Author: The snow of an iceberg MACHINE TRANSLATION

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The cooked fish and soup were poured into a large basin, sprinkled with dried chilli and shallots.

A pot of hot oil was burned and poured on top. Immediately, the kitchen fragrance assailed the nostrils.

Song Yi could smell the fragrance from outside. It was because he had never smelled it before.

Lin Lei opened the door and shouted, “it’s done. Hurry up and help me carry the things. ”

Song Yi stood up from the chair and went to the kitchen to take a look. It turned out that his wife had made a famous Sichuan dish, boiled fish. A basin of red fish meat looked very appetizing.

After arranging the things, he looked at his wife, who was sitting across from him, wiping her sweat with a handkerchief. He felt that something was different about her.

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Her face was obviously thinner and not as round as before, and her skin color was even whiter than before. At a glance, she looked much more beautiful than before.

Song Yi’s observation was clearly more meticulous than the average person’s. Ever since Lin Lei woke up with a fever, she had changed a lot. Not to mention her previous personality, but now, her appearance had changed. Just this Sichuan boiled fish did not seem like something that she should know how to cook. Looking at the thin and thick fish fillets, this knife technique would take years.

However, as long as Lin Lei did not want to talk about it.

He would not press on and wait until she wanted to talk about it.

She would take the initiative to tell him. He believed that he would find out sooner or later.

Lin Lei looked at him sitting at the side and looked at the table. She did not eat with her chopsticks. Her thin lips curled. “Darling, what are you thinking about when you eat? ”

Oh No Speaking in such an intimate tone, he would not notice anything, right? He quickly said, “this is something that a relative once came to my house as a guest to teach me how to make. Have a taste. How does it taste? ”

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After hearing his wife’s words, Song Yi realized that he had lost his composure just now. He immediately picked up a piece of fish and put it into his mouth. The fish meat was smooth and smooth. The spicy taste was very strong, but it was very appetizing.

Song Yi swallowed the fish meat in his mouth He said excitedly, “it’s very delicious. It’s so refreshing. It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten such a delicious dish. ” He picked up another piece of fish and put it into his mouth. He added, “the factory also has Sichuan’s fish. They’ve also made fish before. The food they make isn’t as fragrant as yours. They just eat the spicy taste. ”

Lin Lei looked at the man who was eating happily in front of her. She was very happy in her heart. Women all hoped that when they cooked their own dishes, they would be acknowledged by others, especially by the person they liked.

Seeing that Lin Lei did not eat the fish, Song Yi directly picked up a large pile of fish and placed it in Lin Lei’s bowl.

He picked up the fish head and ate it, afraid that Lin Lei would not be willing to eat it.

Seeing Song Yi’s actions, Lin Lei was very happy. This idiot was very good at taking care of people.

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After eating a bowl of fish, Lin Lei did not want to eat anymore. Looking at Song Yi, she picked out the fish bones and Chili and ate the rest… …

She ate until her head was covered in sweat. The buttons of her clothes had already been unbuttoned because it was too hot. Her eight-pack abs were covered with fine sweat. Lin Lei suddenly felt her face become very hot… …

This man was really a monster!

She really wanted to pounce on him.

She needed to calm down. Lin Lei got up and went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water.

Song Yi could tell what Lin Lei was thinking from her facial expression. He was charming in front of her. He got up and tidied up the table. He took the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen and started washing them.

Lin Lei sat at the side and watched Song Yi’s performance with satisfaction. She knew that the man who took the initiative to work was not bad. “I like to eat. I’ll do it again next time there’s fish. Make more fish. Make some fish balls and meatballs for hot pot! ”

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Song Yi was washing the dishes in the kitchen. Thinking that it was a good thing that he did not hear about the divorce, he insisted on bringing Lin Lei out.

When he received the telegram from home, there was a problem with the production line. After two months, he would return home.

When he returned home, his mother would be crying and crying. His father would sit there and smoke non-stop. His sister would chatter non-stop while his sister-in-law would add from time to time… …

It was a good thing that he persevered. Just like when he ran out to look for a job when he was fifteen years old, he made the right bet.

Lin Lei was very good. She was not as lazy as his mother said, not as greedy as his sister said, and not as edible as his sister-in-law said… …

What he saw was that the house was very clean, and they got along very well with the neighbors, Lin Lei. Song Yi was once again glad that he persevered. If he had heard about the divorce back then, he would not be as happy as he was now… …

Song Yi’s thoughts were not heard by Lin Lei. If she had known, she would have said directly, “can a person with a different soul still be the same as before? ” If he had not worn it, with the temper of his predecessor… … It would be enough for Song Yi to drink a pot of wine …

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