Author: The snow of an iceberg MACHINE TRANSLATION

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Lin Lei had made a total of almost 100 dumplings. She felt that it was about time to light the fire and start cooking.

The dumplings with Leek stuffing looked very good when they were first cooked. There was a hint of green in the white, making one feel very appetising at first glance.

She took out the finished Kimchi and placed it on the plate. Lin Lei gently clapped her hands. She felt that she had completed the task and could finally start eating.

She shouted into the room, “Hubby, it’s time to serve the dumplings! ”

Song Yi was not used to it at first, but when he regained his senses, he immediately went in to serve the dumplings. Looking at the white and green dumplings, he felt very appetising. There were also these two plates of pickles. They looked pretty good, and his stomach couldn’t help but make a sound.

Lin Lei, who was behind him, couldn’t help but snicker at this idiot when she heard the sound.

“If you’re hungry, then eat. I’ve eaten some of these before, so try to eat as much as you can. ”

Song Yi didn’t stand on ceremony when he heard what Lin Lei said and started eating.

The leeks were very fresh when paired with the shrimp. When paired with Lin Lei’s pickles, Song Yi couldn’t stop eating.

In the past, Lin Lei had heard her father playing around in her ear.

“Back then, your mother was the one with the best dishes, so I conquered her first. I’ll never forget her beautiful expression when she cooks. ”

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The number of dumplings and dishes on the table kept decreasing.

Only when Song Yi ate the last one did he feel that his stomach could not fit anymore. He looked at the table and saw that he had eaten all of them He realized that his appetite was growing. His wife must have cooked too delicious. Otherwise, how could it grow so fast?

“Wife, I ate all of them. They were too delicious. I ate them all unknowingly. ”

Lin Lei looked at Song Yi’s eating speed. In less than 20 minutes, he had eaten close to 100 dumplings… … He was simply a modern glutton. Back then, she also loved to watch a variety show where the glutton king performed. The Food for ten people only took half an hour to be eaten up .. At that time, her expression was horrified. Unknowingly, she had gone too far… …

“It’s okay, I’ve already said it. I’ve already eaten before, these are for you to eat. I’m very happy that you can finish them. Oh right, are we going out in the afternoon? ”

Song Yi felt that his appetite was growing, for the sake of his stomach. It wasn’t good to be a vegetarian. Later, when he went out, he would have to find someone to kill the three pigs. He would let his wife Cook meat to eat. This way, his appetite might be reduced.

“In the afternoon, let the canteen cart send us out. We have to go shopping. According to the rules, I have to treat you to a meal when I get promoted. ”

Lin Lei calculated in her heart that she didn’t need to buy vegetables or meat. She just needed to go out and buy some ingredients and fish. She didn’t need to spend much money. There was plenty of food in the rice space. No matter how much they could eat and how much they could eat, she had to organize this party well for Song Yi.

“okay, I got it. You lie down first. You don’t need to buy vegetables, rice, meat. You just need to buy some seasoning and fish. ”

Song Yi stood up and tidied up the things on the table and washed them in the kitchen.

Li Jian kept making song e go to the health center to open the door quickly. He was afraid that if outsiders saw it, it would affect him badly. It would be fine if he ate it in his mouth. His figure was not as good as his wife’s. He closed his eyes tightly and did not make a sound. He was no different from a dead fish lying on the bed.

Seeing that it was about time, he got up, put on his clothes, and was about to leave.

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Song e reached out to stop him. After some pestering. He finally agreed to fulfill his promise.

Song e looked at the closed door. Everything that happened today was all because of Lin Lei. She must take revenge.

If only Lin Lei could hear song e’s thoughts at this moment. She would definitely ask loudly, ‘who the F * Ck Do you blame for your own death? ‘?

Song e put on her clothes one by one. She hated Li Jian in her heart. At that time, she had almost pushed him away, but he insisted on taking her. She had to force him to kill Lin Lei. Otherwise, wouldn’t her INNOCENCE BE SACRIFICED IN VAIN?

Lin Lei was very happy that this was her first time going out with Song Yi. In her space, she found a skirt and changed into it.

It was a blue checkered skirt. The fabric was made of thin cotton. It was very soft to the touch, and it was normal. It was just enough to cover the knees and match with a pair of small leather shoes. The top of the hair was tied up and the hair starting from the ears was let down.

When Lin Lei came out of the room, it was as if she was a different person.

It made Song Yi’s eyes light up. His wife was really beautiful. The more he looked at her, the more beautiful she became.

Song Yi looked at the time and brought Lin Lei out at almost one o’clock. The canteen was closed at one o’clock. He had to bring back a lot of things to borrow a car. Without a car, there was no way to bring it back.

“Old Zhao, come out for a while! ” Song Yi shouted into the canteen. If he lowered his voice, it could not be heard from inside. Therefore, he could only shout. Besides, they were friends, so the other party wouldn’t mind.

In less than a minute, a bald, fat man wearing blue clothes and a white apron came out. He smiled and came to their side.

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“I thought someone was calling me! So it’s you, kid! I heard that you’ve been promoted during dinner! I’m here to congratulate you. ”

Song Yi went forward and patted old Zhao’s shoulder. “This is my wife, Lin Lei. ” Then he said to Lin Lei, “this is old Zhao managing the cafeteria. You guys should get to know each other. ”

Old Zhao sized up Lin Lei. Didn’t he hear that Song Yi had married a village wife This outfit was even better looking than the girls in the factory. It seemed that rumors were indeed the scariest thing. He couldn’t keep listening to rumors in the future!

“Song Yi, sister-in-law is not bad looking. You really have good taste! ”

Song Yi’s proud expression was revealed. In his heart, his wife was the most beautiful.

“Old Zhao can use it to pick up the car. I need to go out for a while. Today, I owe you a favor. If there’s anything in the future, you can speak. ”

“Okay, here are the keys. ” Without thinking, Old Zhao handed the keys to Song Yi.

“Then we’ll leave first. ” After saying that, he led Lin Lei to the back of the canteen, where the car was parked.

It was an old-fashioned big truck. It was very old, but it was very clean.

Song Yi’s driving skills were not bad, but Lin Lei did not feel too bumpy.

When they were almost in the city, Yi parked the car by the roadside.

“Wife, get the wild boar out so that we can find someone to kill it in the city. ”

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Lin Lei looked around to see that there was no one around. She got into the trunk and placed the wild boar in the trunk from the space.

The three wild boars seemed to have just died, and their bodies were still warm.

Lin Lei jumped out of the car and nodded to Song Yi, indicating that she was ready before getting into the car.

Song Yi directly drove the car to a small slaughterhouse and agreed with the people that it would cost three yuan to kill a pig.

A pig that had its blood removed and its skin removed would only weigh about 100 jin of meat. The money was sufficient. The pig’s head and feet were cleaned very cleanly.

“Hubby, we need to plan how many people we will treat to a meal. ” Lin Lei looked at the pork that had been prepared and planned to calculate the amount to be used for the night.

“including the leader, there should be around 60 people. ” Song Yi thought for a while and added, “make three meat, two vegetables, and a cold dish. What do you think, wife? ”

“That’s six tables of food. Prepare six fish. Make a braised pork with soy sauce, pork head, fried chives and eggs, and stew an eggplant. I’ll make the pickles for the cold dish. ” Lin Lei quickly decided on the menu.

Song Yi nodded to indicate that it was okay. After the pig was slaughtered, the other party was responsible for sorting and packing it. This saved them a lot of trouble. In short, it was easy to get things done when there was money.

After loading the car, Song Yi drove to the market.

Lin Lei was looking at things in the front while Song Yi followed behind to pay for the things. It was not tiring to work with men and women.

After buying all sorts of things, she spent nearly 50 yuan. Lin Lei lamented that she really could not do without money. She had to find a time to sell the food in her space. Living in poverty was not the life she wanted.

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