Author: The snow of an iceberg MACHINE TRANSLATION

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The next day, Lin Lei saw that there was very little rice in the bowl on the dining table. The water in the bowl was indeed more than half of the bowl. She could not help but say,

“Mother’s Rice is so thin that I can’t eat my fill. ”

Tang Shufen threw the pickled vegetable plate on the table

“CAN’T EAT my fill? You’re the only one who can’t eat your fill. How can we eat our fill? Why don’t you do anything at home and only think about eating? Are you a pig? No wonder you’re so fat. My son is unlucky to marry you for eight lifetimes. ”

The words were too harsh. In fact, Song de also said casually that he could not eat his fill

“My child is not full. Tomorrow, you cook more and add more rice to the pot. Isn’t that enough? ”

Lin Lei looked left and right and said,

“WHY DON’T WE SPLIT UP? I’ll cook this food myself. This way, mother-in-law won’t have to worry about me. ”

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She thought to herself, if I don’t eat your rice, you won’t have the right to criticize me.

Tang Shufen looked at her with contempt

“SPLIT UP? Do you have food to eat? Can you farm? What do you know how to do? Do you know how to cook? ”

She was so fat that she definitely wouldn’t work at home. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. She had just entered the house and was already thinking about splitting up. Why didn’t she stuff herself to death!

Lin Lei was so angry that she put the empty bowl on the table

“I can learn things that I don’t know how to do. You can just give me the money Song Yi sent. I can go out and live alone. You don’t have to worry about it. ”

When Tang Shufen heard this, she slammed the table angrily

“Why should I give you the money my son earns? You want to split up after three days. Let me tell you, I don’t agree. If you mention splitting up again, quickly pack up your junk and get lost! ”

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The mother-in-law was so angry that she bared her teeth and brandished her claws. Li Hui, who was at the side, said with a smile like a tiger

“sister-in-law, I don’t want to criticize you. I’ve been in the family for three years, and I haven’t broken up with anyone. Why do you want to split up Other families only split up after losing their elders. It’s impossible for our family to be split up. We’ll be laughed at by the villagers. Don’t you understand “As expected, you’re still too young. You always think of yourself as free and unfettered. If everyone was like you, would you still let the elders in the village live? ”

Lin Lei heard what they said, and in a moment of anger, she flipped the table

“Why? Just because I’m Song Yi’s wife, and because my brother lost everything because he saved Song Yi, this family has to be split up. Without my brother, how could there be Song Yi? Don’t you think about it? I’m your family’s great benefactor. ”

Song de stood up and berated loudly

“second brother’s family, what do you want to do? If this family isn’t divided, I’ll be in charge. It’s not your turn! ”

“Alright, don’t force me. I’m not easy to bully. ” After saying that, he slapped the solid wooden table with one hand, and it actually cracked… …

Lin Lei turned around and went back into the house, leaving everyone dumbstruck. They all stared at the cracked table.

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“You, old man, quickly send a telegram to tell your son to come back. ” Tang Shufen was so angry that she was trembling. Who would have thought that Lin Lei would be so strong that the solid wooden table would crack just like that? It was too scary.

“Even if mother sent a telegram, I might not have a holiday even if I wanted to come back. The factory is very busy. It’s not like you don’t know. ” Song Qian was so scared that she was crying. This sister-in-law was too scary. Last night, her father wanted to let them stay in the same room. She didn’t want to. If sister-in-law went crazy.. Strangling her to death was like playing with her.

“Girl, you’re right. This time, I heard from my son that he’s going to be promoted to deputy factory director. Speaking of which, if it wasn’t for Lin Feng’s help, Song Yi wouldn’t have been able to come back! ” After saying that, Song de sighed. He felt that his family had really married an ancestor to come back Now, he couldn’t send this ancestor back. He was really worried to death.

The fact that Lin Lei had smashed the table without a word frightened the old song family.

“Is there anyone at home? Is Shufen at home? ”

The door was pushed open from the outside. An aunt wearing a black jacket and blue pants came in. It was the neighbor next door, aunt Liu.

When Liu Ying entered and saw that the house was full of wolves, he couldn’t help but sigh

“What’s wrong? Why do you look so awful? I heard your family arguing in the courtyard just now, so I came to take a look. ”

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Lin Lei heard someone coming from the house and suddenly wanted to hear what they had said after she left.

So she quietly opened the door and eavesdropped.

“It’s that second daughter-in-law. She wants to split up and hit the table. Look, the table is broken. ” Tang Shufen touched her chest after she finished speaking and finally calmed down.

“As expected, the rumor is true. Yesterday, my married daughter came home. Her aunt came to my house to play. When we were chatting, I told them that Xiao Yi is marrying Lin cun, called Lin Lei, ” Liu Ying said excitedly.

“guess what my daughter’s aunt said. You’ll never guess. ”

“What did she say? Aunt, you’re going to say it’s so worrying. “. Li Hui anxiously grabbed aunt Liu’s arm with all her strength.

Aunt Liu felt a pain in her arm and quickly pulled her arm out As she rubbed her arm, she said, “Hui, you pinched aunt’s flesh lightly. Her aunt said that Lin Lei’s name was known in her village and several nearby villages. She could eat and fight, and she could eat two Jin of grain in a meal. When she was ten years old, she dared to beat up the village’s old thief, Er Lazi. That er Lazi had been stealing for years. No one caught him, and Lin Lei, a ten-year-old girl, took care of him. Every family in Lin village knows about this.”

Hearing aunt Liu’s words, everyone in the song family couldn’t help but gasp. Lin Lei was really too scary… … Is it too late to return the goods now ? ?

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