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2023 August 24 My outside expression is different from my inner expression

My outside expression is different from my inner expression

My outside expression is different from my inner expression

August 24, 2023Rose

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Chapter 62.2

Dressed in professional attire, with her hair pulled back, Zhao Yueqing looked competent and full of energy.

Not afraid of Old Zhao, she walked over with a smile. “Grandpa, finding love requires meeting the right person. I can’t just be with anyone.”

“And I’m not in a rush, I can wait another two years.”

She might not be in a rush, but Old Zhao definitely was. “Two years?! That won’t do, that won’t do at all. When am I going to hold my great-grandchildren then?”

“The right person comes from getting to know them. If you don’t date, how would you know who’s right and who is not…..”

It seemed Old Zhao had worried often about his granddaughter’s love life, because he had quite a few words of wisdom to share.

However Zhao Yueqing, being in the legal profession, had her way with words and shut him down point by point.

Finally outmatched, Old Zhao ended up grumbling and not talking to her.

Finding this scene amusing, a hint of a smile appeared on Li Qingzhou’s face.

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And happening to see this, Zhao Yueqing walked over to him, extending her hand. “Mr. Li, I’m sorry for making you laugh at us.”

As she said this, she winked subtly— the intentions of the two elders were clear to both of them.

“I haven’t been back home in a while, and so came to visit my grandfather’s old friend today. This is my first time meeting Mr. Li.”

She had seen Li Hanyu and Li Xusheng a few times before, so they weren’t strangers.

As for this Eldest Young Master of the Li family, she had heard that he had been lost as a child. No, her grandfather had explained the story to her before.

—This Eldest Young Master’s disappearance actually had something to do with his uncle, Li Chengkang and his wife….. who were now both in jail.

In any case, the recent events that had unfolded in the Li family were quite heartbreaking and lamentable.

However, this didn’t prevent Zhao Yueqing from admiring Li Qingzhou.

After all, she owned an AI car produced by the Li Group Corporation, so she was quite familiar with Li Qingzhou’s achievements.

Li Qingzhou reached out to shake her hand briefly, then let go. “Miss Zhao, nice to meet you.”

Old Master Li and Old Zhao exchanged glances, smiling. “You young people should have a lot in common.”

“Today, Old Zhao and Yueqing are having lunch at our place, and since we are neighbors, you two should get to know each other.”

“Yueqing, you’re our guest. Whatever dishes you like, I’ll get the kitchen to….”

Just as Old Master Li was saying this, he suddenly felt a tug on the leg of his trousers.

Lowering his head, he saw that it was Li Xusheng.

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“Shengsheng, what’s wrong?”

Li Xusheng pulled his hand back, pinching his fingertips shyly. “Grandpa, Shengsheng also has a guest coming over…. so can we prepare some more snacks?”

At these words, not only was Old Master Li surprised and puzzled, even Li Qingzhou and Li Hanyu were puzzled as well.

Li Hanyu asked, “Shengsheng, what kind of guests can you have? How come I don’t know?”

Clueless as well, Li Qingzhou waited for his little brother’s answer.

Lifting his small head, Li Xusheng said, “It’s Jun Jun. Last night, I called Jun Jun to tell him that I was coming home, and Jun Jun asked if he could come to Xicheng as a guest.”

He fumbled with his fingers, “I’ve been a guest at Jun Jun’s house, so it’s only polite to return the favor, so I invited him over.”

“Then, he agreed.”

“But Jun Jun told me not to tell big brother and big sister yet, because it’s a surprise.”

Li Qingzhou: “……”

Li Hanyu nodded in understanding, “It turns out it’s like this.”

His lips pursed, Li Qingzhou asked, “Jun Jun is coming….. who’s bringing him here?”

Li Xusheng replied, “Uncle Liu.”

Sure enough!

The tips of Li Qingzhou’s ears suddenly felt itchy.

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Figuring out who it was that was coming over as guests, Old Master Li said as he looked at Zhao Yueqing, “Why don’t we all have lunch together?”

Neither Old Zhao nor Zhao Yueqing had any objections.


Before long, a car pulled up at the entrance of the Old Li family house, then Liu Bohuai and Xia Yijun got out.

The two little friends hugged each other tightly as if they hadn’t seen each other in ages.

Xia Yijun shouted excitedly, “Shengsheng, it’s been such a long time! I missed you so much!”

Li Xusheng was equally happy, “Jun Jun, I missed you too!”

Li Hanyu was both speechless and helpless as she watched this scene.

—Were all kids like this nowadays?! This wasn’t necessary right…. hadn’t they gone to school together and ended class together yesterday? It had only been one night apart.

Li Qingzhou nodded calmly at Liu Bohuai, “Third Master.”

[I, I didn’t run away! This is a normal routine of coming home to visit my family!]

—The little guy in the bubble muttered, then clenched his small hands, sneaking quiet glances at Liu Bohuai, looking ready to hide at the first sign of trouble.

A hint of laughter flashed in Liu Bohuai’s eyes, but then it disappeared quickly.

However just as he was about to say something, he saw a figure approach gradually from behind the mansion’s gate….

Zhao Yueqing walked to Li Qingzhou’s side then said, “Qingzhou, Grandpa Li asked me to check if the guests have arrived.”

Liu Bohuai, whose gaze was concealed partially by his rimless glasses, looked immediately at Li Qingzhou.

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[Anxious! I can’t let Third Master find out that this is the blind date Grandfather wants to introduce me to! En….. I won’t say anything, just let them get to know each other simply.]

—The little guy in the bubble made a fist with one hand, then knocked it down into the palm of his other hand.

Li Qingzhou opened his mouth, “Third Master, this is our neighbor Old Zhao’s granddaughter, Miss Zhao Yueqing. Miss Zhao, this is…..”

Zhao Yueqing smiled, “Hello, Mr. Liu.”

Liu Bohuai twirled the buddhist beads in his hand, nodding with a cold expression, “Hello.”

[Getting to know each other successful, Third Master definitely won’t find out. A neighbor coming over for lunch is very normal.]

—The little guy in the bubble patted his little chest in relief.

They walked towards the Old Mansion.

Li Qingzhou and Liu Bohuai fell a little behind, with Li Hanyu and Zhao Yueqing talking in front.

Meanwhile, Li Xusheng and Xia Yijun, the two little friends, were running hand in hand in the very front.

As they turned a corner though, the figures of the four people ahead were momentarily obscured by the shrubbery, causing them to disappear from sight.

Suddenly, Liu Bohuai reached out to grab the armrest of Li Qingzhou’s wheelchair, bringing him to a stop.

Li Qingzhou looked up in surprise, “Third Master?”

[What’s wrong?]

Leaning down, Liu Bohuai whispered in his ear, “I forgot to ask, has Qingzhou ever been tempted by anyone before? A man or a woman?”

“Or…. even liked me a little bit?”

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