The Long haired Takins huddled together in groups, forming fortresses with their bodies against the cold wind. Their thick fur was covered with sparkling white ice crystals, and frost condensed on their snouts. At the start of a new day, the annoying mosquitoes become active again, buzzing around the tails of the Takins. These mosquitoes were not the same ones as yesterday; they only had a lifespan of a day and a night. They hatched from eggs at dawn, skipping the larval stage and emerging as fully-grown adults, ready to eat and enjoy the brief daylight. At nightfall, they began to search for mates, and at midnight, they laid their eggs…. Life continued in this endless cycle – short-lived, but with a strong will to survive. Even in the icy winds, the mosquito species remained active, much like the Zerg that dominates the universe.

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Taking shelter from the wind is indeed warm and dry, but this is not their destination. Their goal is still far ahead.

Run, warriors, run towards your goal.

A long haired Takin calf, not even as tall as an adult’s knee, stumbled into Ryan’s view, mooing and heading in the opposite direction of the herd.

“Moo moo moo,” it cried anxiously, but the hazy air made it unable to find its way home.

“Moo moo moo.” Mom… dad…

But there was no response from the adults.

With big, wet black eyes, it looked ahead, shaking its head and adjusting its direction from time to time. However, it had chosen the wrong direction, and the further it went, the farther it got from the herd.

If the herd is not found within an hour, the weak and small one will become a cold, stiff corpse and will no longer feel the warmth of the sun or the fragrance of flowers and the sound of birds in the season.

After whispering to Auston, Ryan approached the small calf, saying, “Poor little guy.”

The little calf lifted its head and blinked its big eyes, as if trying to figure out what kind of animal this bipedal creature was, that suddenly appeared in front of it.

“Moo~” The little calf took a tentative step towards Ryan.

Ryan curved his lips and used his hand to attract the calf’s attention, guiding it towards home. “Baby, go home.”

The little cow staggered a few steps and followed Ryan’s guidance.

Ryan remained vigilant and only looked at the strong bulls nearby after leading the little calf to the vicinity of the herd. These titan-like males were very protective of their calves, and Ryan knew that getting too close could easily provoke them. After making sure that the bulls showed no signs of anger, Ryan took a step back and quickly left, retreating two meters before leaving.

“Moo moo moo,” the little cow anxiously called out, seemingly wanting to follow Ryan.

A bull walked out, its hooves larger than a bowl, landing on the ground and turning the ice pellets into powder instantly, with no risk of slipping. The big bull blocked the small calf and drove it into the protective circle of the herd. With the help of Ryan, one little creature was saved from danger.

Auston did not stand still and waited, but followed Ryan closely, ten meters behind him. When Ryan turned around, he saw Auston and smiled brightly at him, “I hope the little calf can grow up safely and smoothly.”

“It will,” Auston said confidently, “It will become a brave warrior on the grassland, just like the person who helped it.”

Ryan’s smile became even brighter, and he could hear Auston’s praise.

“Let’s go!” Derrick reminded them in the distance.

“Coming!” Ryan shouted.

“If you don’t come, then we’ll just go ahead without you,” Harriet teased.

Ryan called out, “Go ah1T/N: Ryan was asking them to leave first!”

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The others actually left, decisively, and went a hundred meters away in a blink of an eye.

“We need to hurry,” Ryan said, taking big strides and approaching Auston.

Auston looked puzzled, “Huh?”

Ryan removed Auston’s mask and pressed his lips onto Auston’s in his perplexed gaze. The moist and warm tongue traced the shape of his lips, moistening the lip line and tentatively probing through the gap. Auston’s hand on Ryan’s waist went from resistance to relaxation, then tightened suddenly. His lips slightly parted, allowing a foreign tongue to slowly enter and find his own tongue, that was trying to evade it. The general who was invincible on the battlefield was retreating step by step in the field of love, and without a good teacher, he was caught by Ryan and had to surrender, gasping for breath intermittently.

Connor, the master of love writing, often communicated with his cousin, guiding the novice in the field of love to grow into an excellent hunter and capture his prey. Obviously, Ryan was a very good student, and his speed of growth made Auston overwhelmed.

After separating and catching their breath, a silver strand connected them, and Ryan licked it with his tongue before it disappeared with a faint “piu” sound.

Despite his growth, Ryan was still an inherently shy and timid young man. He blushed as he watched Auston slowly recover from his daze.

Auston’s face immediately turned cold as he regained his composure. Ignoring the fiery redness on his cheeks, his expression became even colder. He spoke with a panting voice, “Soldier, be aware of your surroundings.”

Ryan stood at attention, his heels together making a faint tapping sound. “Yes, sir.”

Auston: “Soldier, be mindful of your actions and do not cause unnecessary trouble for the competition.”

Ryan replied in a resolute voice, “Yes, sir!”

“You can move now, soldier.” Auston’s voice softened.

“Yes, my general!” Ryan looked at Auston and caught his flustered gaze, his smile becoming even gentler.

They couldn’t delay any longer, they had to catch up with Derrick and the others who had gone ahead. With Ryan and Auston’s strength, they didn’t experience any decrease in speed or slipping as they walked on the grassy field covered in ice beads. However, the sound of crunching ice couldn’t be concealed. In less than twenty minutes, they found the team hiding behind a haystack.

All of them lay on the grass together, and Ryan asked Jack, who was closest to him, what the situation was.

Jack whispered, “There’s someone fishing2T/N: A term refers to “When someone tells a lie / makes a false statement in order to make the other person accidentally admit something about themselves.” up ahead.”

“Which camp?”


Ryan looked at Fan Lanting and Jack. It was time for the two guys from the Red camp to act according to the plan.

Fan Lanting was eager to try, and gave out an excited smile like a Connor fanboy. “Hehehe.”

Jack: “…..” My mouth is so bitter3T/N: idiom for ‘to cause an unpleasant memory’, everyone on this boat(team) is so creative.

But what can he do? People had to do it on the boat. He exchanged a glance with Fan Lanting, made a few gestures with his hands, and silently communicated a few words before crawling out more than ten meters under the gaze of his teammates. He stood up and moved closer to the two running figures.

On this grassland, struggles for supremacy play out at any time and any place, where the victors are kings and the losers are bandits, following the most primitive jungle rules, where bloodshed, killing, escape, and panic are common, and the strong may fail in the gutter, and the weak may have a chance to win. As long as they seize the opportunity, everyone is equal before nature.

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Animals engage in various schemes and conflicts, and humans who invade the Ice grasslands are no exception.

On the vast grassland, two red soldiers are separated and seem weak, so weak that they seem to collapse with a push, and then moan in pain on the ground, clutching their chests.

When the attackers want to take their badges, they pretend to resist. Once they cannot resist anymore, they struggle in pain for a while. After a series of ideological struggles, they will sacrifice others to save themselves.

“Really, I didn’t lie to you. Xiao Ming and I saw it. There were a total of 11 people, all from the auxiliary department, hiding in the grass to avoid the severe cold.” The number eleven was also carefully considered before being reported, so that it would not be too few to be uninteresting or too many to make it impossible to take action.

Xiao Ming added, “I remember there were also close-combat department members among them, but they definitely are not your opponents.” This further relaxed the vigilance of others.

The above is fishing.

Fishing for blue team members who want to get more badges.

Ryan proposed the plan to counter fishing. He collected the experiences of many veterans and had a bold plan brewing in his mind. After the five-person small team was formed during the official competition, he proposed this plan. Other people also contributed to perfecting this plan, making both fishing and counter-fishing run in parallel.

Hehehe, hehehe, the result had proven that the pure and honest Ryan was actually a sesame-filled4T/N: black-bellied; kind and honest on the outside, but sly and manipulative on the inside big dumpling.

Ryan and his group, who were hiding behind the haystack, peeked out and saw Fan Lanting and Jack had already struck up a conversation with the other team. Thanks to the relationship between the same camp and Fan Lanting’s humorous and friendly character, which helped to break the ice, they quickly joined forces.  Soon, the two sides “colluded”, the two fishers led Fan Lanting and Jack back to their hideout.

“We have a total of 18 people, mostly close combat fighters, as well as a few mecha warriors. The two of us came out. I am the command operator of the secondary ship, and she is from the command center of the main ship.” The guy with messy red hair introduced himself and his teammate, while the tall and expressionless woman was in command.

Fan Lanting was very adaptable to his role and said, “Wow, it’s great to have so many people from the same camp together. After the big melee, we were left alone. With so many people in the blue team, they wouldn’t take us in and even bullied us, which made us so angry.”

Xiao Hong5T/N: Hong means Red; I guess it’s the guy with the messy red hair said, “The grasslands are so big, it’s too difficult to go alone. It’s better to team up with others. Let’s go, hurry up and hit the road. Once we arrive at our destination, you can feel the warmth of the organization.”

If these two guys are dishonest, just “kill” them and take their bags. It’s not an easy role to walk here alone, so their backpacks must have a lot of things.

Fan Lanting said, “Great, it’s fantastic to have an organization!”

He nudged Jack with his elbow, telling him not to look like a dead fish on the side, and to quickly provide some acting support for the little team.

Jack felt like everything was wrong with him since he joined this little team. “Ha ha, that’s great.”

“My friend is shy, even though he looks serious and only says a few words, he’s actually really happy inside.”

Xiao Hong looked at Jack and nodded, but it’s unclear if he believed Fan Lanting’s words or not.

Jack : “……”  A set of facial expressions that can conquer the world, but he just doesn’t want to smile6T/N: means that he was experiencing a wide range of facial expressions, but chooses not to smile or show emotion..

On the other side of the haystack, Ryan withdrew his gaze from the distance and said, “They’re starting to move. We’ll leave in twenty minutes.” Fan Lanting and Jack would leave a mark, and they just needed to follow it.

Ten minutes later, those people had already walked far away, and the few people who had been lying down on their stomach and unable to move, finally stood up. Harriet stamped her feet and casually slapped Ryan on the shoulder. “Why didn’t we think of forming teams with people from different camps before? It feels great to deceive people.”

Derrick: “Ahem.”

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Harriet squinted at him. “I already know, you don’t need to cough to remind me. General, you don’t mind me hitting Ryan, do you?”

Derrick: “…” It’s good to have a carefree personality like Harriet’s. So, he also patted Ryan on the shoulder and said, “You’re a great partner. You don’t seem like a newcomer at all. You are more like an old hand7T/N: Experienced person; Veteran who has been in the military camp than us. I’ll learn from you.”

Auston smiled and stood by, not interfering with Ryan and his friends’ bonding.

After innocently being hit twice, Ryan held his shoulder and said, “I probably have a vivid imagination because I have a cousin who writes novels. His name is Connor Smith, so if you want an autograph, just let me know.”

Derrick & Harriet, “…”

Derrick said, “Fan Lanting will definitely fly with excitement when he finds out.”

Ryan blinked and said, “So, in order to let him focus on completing the upcoming tasks, let’s not tell him for now.”

Derrick nodded in agreement, “Agreed.” They had another secret that no one else knew, and it felt even more satisfying.

An 18-member team was hiding in a depression on a grassy field one kilometer away. They braved the severe cold and rested in this natural little “basin” with either closed eyes or chatted in hushed tones, and remained distant from one another. When Fan Lanting and Jack jumped in, they saw their leader – a muscular man with an astounding arm circumference of 90 cm, resembling a mountain of flesh – lying on the grass with his arms crossed, staring blankly at the sky.

“Leader, I brought two new guys,” Xiao Hong, half-squatted next to the leader, pointed to Jack and made a brief introduction, and then whispered, “They seem honest enough, and with the puffy bag, they run steadily and won’t run out of breath. One talks incessantly; Other has a poker face and has only said a few words since we met.” His description was very apt.

“Oh, observe them for ten minutes, if it doesn’t work, we’ll ‘kill’ them,” the leader said indifferently.

Standing a few meters away, Fan Lanting and Jack quickly exchanged glances. With Fan Lanting’s sensitive ears and Jack’s lip-reading skills, they understood the ten-minute agreement.

“Hey,” Xiao Hong quickly responded, turning his head to smile at Jack and Fan Lanting, hoping that they would not be honest so that he could get a share of what was in their bags, hehe.

Xiao Hong stood up and walked over to Jack and Fan Lanting, boldly saying, “I have already spoken good words for you, and the boss agreed to let you stay. Follow me and take a rest.”

Fan Luntin asked, “Why stay in one place instead of going to Moon Bay?”

“We still have nearly twenty hours. We have time to rest. Only by resting well can we venture to Moon Bay.” Xiao Hong said half-truthfully.

Fan Lanting nodded after saying “oh” and followed Xiao Hong to sit down. After sitting down, he and Xiao Hong chatted closely, using his extraordinary conversational skills to trap Xiao Hong into saying more and more, and within ten minutes, he obtained a lot of information and won Xiao Hong’s approval, causing the several people watching them to let down their guard. Xiao Hong regretfully looked at the backpacks that Fan Lanting and Jack had put on the ground, they were so bulging and tempting.

After the ten minutes were up, Fan Lanting and Jack almost simultaneously attacked. They took advantage of the nearby people’s relaxed demeanor and instantly launched an attack. In the blink of an eye, three or four people lost their ability to move, including the two who were fishing just now. Xiao Hong, who was full of thoughts about getting a larger share of the backpack loot, only realized what had happened when it was too late and had become a “corpse”. He howled in frustration, “You cheaters!”

Then, a few more figures appeared and rushed into the crowd like tigers and wolves, causing chaos in the small “basin”. 

It was very easy for the five elite members of the Xingtian ship to deal with a temporary organization of people who were fighting independently and without much coordination. Only a few with higher martial arts skills were a bit difficult to deal with, but it only took a little longer to subdue them.

In the end, only Ryan was still fighting, against the leader of the team he was facing.

“Owen Adam from the Close Combat 2 team has tremendous strength and a very stable foot. After wearing the exoskeleton mecha, his strength is even more amazing. He can lift a Winged Male Beetle all by himself.” After finishing the fight at the “small basin,” Derrick watched the two people fighting and introduced him, “I met him in my first match during the military contest. His muscles are harder than stone, and he stands with a slightly widened horse stance, more stable than a mountain. Even the weakest points such as the throat, temple, occiput, and crotch are difficult to break. We all suspect that his genetic development direction is ‘Golden Bell covered in Iron Cloth’.”

“How did you defeat him?” Fan Lanting asked curiously.

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Derrick didn’t want to recall that experience and refused to speak. But Harriet knew the inside story and mercilessly teased, “Owen couldn’t resist his hunger. After fighting for five hours, Owen couldn’t maintain full defense due to excessive hunger, and Derrick discovered his weakness and defeated him.”

It was a bitter and arduous battle, and even now, Derrick remembers the soreness of his fists hitting Owen’s iron-like muscles.

The others were silent, sighing, thinking about how high their chances of winning would be if they met such a blood bull with such a highly defensive powerhouse.

Auston, who had been observing the entire fight, remained calm as he watched Ryan and Owen locked in combat. He knew of Owen’s feat of lifting a 12-ton male beetle all by himself, but also recognized his glaring weaknesses – lack of agility, poor technique, a rigid mindset, and a tendency to get easily provoked. While these shortcomings could be overcome, Owen’s biggest flaw was his high energy consumption and susceptibility to fatigue. Auston had witnessed Owen’s five-hour bout with Derrick, and knew that he had only been able to last that long because he had eaten six times the amount of food that Derrick could eat before the match….. If Owen had opted for a quick and decisive attack after being well-fed, Derrick might not have emerged as the winner.

In the deepest part of the “Little Basin,” the slender figure of Ryan dodged Owen’s huge fists. After five or six minutes of fighting, Owen became visibly impatient and abandoned his advantage in physique and personal abilities. He chased after Ryan’s agile figure, swinging his sandbag-like fists fiercely. But in Ryan’s eyes, he was too slow. Too slow!

Gululu8T/N: Sound of stomach growling—

Hearing this sound, Ryan understood immediately and looked at Owen with sympathy. A big guy like him needs more calories, and Ryan had calculated the minimum amount of food required for seven days, which was not even enough for one day for someone of his size.

Looks like he’s starving in the Ice grassland.

Ryan mobilized the muscles in his legs, slightly bent his knees, and suddenly jumped up, twisting 180 degrees in the air to avoid Owen’s punch. He then grabbed Owen’s shoulder and used the force to jump up again, landing lightly on Owen’s shoulder like an agile falcon. His right hand formed a fist, and his middle finger knuckle attacked Owen’s temple…

As victory or defeat was at stake, Ryan suddenly bent over like a highly-tense bow, supporting Owen’s shoulder with one hand, and spinning one round in the air. He then landed steadily on the ground. At the moment of landing, he sprinted forward at an extremely fast speed. By the time the figure was clear, he had already knelt on Owen’s back with his right leg, and his knee was pressing against Owen’s vulnerable neck.

Vertebral end. Owen raised his hands high. He had intended to grab Ryan and pounce forward, using his absolute advantage in weight to suppress Ryan’s agility. But unfortunately, Ryan’s reflexes were too fast, and he couldn’t succeed.

In frustration, Owen pounded his fist on the ground and cursed with a rough voice, “Damn it!” He tried to roll to the side and once again vie for the initiative. But he was surprised to find that Ryan was holding his occipital bone, preventing him from exerting any force.

Meanwhile, Ryan formed his right hand into a fist again, and quickly and resolutely attacked Owen’s temple with his middle finger knuckle.

This series of movements happened extremely quickly. From Ryan jumping onto Owen’s shoulders, Owen trying to grab and slam Ryan to the ground, Ryan landing and sprinting forward, all of this took only five minutes. And in those five minutes, the outcome of the duel between the masters was already determined.

Owen was bound to lose.

The spectators’ pupils shrank, especially Jack’s, whose mind was in turmoil. While others praised Ryan’s agility and skill, Jack was amazed at his combat awareness and sensitivity to danger.

Fighting techniques and martial arts can be learned, and endurance, strength, and explosiveness can be trained, but combat awareness and sensitivity to danger can only be developed after experiencing many life-and-death battles. Ryan was truly extraordinary in this regard. Jack suddenly looked at the general, wondering if he knew how strong his partner was. Ryan’s secrets could probably fill several trucks, and this person is far from harmless as he showing on the surface, he is too dangerous.

However, Ryan seemed to have no reservations about his secrets. His fist, which was about one millimeter away from striking Owen’s temple, stopped. He concealed his sharpness and appeared ordinary, like a next-door brother taking out the trash, “There is a starch-rich root plant growing on the Ice grassland. Let me show you how to find it.”

Owen was stunned. He thought he was about to lose and was already dreaming of going back to the ship to eat and drink. But now the man who had targeted his weaknesses actually told him that there was food on the grassland.

Owen: “……” T^T I really wanted to say, “No, please beat me up, take my camp badge, divide up my backpack, and let me go back to eat.

Translator has something to say:

Hahaha….Fan Lanting was an excellent actor; Also I felt pity for these two poor guys- Jack and Owen, who were suffering in Ryan’s hands.

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