She called her on a whim and ask if Chen Qi was home.

Chen Qi happened to be walking Huidan downstairs, so Wang Ya happily went to her.

Just after entering the community and walking a few steps, Wang Ya saw a group of dog walkers chatting not too far way.

Wang Ya thought that Chen Qi might be there. She carefully looked for Chen Qi in the crowd, but found nothing.

Just when she was about to call to ask where Chen Qi was, Wang Ya happened to see her under a tree, 50 meters away from the crowd.

The woman had her head lowered and seems to be thinking about something, while her dog was sitting next to her. Compared with the liveliness not too far away, they seems to be in a different world.

At this time, a yellow Chinese pastoral dog ran over while wagging his tail. It turned in front of Huidan and carefully sniffed him from time to time.

However, Huidan turned his head to his master. Chen Qi also gently pulled Huidan's leash and walked a few steps away. The big yellow dog did not give up, and continued to 'harass' Huidan.

This scene left a deep impression on Wang Ya's mind. It was the loneliness that Chen Qi always felt.

Although Huidan didn't show too much intelligence today, his action of clinging to Chen Qi was the same as usual.

Although Chen Qi didn't believe that Huidan would stay by her side forever, Wang Ya somehow felt that Huidan, who had become a human, have a chance to be with Chen Qi.

"Oh, do I have to prepare the red envelope in advance?" In the next second, Wang Ya began to laugh at herself for being too impatient.

While Wang Ya was thinking wildly...

Huidan was sitting at home obediently with his hands on his lap, looking like a kindergarten student.

He frowned and wanted to shout, but he didn't dare to. He then felt the pain in a while, making him called out.

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And because his jaw was pinched, he sounded like 'umm~' to Chen Qi.

"Why are you shouting so loudly?" Chen Qi threw the used tissue in the trash can then went to the bathroom to get a wet towel. She then continued and wipe the dry oil stains on Huidan's face.

Chen Qi carefully examined whether there were any traces of oil on Huidan's face, and thought about her friend's advice about using food as temptation.

But considering that Huidan already eaten, is it feasible to tempt him with biscuits now?

Chen Qi put down the wet towel and trotted into the kitchen. She take out the biscuits hidden in the refrigerator and shook the package to Huidan sitting on the sofa.

"Huh", Huidan's ears instantly stood up. He looked at Chen Qi in a flattering manner, performing the tearful act.

"Didn't you just eat dinner?"

"Woof!" Gray Egg called out loudly.

"You will become a pig."

Chen Qi muttered in a low voice, but it didn't escape Huidan's ears. He barked twice in dissatisfaction.

"Did I say something wrong?"

But seeing Huidan's cooperative appearance, Chen Qi felt that it is feasible.

Holding the biscuit and dangling it in front of Huidan's nose, she finally took a bite under Huidan's expectant eyes.

"Woo~~" Huidan protested. His body shrank down. He was about to lie on the ground on all fours when Chen Qi stopped him.

"Hey, don't lie on the ground."

"Huh?" Huidan turned his head curiously.

Chen Qi stuffed the rest of the biscuits into her mouth. She took out another piece and wagged it at the tip of Huidan's nose.

The sweet smell of the biscuits made Huidan stand up on his feet.

"Yes, that's it!" Chen Qi touched Huidan's head and put the biscuit to his mouth.

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"Ow!" Huidan ate the biscuit in his mouth. After eating the sweet biscuit, he licked the corners of his mouth and looked at Chen Qi with bright eyes.

Chen Qi took a few steps back and continued to lure Huidan with the biscuits on her hand.

Huidan stood on the ground and tried to come over, but Chen Qi shook her index finger.

"You can't eat it until you stand up."

Huidan stood in place for a while. He complained anxiously at Chen Qi twice, and finally stood up reluctantly.

"Come here." Chen Qi beckoned and said, "You only need to walk over with your feet."

Hesitating, Huidan took a step.

"That's right! That's it Huidan, you did a great job."

After being encouraged by his master, Huidan suddenly gained confidence and began to take bold steps forward.

Huidan has not yet fully adapted to his current body, so he walks a little crookedly.

But he was able to walked faster and faster in a while. Finally, Huidan excitedly wagged his tail and circled around Chen Qi.

Chen Qi happily patted Huidan's back: "Great, we can go to the community to report tomorrow!"

"Wow." Huidan also echoed, although he just thought that his owner was happy for him.

Sending the biscuit on her hand to Huidan's mouth, Chen Qi fell onto the sofa.

"I'm glad that you finally learned it."

Just as she was sighing, Chen Qi saw Huidan, a tall man who is now 1.8 meters tall, with a child-like expression on his face who had just come into contact with this world. He looked at Chen Qi curiously and in surprised. He then kept walking around the house.

Chen Qi silently laughed at Huidan's lack of knowledge in her heart when suddenly, Huidan rushed into the toilet with a face full of anxiety. He knelt down on the dog toilet that was still in there, and raised one leg.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh——-HUIDAN! STOP!"

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Chen Qi was so scared that she immediately run into the toilet and grabbed on to Huidan's shoulders to stop him desperately.

Gray Egg was overwhelmed by this sudden situation.

Chen Qi had no choice but to explain and demonstrate to Huidan for a long time.

In the end, Chen Qi asked Huidan three times in a row, "Do you know now?"

Although she was still a little worried, Huidan looks like he was about to burst. Chen Qi came out and closed the door.

After waiting patiently for the Huidan to come out, she covered her nose and went into the toilet to press the drain button.

"Whew~ Huidan, didn't I just teach you how to flush the toilet?"

Huidan just rubbed against Chen Qi in a flattery manner.

"You didn't wash your hands and still came to touch me."

Chen Qi grabbed Huidan's hand in disgust and went to wash his hands in the toilet. She then drove Huidan into the guest room that was turned into a utility room and told him to stay inside and don't come out.

She took a change of clothes and went to the toilet to take a bath. When Chen Qi came out, Huidan had already started scratching the door, so she quickly opened the door and let him out.

The moment the door was opened, Huidan wagged his tail excitedly. He wanted to pounce on Chen Qi.

Chen Qi raised her index finger expressionlessly. Huidan stood in place as if his acupoint had been pressed and looked at Chen Qi secretly.

"Don't touch me casually."

After saying that, she yawned and went back to the room.

She beat her waist twice and sighed, "Oh, I'm really exhausted today."

It took almost a day to teach Huidan.

Soon, Chen Qi fell asleep.

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Abandoned in the dark living room, Huidan spontaneously slept on the sofa.

At some point, Huidan found himself running in a dark space.

"Woof! Woof!" He called out to Chen Qi.

Finally, after running for an unknown amount of time, he finally found Chen Qi's figure.

"Come here Huidan!." His master waved to him with a smile.

But suddenly Huidan found his body became stiff, and then began to stretch rapidly.

He looked down and saw that the hair on his body quickly faded, turning into smooth flesh-colored skin. His claws also quickly elongated, and his long nails receded turned into five sticks.

Gray Egg was terrified to see his own changes and could do nothing, so he had to ask his master for help.

However, Chen Qi, who was not far away, lost the smile on his face, and instead became frightened. "Monster! Monster!"

Chen Qi turned around and ran away.

Huidan stood there like he was strike by a lightning.

Early in the morning, Chen Qi yawned and got up from the bed in a daze.

After washing up, she found that Gray Egg was still lying on the sofa.

This lazy bum.

"Huidan, it's time to get up." She called out a few times but Huidan didn't move. Chen Qi grabbed Huidan's arm and about to shake him to wake up, only to find Huidan was staring at the sofa with his eyes open.

"So you're already awake. Get up quickly, we're going to the community today."

Huidan turned around. His eyes were red and it's obvious that he is crying.

"Hui, Huidan, why are you crying?"

Chen Qi felt it was a little strange. This... He was obviously fine before going to bed last night. Why is he crying after a night?

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