Author: The snow of an iceberg MACHINE TRANSLATION

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The four of them walked for more than an hour.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, the Sun had just risen. Lin Lei took a deep breath and exclaimed that the air here was really fresh. The feeling of not being polluted was very good. In a few more decades, such an environment could not be said to be non-existent, but it was very rare.

Song Yi stopped walking and pointed to the front

“after walking past that hillside, we will reach our destination. Everyone usually hunts there. There aren’t many large animals on the mountain, so it’s safer. That’s why I chose to hunt there. ”

Song Yi thought that if he went up the mountain to hunt alone, he could do whatever he wanted. Now, he brought his wife, Wang Ming, and Chen Bing to try to be safe.

No one objected. They had to pay attention to their safety when hunting. This was a deep mountain, and if they were injured, treatment would be a problem.

Lin Lei went to the place to observe. There weren’t many trees here, and there were traces of animal feces on the ground, which could be clearly seen.

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So the two of them split up and took their own bows and daggers. They didn’t go far and blew their whistles when they encountered danger. This way, it would be easier for everyone to look out for each other.

Song Yi took Lin Lei to the forest on the left, while Wang Ming and the others went to the right.

Song Yi first shot a hare, which looked very fat and weighed seven pounds Lin Lei looked very happy and could cook rabbit meat for dinner.

When they walked to a Bush, Lin Lei instinctively sensed danger and felt like she was being targeted. She reached out and grabbed Song Yi, telling him to quickly stop.

The Bush in the distance shook and then slowly shook more and more.

Song Yi took his homemade bow and Arrow, handed the dagger to Lin Lei, and gestured for Lin Lei to squat down.

The two of them hid themselves, and as the sound grew louder, they could clearly see two large wild boars walking out from the grass.

From their movements, it looked like the sow was in heat, and the boar was trying to mate.

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Animals in heat emitted smells, and they were afraid of being disturbed. If they were disturbed at this time, they would go crazy.

These two adult boars were very large, each weighing nearly 200 Jin. The smell of the sow would attract the boar. Now that there was only one boar, it was hard to imagine what would happen in a while?

Song Yi thought of this and immediately made a very small sound

“I’ll distract them in a while. Run and find Wang Ming and the others, then get them to come back to support us. ”

The wild boar’s attack and running speed was astonishing. One was still fine, but Song Yi didn’t dare guarantee that he would be able to escape unscathed. He wanted Lin Lei to leave first. This was to ensure her safety.

Song Yi thought that he would rather have an accident than anything happen to his wife.

If he really couldn’t avoid it, he could run. Although Lin Lei was strong, this was a wild boar. Wild Boars had big teeth. What If… He could not imagine it anymore …

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Song Yi gestured for Lin Lei to leave first. It was too late if she did not leave now.

Lin Lei shook her head, indicating that she would not leave. If she left and he was left alone, something would definitely happen.

Lin Lei thought that such a large wild boar. If it caught up, even if it did not die, it would be injured. There were not many trees here, so there was no place to hide for a short distance.

Just as Song Yi asked Lin Lei to leave quickly, there was a sound from another part of the grass. Another even larger wild boar had come.

Song Yi was sweating now. The Wild Boar had a keen sense of smell and had discovered Song Yi and the others.

The wild boar was only 10 meters away from them. According to his speed, it would only take him a few seconds to reach them.

Song Yi got up and quickly pushed Lin Lei away. He shouted, “go quickly and call for them. I can deal with them alone. ”

After saying that, Song Yi drew his bow and shot at the wild boar. The wild boar was enraged and charged at Song Yi.

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With a whoosh, only one was hit. The wild boar’s skin was too thick and the Arrow did not go deep. The wild boar that was hit by the Arrow went completely mad.

Song Yi really regretted not bringing his gun. He saw one of the wild boars charging at him and dodged it. He was panting heavily. The other boars had also come over, so he could only lead them in the opposite direction of Lin Lei. He had to protect her safety.

He had only run a few steps when the injured boars rushed over. Three Boars Surrounded Song Yi… …

Song Yi took out his dagger. Just as he was about to fight the boars, a few gunshots were heard.

“Bang Bang Bang! ”

Two boars fell to the ground. The other one wanted to escape.

When it turned around and ran less than two meters, it fell to the ground with a bang. A moment, three wild boars are dead, blood all over the ground, the air is emitting a fishy smell.

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