Moon Bay is a large canyon running from east to west, but its center is not as simple as walking 90 kilometers east or west. According to geographic surveying, its center is located at 121.2943 degrees east longitude and 31.1430 degrees north latitude in the B612 northern hemisphere. No matter which point of location to they enter, there is no significant advantage. 

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According to Ryan’s calculation, who has done a lot of work beforehand, entering from the 13th entry point is the optimal path. Now they are standing at the center of Moon Bay, seeing a large plastic basket standing in the middle. Ryan suspects that it was moved from the kitchen because he has seen this kind of basket used to carry three or four tons of cauliflower…

In front of the basket, Kage from the Mecha combat team’s second unit stood with his arms crossed. Three meters away from Kage, Sierra, who looked like a porcelain doll that would shatter at any time, sat on the cliff. He didn’t understand the strange looks in Derrick’s eyes, but he felt that the joy on Ryan’s face was very dazzling.

Sierra sneered at Ryan, looking at him with a mocking expression and said to Kage, “Kage, didn’t you say that Ryan couldn’t handle more than ten rounds under your hands?”

Kage, who is half a head taller than Ryan at a height of 1.97 meters, suppressed his irritation and looked at the rumored short and small Ryan. However, Ryan was not small or thin. On the contrary, he was a young man with a well-proportioned and slender figure, probably due to his oriental blood. With his black hair, he appeared younger than his actual age.

Kage and Sierra had been guarding the center of the Moon Bay for more than six days. Sierra’s body could not withstand the low temperatures of the Ice grassland, but he insisted on not leaving the grassland. He wanted to go to the center of the Moon Bay and hear about Ryan’s miserable situation from every person who had been there. When he thought of Ryan being pressed to the ground and defeated countless times, Sierra became mentally excited, and an abnormal blush would appear on his face.

Sierra fell ill before the second sunset of the exhibition match, his body temperature began to rise. He wasn’t a soldier and wasn’t suitable for the harsh climate of the Ice grasslands, let alone Moon Bay.

Sierra urged, “Kage, do it, kill him, kill him!”

“According to the military regulations on the Xingtian Ship, those who kill their comrades will be sent to the military court,” Auston said in a deep voice. He wasn’t trying to help Ryan but warning Sierra not to make a mistake. He didn’t want to see Sierra make one mistake after another, considering they had worked together for six years.

Sierra disdainfully glanced at the soldier holding a bunch of moonlight roses. The color of the flowers was too dazzling. He moved his gaze away in disgust and looked at Ryan, licking his dry lips. His throat was itchy, but he held back from coughing. “It turns out that Ryan has relied on his teammates all the way here. Impressive. Kage, you don’t have to be too harsh. Haha, give him a satisfying death.”

However, Kage didn’t feel as relaxed as Sierra did. His heart sank continuously, and the hot valley bottom couldn’t make him feel warm. He felt a chill on his back. This time, things couldn’t end well. Sierra was a professional who focused solely on restoring and manufacturing mechas, and he didn’t know what it meant for the first team to enter the center.

This means that this team is very strong in terms of team composition, with each member complementing each other’s weaknesses, cooperating seamlessly, overcoming obstacles and prevailing over all challenges. There is definitely no one in this team who is a weak link.

Their backpacks must be filled with a large number of camp badges; it is impossible to have so many if they were hiding in the shadows and taking advantage of others. They must take the initiative to attack and keep moving forward.

In such a team, it is impossible to have a phenomenon of free-ridership. Anyone who slackens off will slow down the team’s pace.

Kage didn’t move for a long time, which aroused Sierra’s displeasure. “Just a newcomer, what’s there to hesitate about? Didn’t you say you love me and are willing to do anything for me? This is the promise you made. Haha, Worried about being tried for killing your fellow comrades? Don’t worry at all. I, Sierra Bromfield, am a disciple of the Master McAryan, a mid-level engineer at the Imperial Research Institute, a master-level mecha engineer of the Empire, and the legitimate descendant of the Bromfield family. Making someone disappear on the Xingtian warship is just a matter of raising my hand, not to mention the military court won’t find you, even Auston wouldn’t dare to say ‘no’.”

Auston’s face sank like water this time. He was no longer just threatening his man, but also challenging the dignity of the entire Xingtian ship and the entire Golden Crusade Legion!

Derrick and the others looked at each other in surprise. Sierra’s tone was really big, did he know who the little soldier standing in front of him was? Speaking such arrogant words, the Xingtian ship doesn’t need such talents at all.

“Go ahead, make him understand who he really is – just a stupid subordinate who is inferior to me in both his mecha and combat abilities.” Sierra’s eyes widened, eagerly watching Kage make a move.


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Ryan smiled, walked out from the team, and politely nodded to Kage with a gentlemanly smile on his face. Having gone through many days of wilderness survival, he looked a little disheveled, but it didn’t affect his calm and confident demeanor in the slightest. Compared to Sierra, whose face was pale, cheeks were abnormally red, lips were dry, eyes were bloodshot, and dark circles were under his eyes, Ryan was far more superior, and was completely incomparable. Realizing this, Sierra stiffened his back with his self-esteem, forcing himself to look better and more excellent than Ryan. After all, he was the direct descendant of the Bromfield family, one of the six major families of the Empire. His ancestors were one of the nine generals who followed Qin Feng Anderson, the emperor. What did Ryan have? He was just a farmer born in the mud.


Ryan didn’t even bother looking at Sierra’s pretentious arrogance, as if a child was calling out for their parents’ support. He made a gesture of invitation and asked for Kage to come over from the basket hoop. If they were going to compete, it had to be in a suitable place where Sierra could see clearly that, in terms of strength, as long as he was willing, he could crush anyone.

Kage’s eyes were obscure and difficult to discern as they looked at Sierra, who was excitedly urging Kage to move forward and kill Ryan, kill Ryan, kill Ryan…

“No, no, no, don’t kill him.” Seeing Kage approaching Ryan, the excited Sierra stopped him from killing, his exceptionally bright eyes showing the impending joy of satisfaction. “Don’t kill him, cripple him, break his spine, destroy his spinal nerves. I want him to forever lie in bed, watching me and Auston live happily together, haha, while he gets nothing and has nothing.”

“Sierra!” This was Auston’s third warning, and three strikes was the final straw. Disappointed, he closed his eyes and when he returned to the Xingtian ship, he would handle things in a fair and impartial manner. Originally, he only intended to terminate Sierra’s external contract with the Xingtian ship, but now he would send Sierra to the arbitrator of the Mecha engineering division. If it weren’t for Sierra’s contributions to the Xingtian ship and to himself, he would have sent Sierra to the military court.

Sierra shouted, “Stupid, dirty, smelly soldier, don’t use your mouth to say my name, you don’t deserve it.”

Fan Lanting, a member of the background quartet1, muttered discontentedly, “Does he always think of soldiers like this?”

Surprisingly, this whisper was actually heard by Sierra and he snorted coldly, “If it weren’t for Auston, would I come to the Xingtian ship that stinks of sweat? It’s full of rude soldiers who have no culture, no interests, low-class, vulgar, and disgusting. Taxpayers pay so much tax just to feed you useless bugs. Only Auston is special, he’s as perfect as an angel.”

“F*ck!” Harriet couldn’t help but curse. Without soldiers like them, who would defend their homeland? The border of the empire is marked with the blood, tears, and sweat of soldiers!

Auston’s gaze towards Sierra had become extremely cold, but Sierra was oblivious and continued urging Kage to act.

“Who the hell is Kage? Why should he listen to a lunatic?” Fan Lanting no longer wanted to say Sierra’s name, feeling disgusted.

Jack said: “Kage and Sierra are from the same star field. Kage thinks it’s fate and wants to pursue Sierra.” However, the proud and cold Sierra doesn’t see ordinary Kage as anything more than a servant he can order around. Jack heard that Kage’s Hornet had some problems, so he tried to reach out to Sierra ten times and considered getting a response once to be lucky. Even so, Kage was thrilled as if he were a boy who had never been in love before, wishing to spin in circles on the spot.

“Oh, fate can be a beautiful beginning. Connor’s ‘Goodbye Again’, ‘Rainbow’, and ‘Apple Orchard’ are all written like this.” Fan Lanting glanced at Sierra, then at the silent Kage. Forget about this pair, they don’t deserve the fancy love of Connor.

As the stage sets2 were talking, the protogonists were not idle at all. After struggling for a while, Kage’s reason was defeated by love, and he made a move, hoping that an unexpected attack could knock down Ryan at once.

Ryan’s lips curved slightly, his actions were very different from the logic of the crowd. He just stood there and watched as Kage’s fist was about to come up.

Auston stared at the two of them, and the stage sets stopped talking. Sierra also watched, his eyes bloodshot and even redder with excitement.

The result of the fight between Kage and Ryan was both expected and unexpected. It was expected that Ryan would definitely win, which was the subconscious thought of everyone except Sierra. The unexpected part was that he only used one move to subdue Kage. Kage was one of the top experts in the mecha combat team, slightly inferior to Jack, but only slightly.

He was actually subdued by Ryan with just one move!

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Derrick, Harriet, Fan Luanting, and Jack all exclaimed, “Hiss.”

Auston’s eyes showed joy, while Sierra was still in shock. The excitement in his eyes abruptly stopped, and he was stunned. He never thought that Kage would lose, let alone lose so quickly. “How is this possible?! Ryan is just a logistical soldier and a new recruit from the mecha engineering department. Kage, bastard, trash, get up and fight back!”

Amid Sierra’s screaming, Kage knelt down in pain, clutching his stomach. Meanwhile, Ryan stood calmly by his side, completely unscathed.

Let’s rewind time by two minutes.

Kage charged towards Ryan, his eyes fixed on his opponent. His brain was running fast and his years of military experience had taught him how to quickly subdue an enemy, where to strike to inflict the most pain, and where to hit to deliver a fatal blow.

As he hesitated between killing or disabling his opponent, Ryan remained calm, casting a shadow of doubt and panic over Kage’s mind.

Why wasn’t Ryan moving? How could he still be smiling? Did he not realize I was about to charge at him? Was he confident or did he realize it was better to give up?

In the end, facts proved that during a fight between experts, there was no room for hesitation or excessive thinking.

Kage didn’t have to hesitate at all. In the moment he approached, Ryan erupted with a powerful and terrifying force, every muscle in his body was instantly mobilized. The brief moment, the rapid movement, appeared in Kage‘s eyes as slow-motion frames. Ryan stepped apart into a bow stance, his right hand clenched into a fist, his right arm pulled back. He suddenly swung his fist and hit Kage‘s soft abdomen heavily.

As it turns out, a powerful attack does not need to consider the location of the strike and it can still deliver a fatal blow to the opponent. Kage felt all his internal organs suddenly contracting, then bouncing back rapidly. Everything inside his body turned upside down. He opened his mouth, and drops of bright red blood fell. His knees lost control and he knelt down on the ground.

Such was the extraordinary self-control and explosive power. No wonder the spectators in the background all made an incredible “hiss.”

Ryan slowly crouched down beside Kage and patted him on the shoulder with his right hand. Kage’s body had an involuntary reaction, and he was so scared that he immediately fell to the ground.

Ryan: “… “ There’s really no need for that.

“As a true soldier, you should fight for the sake of justice in your heart,” Ryan said. “Is it your sense of justice to act on Sierra’s orders?”

Kage groaned as he lay on the ground, but he loved him. On their barren planet (within the Bromfield family’s power range), the outstanding Sierra was their hero. He had never said it, but during his naive youth, he fell in love with Sierra, and only when he saw him in person did that burning love had an outlet.

Ryan shook his head, stood up, and walked towards Sierra. Sierra instinctively wanted to move back, but his strong self-esteem prevented him from running away. Ryan walked steadily to Sierra’s side, his gaze was calm as usual, and there was even a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth, which in Sierra’s eyes was the boast and provocation of a winner.

“Do you think you’re so great just because you won against Kage in terms of combat strength?” Sierra feigned calmness as he sneered, “This only proves that you’re a martial artist who only has strength but no brains, and you’ll never be a match for Auston. For Auston’s sake, you should let go and give him the freedom to be with an excellent person who can not only be his partner in carrier but also help him reach the pinnacle of life.”

“Like you?” Ryan tilted his head and chuckled at Sierra.

Sierra straightened his hair and stood up with his ethereal legs leaning against the cliff. He lifted his chin, as arrogant and lofty as ever, “Yes, it’s me, it can only be me!”

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Ryan found it ridiculous, “On what basis?” Who gave him such strong confidence?

“I am far superior to you in terms of proficiency in mecha restoring and manufacturing,” said Sierra confidently. He had the confidence to back it up, having taken the unbeatable path of being the first in the Empire to enter the Military Academy’s core major in mecha manufacturing and restoring with the highest score, and achieving the rank of third-level mecha engineer before the age of 35, six years ahead of the requirement for the fourth-level exam, thanks to Master McAryan’s recommendation. He became a master at the age of 39… with all these achievements, who could match him in excellence?

Ryan chuckled lightly, “You are indeed excellent, but there should be a limit to pride, you cannot be too self-righteous.”

“What are you trying to do?” Sierra’s tone changed slightly.

Ryan replied: “Teach you how to be a better person.”

In Sierra’s eyes, the gentle young man had become a devil, someone who could strangle him with just a light touch of his hand. His fingers were so defined that he could easily crush his neck with a little force. Although he was only gently resting his hand on him, he felt like he was having difficulty breathing.

Ryan said: “Remember this hand, it’s my hand, Ryan’s hand.”

He suddenly leaned closer to Sierra’s ear and whispered something in a low voice. Sierra’s eyes widened and trembled, his lips quivered slightly and his whole body started to shake.

The background quartet hesitated and looked at General Auston. Come on, General, give us a reaction. The more silent you are, the more explosive it will be. Ryan, you’re done for.

“No, it’s impossible,” Sierra trembled and said, “This is core technology, how could you know?”

The core concept of the neural center of the mecha that Ryan spoke of was only something he saw in his teacher’s notes, and it’s only a tip of the iceberg. He felt that the core technology was vast and mysterious, like the ocean or the universe. For over 700 years, the core technology of mechas has remained unchanged since the birth of the first mecha, and Master McAryan has always wanted to make a breakthrough. He even proposed the concept of a bio-mecha by breaking the structure of the machine, but he only succeeded to a certain extent and never broke through the ideas of Emperor Anderson. According to what Sierra heard from his teacher3, in a sense, Master McAryan failed to surpass his predecessors’ technology.

Ryan has already released his grip on Sierra’s throat, and he took a step back, smiling and saying, “Nothing is impossible. Do you think you can beat me in the field of mechas? No, you’re wrong.” He saw the core concept of the neural center by accident and was inspired to pursue it as his dream, working hard towards it ever since.

Sierra twisted his lips and retorted, “No, it’s impossible. How could you know? What you’re saying is false.” Ryan had only mentioned a little, but Sierra combined it with what he knew and understood that Ryan was right.

Ryan shrugged indifferently, “You can ask your teacher then.”

“No, no, you’re just an idiot. You’re not worthy of Auston.” Sierra didn’t want to admit his failure, his heart was overwhelmed and his most confident area collapsed.

“Shh.” Ryan raised a finger to his lips and chuckled, “You’re an adult now, be more sensible.”

Ryan was just that petty. When Sierra boasted about his excellent skills in operating and restoring mechas, he claimed that only the excellent ones were worthy of Auston, but Ryan thought otherwise. Being excellent wasn’t enough; there was still a level beyond that, and Ryan Smith was the one who occupied that highest level. The only person who could stand beside Auston was him. He was determined to crush Sierra in mecha manufacturing and restoring, and with some time to obtain his certification, he would be just as good as Sierra…no, even better, and he would be stronger and go even further than him.

He wanted to further strike Sierra and completely destroy his feelings for Auston, but after thinking about it, Ryan was not convinced. He was not willing to tell Sierra that the person he wanted to see was right in front of him. 

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Ryan wanted to hide Auston in a beautiful sunroom, making all kinds of delicious food for him, eat a plate of fresh cream strawberries, look at a plate of beautiful ones, and make a basket of various desserts—strawberry daifuku, strawberry yogurt, strawberry mousse cake, strawberry nougat, strawberry milk tea, strawberry jam, strawberry everything…

Auston, holding a bouquet of moonlight roses, walked over and stood side by side with Ryan, who was boiling over with strawberry recipes in his mind. Auston put the rose into Ryan’s arms, and he took off his mask with empty hands in front of Sierra’s puzzled gaze. The iconic smile that meets societal expectations disappeared, revealing coldness and detachment, which is the expression he most wanted to maintain.

Sierra yelled in horror, “No, no, it’s impossible, no, no, no…”

“Sierra, you violated the competition rules and military regulations,” Auston said. “The Xingtian ship will no longer keep you.”

Severely struck, Sierra pleaded, “Auston, don’t do this. If I’m leaving, who will do the maintenance of Code Zero for you? I am the best mecha engineer, no one understands Code Zero better than I do. Don’t drive me away, please stay with me, Okay? You are the light of my life, without you, my life would be too dull and boring. No one speaks to me as gently as you do. What will I do without you?”

Auston shook his head and sighed almost imperceptibly. “Sierra, we’ve talked about this before. I’ve told you that what you love is my appearance, not the real me.”

“Who says, that’s not true!” Sierra vehemently refuted, “Your strength, your perfection, your handsome appearance, your calmness, your invincibility, these are all you, and I love them all.”

“These are just what you see, just what I want to show,” Auston was a strong man, but he also had a weak side, and it’s Ryan who supported his weak and gloomy days.

“No, it’s not true, it’s impossible,” Sierra refused to admit that the person he loved had flaws.

Ryan stopped Auston from saying more and said, “Don’t waste your breath on him. Let’s go.” He was always worried about Auston’s health, even though Auston repeatedly emphasized that the Zerg toxin remaining in his body was only 20% and could be ignored. But Ryan was not reassured and would not let Auston move around unnecessarily to conserve his energy.

Auston looked at Ryan, and the smile that welled up in his eyes drove away his coldness. He nodded, “Hmm.”

Sierra watched Ryan and Auston turn and leave, feeling bewildered and at a loss. He felt like his breath was leaving with the smile in Auston’s eyes.

He stumbled forward, raising his hand to try to grasp his dream, only to find it was so far out of reach. Obviously, before, he felt that he could get it by waving his hand.

Aren’t perfect people supposed to be together…

He felt his feet floating in the air, and his whole body began to fall. He felt his wrist being grabbed and heard Kage’s anxious cry. He woke up from his daze and found himself hanging in a chasm, with an abyss beneath his feet.

Sierra panicked and cried out for help, screaming heart-piercingly for Cage to pull himself up. He struggled to grab Kage’s arm with both hands and crawl up to the ground along his arm. The damn competition, the damn Xingtian ship, the damn Golden Crusade, the damn Ryan, all had disrupted his life.

“Save me!” Sierra cried out in tears.

Translator has something to say: 

Hehe, No one can mess with our Baby Ryan

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