Fang Xiyan came to pick up Li Qingzhou to return to Yanjing.

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Fang Xiyan had been investigating information about land in the northern suburbs at Li Qingzhou’s behest while he had been recuperating at the Old Li family house.

But the results of the investigation were the same as those previously received.

–The land in the northern suburbs was a key government development project to be built as a new city in Yanjing.

In the future, some of Yanjing’s economic focus would also be relocated there, which was a very rare and important opportunity for many companies to take advantage of.

The Li family was no exception.

If they seized it, their power, status and wealth would rise to a surprisingly high level.

But the land was excluded from the compensation offered by the Liu family.

This made Fang Xiyan wonder if there was something wrong with the land.

— Or was the land so lucrative that the Liu family wanted to get in on it?

The driver drove the car to the villa that Li Qingzhou had bought in Yanjing.

Fang Xiyan didn’t leave for the moment, but followed Li Qingzhou into the villa’s living room to give his report.

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Among other things, while Li Qingzhou had been recuperating, he had contacted Liu Bohuai’s assistant Zou Ming to set up a date to discuss cooperation.

Fang Xiyan said, “Liu Bohuai will not be present, but his nephew, Liu Xiahui, will be the one to talk to us, at the Jin Xuan Court Hotel in two days’ time.”

“Also, what are you going to do about the land in the northern suburbs?”

Li Qingzhou was currently lying on his back between the sofas with his eyes closed and a thin blanket on his lap. When he heard Fang Xiyan’s words, he opened his eyes and said, “Abandon the bid for the land.”

“You’ve already made up your mind?” Fang Xiyan asked.

He knew exactly how much preparation Li Qingzhou had made in the early stages of the bidding for the land, so was it after careful consideration that he was giving it up now?

Li Qingzhou nodded, “Since the Liu family has explicitly said that land is excluded, they will definitely not help us get a chance to succeed in the bidding.”

“This piece of land is a key project planned by the government, and if there are really any problems, it’s not something we can influence…. “

“The Li family has little chance of securing a successful bid unless they invest a lot of money.”

“But in case something goes wrong…. it will be difficult to pull out of it then.”

Fang Xiyan was persuaded by Li Qingzhou’s words: “In that case, the company’s proposal to bid for land can be shelved.”

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“Have you decided what terms you want to negotiate for the Liu family’s compensation?”

Li Qingzhou: “A…. partnership opportunity comparable to the land.”

After all, no matter which one he chose, his original intention was to use it to give the Li family a firm foothold in Yanjing.


After Fang Xiyan left, Li Qingzhou lay at home alone, relaxed and at ease.

He was completely limp on the sofa, holding a bunch of grapes in his hand and eating them. They were so sweet that his eyes curved into crescent moons.

The plot of land in the northern suburbs was also mentioned in the original book.

This site was indeed a key project to be developed by the government to build Yanjing New Town– a new era city within a city with restaurants, entertainment, etc.

However, due to the country’s original goal of promoting green energy-saving and environmentally friendly development, the Yanjing City Council temporarily changed its decision: the thermal power station that was to be built in Yanjing’s inner district would still be built in Yanjing–on the outskirts of the land, while the New City project was to be relocated elsewhere.

This had an impact on all the companies that had been working hard to get into Yanjing.

The Li family, however, wasn’t one of them.

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In the original book, ‘Li Qingzhou’ didn’t return to Xicheng after he was discharged from the hospital.

Despite repeated orders from Old Master Li, ‘Li Qingzhou’ refused to return, citing the need to deal with the land in the northern suburbs and to contact the Liu family.

‘Li Qingzhou’ first met Liu Xiahui at the Jin Xuan Court Hotel.

This was also the place where the female protagonist Xu Mengning worked after school.

It was the usual routine– the three meet at the Jin Xuan Court Hotel.

The male protagonist and the villain naturally clashed over the female protagonist, and something unpleasant happened.

As a result, the opportunity to negotiate compensation at the Jin Xuan Court Hotel was put on hold.

In fact, the opportunity was not used later.

Because ‘Li Qingzhou’ actively refused– after he learned that Liu Xiahui wanted to court Xu Mengning.

‘Li Qingzhou’s sensitive and strong sense of pride made him not want to be outdone by the male protagonist in this matter.

Especially after being held down by the other.

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After rejecting the Liu family’s offer of compensation, ‘Li Qingzhou’ refocused more on the land in Yanjing’s northern suburbs.

However, given the Liu family’s previous words, he didn’t make every effort to participate in the bidding, secretly leave a way out for himself.

And as expected….

‘Li Qingzhou”s caution prevented the Li family from suffering the slightest loss.

Taking advantage of the situation, ‘Li Qingzhou’ annexed the company that had suffered the greatest loss in the bid for the land, making him the most ruthless newcomer in Yanjing’s wealthy circles.

Thus, the Li family established its roots in Yanjing.

Afterwards, ‘Li Qingzhou’ fought with the original male protagonist Liu Xiahui, expanding his power while provoking the guilt and indebtedness of the female protagonist and imprisoning her freedom on the grounds of his disability…..

In the end, ‘Li Qingzhou’ was defeated and the Li family suffered a significant loss.

The villain’s end– ‘Li Qingzhou’ was flying abroad when his plane crashed….

“Hmph, I’m never going to fly again.”

Li Qingzhou took the last bite with an a-woo, followed by a satisfying grape-flavoured burp.

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