“The number of snake horns is sufficient. We don’t have to waste any more time here according to the plan. We need to arrive at the next campsite before sunset tomorrow, and collect as many medals as possible along the way.” Derrick is a talented leader, more authoritative than Ryan’s mild demeanor, “Fan Lanting, do you know their ambush plan?”

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Fan Lanting shrugged. “I’m a lone ranger. I came over here to try my luck, when I heard they were planning to ambush Ryan at Yiyi lake.”

Derrick frowned, “We’ve been vigilant for nearly a day, but we haven’t even seen a single person. Could they have changed their strategy?”

For example, Avoiding Ryan, so that he won’t get more medals and lose this competition.

It’s very likely.

Harriet diverted her thoughts, “Should I throw Ryan out, let him take a walk outside, catch some fish and come back?”

“No,” objected Ryan. It’s not that he doesn’t want to put in more effort, but it’s simply not practical. The grassland is so vast that it’s impossible to predict where those people are scattered. It’s a waste of time. “I suggest we go to the designated entry point next to Moon Bay, and ambush them near the entrance or along the way. It will be much easier to get the medals than wandering around aimlessly.”

“Go to the vicinity of Moon Bay a day earlier?” Derrick rubbing his chin, he thought that this method is feasible. “But we are definitely not the only team thinking of this method. Be careful then, protect yourselves and trap them at the same time.”

The few of them looked at each other and their eyes revealed a strong fighting spirit. Silently, in tacit understanding, they almost simultaneously removed their badges. The four badges approached each other and collided under Auston’s gaze. A stream of light flashed through the camp color blocks. The embedded chips inside had automatically activated, and now they were a team.

Finally unable to hold back, Fan Lanting asked, “Isn’t this person joining us?” He had not asked the name of Ryan’s partner all day.

Ryan’s eyes flashed with a smile. After holding back for a day, Fan Lanting finally asked, “Auston has a special situation, so he’s not participating in the competition.”


Fan Lanting chewed on the name, smiling. “It’s the same as the general’s name. You’re so lucky to have this honor. Why are you all laughing? I’m not wrong, am I?”

Derrick and Harriet burst out laughing, not bothering to explain. Harriet felt secretly pleased; she finally experienced what it was like to have kept others in the dark about something, it felt great.

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“Hey, hey, hey, stop laughing.” Fan Lanting was aggrieved. It was obvious that his little partners had a secret that he didn’t know about, and he asked to share it. But the truth was already in front of him, and he just didn’t want to believe it.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Ryan, but Ryan’s gaze was not on the three of them at all. His gentle and warm eyes always followed his lover when he was not focused on the mission. Hmm, his lover didn’t have much of a reaction. No, wait, Fan Lanting looked closely and saw that the guy with the same name as the general would occasionally have an uneasy flicker in his eyes. It’s not he wasn’t unresponsive, he just didn’t know how to react.

Why be so hesitant? Just make eye contact!

If you lack experience, watch some videos to learn, and read more of Connor’s novels that are always full of tips for flirting with girls and guys.

Footsteps appeared around them, and the person they had been waiting for finally arrived, but unlike what they had imagined, only one person came. It was Jack Kipling, one of General Dalton’s most powerful mecha warriors. In the military tournament held every three years, his and Derrick’s performance was equally impressive, and they both earned the title of “King of Soldiers”. That year, only ten people in the entire Golden Crusade Legion earned this title.

Jack carried a bulging backpack that was no less impressive than Ryan’s, with a piece of grass in his mouth, walking slowly against the setting sun in the west.

When he approached the group, he looked down at them sitting there, and finally his gaze fell on Ryan. He sneered and said, “Come on, Let’s fight. If you win, everything in my backpack, including the snake horns and badges, and this one of mine, are yours. If you lose, I want you to admit in front of all members of the mecha combat and engineering departments that you are not as good as me, and I won’t ask for your medal. You can continue to participate in the competition.”

Ryan tripped him with a kick and he had been brooding ever since. Word had spread that he was not as good as a rookie in the mecha engineering department, and he felt worthless. He was determined to regain his face.

Ryan stood up, smiled at his teammates and Auston, and walked towards Jack’s provocative eyes, “There are only a few of us here. If you win, it’s just me admitting in person that I’m not as good as you. Who would believe it without seeing it with their own eyes? They might even suspect that you bribed me with money.”

Jack’s face cracked a little with a strategic emphasis and verbal contempt. He gritted his teeth and said, “So what should I do? You’ve been avoiding me every time I asked you to fight. I’m desperate too.”

Ryan said, “Let’s fight in the ring openly and fairly when we get back, and let everyone witness it.”

Jack’s eyes lit up. This was a very good idea. “Okay, it’s a deal!”

“A deal it is.” With that sorted out, Ryan had something else to discuss with Jack. “Let’s be teammates. We’re short of one person.”

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“What?!” Jack suspected he had misheard.

He pointed to the badge on his collar and then to Ryan’s, “You’re mistaken, we’re from different camps.”

“The rules don’t say that different camps can’t team up.”

“That’s true, but…” Jack hesitated, he had challenged Ryan, but now that he was here, things had taken a different turn.

“What’s there to hesitate? Jack, come and touch the badge.” Fan Lanting waved his hand, finally finding someone on the same camp as him so that he wouldn’t stand out too much. “I’m also in the red camp.”

“If you’re a man, be more bold. What’s with all the dilly-dallying?” Harriet yawned and moved faster, hoping to get to the next camping spot to sleep sooner.

Fan Lanting echoed, “Exactly.”

In a moment of absent-mindedness, Jack walked over, “Oh.” Before he figured it out, he had already agreed, and he was at a loss for words.

They touched their badges and the five-person team was finally formed.

The five of them stood in a circle, Harriet gave a creepy smile, and her rose-like beauty became even more stunning. Derrick nodded, thinking that the method suggested earlier was very good. Jack and Fan Lanting looked at each other, feeling fortunate that they got on this boat.

Ryan sighed helplessly, thinking in his mind how to proceed, “Tactically, it’s settled. Let’s not delay any further, we’re leaving now.”

“Ha! Just wait, they won’t make it out of the pit alive,” Harriet gave a sly laugh.

Amid Harriet’s laughter, the group set off for the next camping spot. On the way, Jack looked at the person next to Ryan with suspicion. The figure was familiar, very familiar, to the point where he couldn’t possibly be mistaken… He closed his eyes and quickly calmed down, pretending to casually ask Fan Lanting, “There were already five people, why do they need to add me?”

“Oh, Auston said the situation is special, so we couldn’t form teams,” Fan Lanting shrugged and bluntly criticized, “I think it’s just a ploy to trick people. Now, there are two people from the red camp in the team.”

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“Auston?” Jack felt a chill run down his back.

“Yeah, the same name as the general. It’s pretty amazing, I was startled when I first heard it.”

Jack swallowed hard and looked at Auston’s back. He really wanted to hit Fan Lanting on the head. How could you be so clueless?!

The long-distance run without the aid of equipment is a course that all soldiers, especially close-combat soldiers, must practice. Long-distance running with heavy loads is the best exercise for physical strength, endurance, willpower, and more. The seven-day confrontation tests the soldiers’ abilities in many ways, and the person who persists to the end and wins is the king of the soldiers.

The predetermined camping spot is a small mound, near which is the territory of the Long haired Takin. The Long haired Takin is tall and covered in thick, long hair, with an average weight of about 2 tons and a maximum shoulder height of 4 meters and a weight of up to 3 tons. The Long haired Takin lives in groups, is herbivorous, and has a gentle nature, but once provoked, it will fight to the death. Its two pairs of spiral long horns can easily pierce through the body of the overlord griffin beast on the icy grassland, and no carnivorous animal without eyes would dare provoke the Long haired Takins.

The Long haired Takins, the size of small hills, stand in groups on the grassland, forming one circle after another. They huddle together, surrounding the young children in the herd, jointly resisting the severe cold. From time to time, the mooing sound rises and falls. A group of six people moved quickly and lightly. The alert Long haired Takins watched them pass by indifferently, its long tail swaying slowly, and the mosquitoes on the tail rising and falling were the only active and annoying small creatures in the cold night.

“That Jack, Bring over some dry cow dung”, Harriet made a circle with a few stones, put the collected dried cow dung and hay in it, and could light it up for smudging, driving away the ubiquitous bugs. She waved and drove away the bugs that came flying towards her.

Jack handed over the dried cow dung he had been carrying all the way, looking at his dirty gloves and feeling frustrated. This team was sick, there was no adaptation and adjustment period for accepting new teammates. They were just naturally directing him, as if they had known each other for a long time and were longtime partners.

“Jack, come and help,” Fan Lanting shouted.

Jack’s hands and feet moved involuntarily, and with a dark face, he and Fan Lanting stacked up dead branches and grass to cover up in front of the bonfire, to block the light. There were birds in the sky attracted to the light, and they had to be careful even with the dim light.

A slight gust of wind flowed through, and Ryan and Auston, who had walked around nearby, passed by Jack. Jack looked up and stared at Auston’s back, frowning and raising a small bump on his forehead.

“Don’t stare, friend’s wife must not be violated,” Fan Lanting whispered in Jack’s ear.

Jack glanced at Fan Lanting and laughed in his heart. He was still too young and naive, thinking that there were so many people with the same name and similar physique and momentum in the world.

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“I’ve checked,  there’s no sign of anyone nearby.”

Ryan raised the thing in his hand, “And I found these too, potato roots. Buried in the fire pit, they can add some variety to tomorrow’s breakfast.”

Auston also held two potato roots. Potato roots were a kind of root vegetable that looked similar to sweet potatoes. They were high in starch and had a slightly sweet taste, making them a favorite food for hunters and adventurers entering the Ice grasslands (not everyone could afford nutritional supplements).

“When buried in the heap of cow dung, can we eat them!’ Jack instinctively stopped bickering with Ryan and, feeling a bit remorseful, glanced at Auston and decided to change his tone, “Can we really eat them after burying them in there?”

“Yes, we can. The cow dung won’t have too strong a smell after being smoldered. The surface of the roots is thick, and I checked that they’re intact, so we don’t have to worry about contamination.” Ryan didn’t care at all. He poked the burning cow dung and put the potato roots in. “Oh, one more thing, Jack, the roots will be cooked in about an hour.”

“Oh”, Jack said dejectedly.

He couldn’t understand why he suddenly became nice to Ryan. He couldn’t wrap his head around it.

It was getting late and everyone had been busy all day. Now that they had a safe and comfortable place to rest, they talked about their plans for tomorrow before going to sleep.

The mooing of the cattle was the safest sound tonight, and the faint smoke from the burning cow dung kept the annoying mosquitoes away on this cold winter night. The crimson moonlight shone on everything, and in its glow, packs of hyenas moved around, drawn by the scent of blood, gathering near the lake and digging up piles of two-horned snakes with their sharp front paws. They howled with excitement and began their midnight revelry.

The people who had been watching Ryan also discovered their secret actions and were as excited as a group of children weighing over a hundred pounds each. They imitated the search for snake lair and harvested large amounts of snake horns.

That winter, the two-horned snakes suffered heavy losses.

Translator has something to say:

Ah, What a dense guy Fan Lanting is!!

More actions are coming!!

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